MATH 104 ◊ FALL 2006


Instructor:Ryan BaxterOffice: Schroeder 124

Phone:438 – 7068Hours: 8:00 – 9:00 a.m. daily

E-mail: 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. daily

Other times available

Course Website: by appointment only.

Math Lab Phone: 438 – 3360Math Lab: Schroeder 118

Math Lab Hours:MTWR 9 am – 8 pm & Friday 9 am – 3 pm

Developmental Math Website:

Textbook: Lial, Hornsby & McGinnis. (2004). Intermediate Algebra (9th Ed.). Boston:

Pearson Addison-Wesley.


  • The purpose of this course is to prepare you to take the mathematics courses required in your program of study. This course counts toward a full load and/or financial aid purposes. It does not count toward the 120 hours required for graduation. A grade of CREDIT or NO CREDIT is received, and this course does not affect your GPA.


  • Class will meet FIVE DAYS A WEEK! You are expected to attend all classes and be prepared for discussion of the topic with book, notebook and calculator. Not attending class regularly will negatively affect your grade. The course outline provided is subject to change, and you are responsible for any announcements made in class.
  • A graphing calculator is needed for this class. The TI-83+ is required in MAT 119 and is the one we will use. If you do not have a graphing calculator, you may borrow one of ours for use in class or in the Math Lab. A different type of calculator is fine as long as you know how to use it. Classroom instruction will use the TI-83+.
  • FREETUTORING is available to you during the hours listed above. The tutoring is available in the Math Lab located in Schroeder 118. Become familiar with the Math Lab; you will need to have assignments checked and signed by the tutors throughout the semester.
  • Please turn off cell phones, pagers, PDA’s BEFORE class begins. If you are late to class, please enter quietly.
  • If you work hard on the homework and seek help when you are struggling, you will do well in this course. Please DO NOT HESITATE to come to the Math Lab or see me during office hours for additional help if you do not understand a concept.


  • Exams40%90 – 100%CR
  • Quizzes20%80 – 89% CR
  • Final Exam20%70 – 79% CR
  • In-class activities10%Less than 69%NC
  • Attendance/Worksheets10%

Exams – You will have four in-class tests. The tests will cover the previous two chapters.

Quizzes – You will have 4 – 5 quizzes. Quizzes typically cover one chapter.

In-class activities – You will have four in-class activity days. Unless previously approved by

the instructor, you will not be able to make-up the activity.

Worksheets – Prior to a test or quiz, a worksheet may be assigned. The worksheets will be

checked or collected. Due dates will be announced later. If the worksheets are

late, you will receive a 10% deduction each day it is late.

Attendance – You are expected to attend class. Your participation in class is crucial to your

learning. If you are late to class, it is your responsibility to make sure you are recorded as present. It is your responsibility to obtain any material or announcements you missed. If I receive appropriate documentation, athletic activities and funerals will be considered excused absences.

0, 1, 2 absences = 100% 3,4 = 90%; 5,6 = 80% 7,8 = 70% 9, 10 = 60% >10 = 0%

Final Exam – If you have an 89.5% or higher average after Test 4, you will be exempt from

the final exam and you will receive credit for MAT 104. If you have a 79.5% or

higher after Test 4, you will have the option of taking the Compass exam

instead of the final. You must call the University Testing Office located in 346

Fell Hall at 438-2100. You will need to take your student ID and a

calculator. If you bring me your score before the final exam date that

demonstrates placement into a course above MAT 104, then you will receive

credit for MAT 104. If you have less than a 79.5%, you will be required to take

the final exam.


  • No make-ups will be given for tests and quizzes. However, I understand that

unexpected events such as illness, funerals, etc… will happen. You will be allowed to “drop” one test and one quiz score.

  • If you know you will miss a test or quiz due to an excused absence (i.e. athletic trip, extended illness), you may make arrangements with me at least two days prior to the scheduled date to take the test or quiz early.


  • You are expected to do your own work on all exams, quizzes and assignments. The minimum penalty for cheating will be a zero on the exam or assignment with the possibility of failure of the course. Please read your handbook for consequences.


Be respectful – Attend class on-time and respect your fellow students by listening and

learning from their questions and comments. Respect the classroom and do not leave it a mess.

Be responsible – Bring the necessary materials to class.

Keep up with announcements and assignments made in class. Adequately prepare for tests and quizzes by completing the homework assignments and studying.

Use the resources of the Math Lab! Seek help when you are struggling.

Do your best! – Enough said.


  • To provide quality instruction regarding the content of the course.
  • To provide feedback in a timely manner.
  • To encourage students to perform to the best of their ability.
  • To be available outside of class to provide extra help.
  • To make class interesting and have some fun!

Any student needing to arrange a reasonable accommodation for a documented disability should contact Disability Concerns at 350 Fell Hall, 438-5853 (voice), 438-8620 (TTY).