TITLE: of Topic Group :Bankside and River Pollution

To determine the issues around bankside and river pollution in Hertfordshire and who is responsible for them.
1. Are water pollution andbankside issues such as littering and access, issues for Hertfordshire’s rivers?
2. Are there particular ‘hotspots’ for pollution in Hertfordshire?
3. Whose responsibility is it to deal with the different types of pollution?
For Members to Officers to have a better understanding of pollution in and around rivers in Hertfordshire, and what actions can be taken to address it.
  • Lack of evidence to date of pollution being a notable issue in Hertfordshire
  • HCC has no direct responsibility for pollution and therefore has limited scope to undertake any actions or recommendations that may arise from this scrutiny.

EVIDENCE & [POTENTIAL] WITNESSES: (both in writing and verbally)
Environment Agency / Views on roles and responsibility
Bankside/river incidents / hotspots
British Waterways / Views on roles and responsibility
Bankside/river incidents / hotspots
Responses - Lee Navigation Canal Adoption Scheme (if it exists)
Countryside Management Service (HCC) and / or Groundwork / Work on river corridors with local communities.
(Access to rivers; supporting ‘Friends of’ Groups; supporting Clean Ups)
LeeValleyRegionalPark Authority / Impacts and issues on water amenity
Keep Britain Tidy – Rivercare Programme / Rivercare Programme – Hitchin AWS and EA RiverCare Project
Chilterns AONB / Potential pollution issues in sensitive environments (chalk streams).
Friends of the Mimram
River Beane Restoration Association
VerValley Society / ‘Community’ view of issues around river littering.
Hertfordshire’s District & Borough Councils / Recreation / Highways / Access Officers
TBC – invited to contribute on the day as audience and to submit evidence prior where appropriate
Other groups of interest / TBC – invited to contribute on the day as audience and to submit evidence prior where appropriate
METHOD: One day scrutiny DATE: 3 November 2011
R Shakespeare-Smith (Chairman)
M Cowan
C Woodward
M Muir
J Maddern
Scrutiny Officer: Thomas Cottam, Scrutiny
Lead Officers: Bethan Clemence, Environment Resource Planning
Democratic Services Officer: Nicola Cahill, Democratic Services
HCC Priorities for Action : -how this item helps deliver the Priorities
7. Be a leading council – environmental stewardship
The Authority’s Corporate Plan (2009-12) states:
“We want to preserve Hertfordshire’s high quality built and natural environment, in which many people can walk from their homes into open countryside, ensuring that our residents can continue to enjoy and be proud of their surroundings….”
“We also recognise the importance of broader environmental issues to the county”.
“We lead the stewardship of the county’s environment…”
  1. Provides a critical friend challenge to executive policy makers and decision makers
  2. Enables the voice and concerns of the public to be heard
  3. Is carried out by independent governors who lead and own the scrutiny role
  4. Drives improvement in public services