We, the undersigned, hereby petition the Board of Directors of the Society for a new / to reinstate the Charter for the Section to be known as the
(Institution Name Here)
Section of the Society of Women Engineers
Section Bylaws
We agree to submit the Collegiate Bylaws template for approval to the Bylaws Committee. We agree, if the charter is granted, to abide by the approved Collegiate Section Bylaws of the Society, and to conduct business in accordance with the goals, objectives, and strategic priorities of the Society of Women Engineers
All official SWE activities, including officer terms, must be aligned and compatible with the Society’s fiscal year, July 1 to June 30.
President-elect Date Vice President-elect Date
Secretary-elect Date Treasurer-elect Date
A proposed section must have a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. (The positions of Secretary and Treasurer may be combined into one position of Secretary-Treasurer).
Permanent Section Address
Our permanent Collegiate Section Address (which will not change from year to year) is:
Name Phone
Address Fax
City, State, Zip Email
School Data
______Approx. # of women students enrolled in engineering, technology or related programs
______Approx. # of total students enrolled in engineering, technology or related programs
Collegiate Members of the Proposed Collegiate Section
This form must be signed in blue or black ink by at least 10 Collegiate Members; a minimum of 50% must be women majoring in Engineering or Engineering Technology. At least 8 members must be eligible for Collegiate Membership in the fiscal year following the granting of the charter. Additional charter memberships may be included on a separate paper if this page is filled.
Printed Name (first line)Signature (second line) / Degree
Major / Expected Graduation Date / SWE Membership Number
(For Headquarters Use)
/ T
/ T
/ T
/ T
/ T
/ T
/ T
/ T
/ T
/ T
/ T
/ T
Evidence of Section Sustainability
_____ Provide a list of meetings held in the last 12 months.
Provide at least one of the following:
_____ A list of future meetings/events ______Budget proposal for charter year
_____ Overall proposed strategic plan ______Newsletter articles or publicity flyers
SWE Certification
Society Bylaws require that a Collegiate Section operate with the guidance of a SWE Counselor, who must be a voting member in good standing with the Society. The Counselor is selected by the proposed Collegiate Section, subject to the approval of the SWE Board of Directors, and is considered a non-voting member of the Collegiate Section. The SWE Counselor is responsible to the SWE Board of Directors, through the Collegiate Interests Committee, for the compliance of the Collegiate Section with SWE bylaws and policies. The Counselor should be readily available to the Collegiate Members and should serve as a liaison between the Collegiate Section and the Society. Your Regional Coordinator can help you locate candidates in your area. The SWE Counselor is required to provide a letter of support endorsing the Collegiate Section.
I hereby certify that this group of Collegiate Members has been meeting with intention to establish a collegiate section of SWE. I understand the responsibilities of the office of SWE counselor of this Collegiate Section and will accept them if my appointment is approved by the Board of Directors of the Society. I have also included a letter of recommendation in support of the Collegiate Section.
Counselor-elect Signature Date
Printed Name SWE Grade/Membership Number
Address Work Phone
Home Phone
School Certification
Although SWE does not require a Faculty Advisor, it is good policy to have one – many schools require a Faculty Advisor for each recognized campus organization. The Faculty Advisor is responsible for the compliance of the Collegiate Section with the rules and regulations of the school. The Faculty Advisor should be familiar with the students and the campus, as well as sympathetic to the special needs of the proposed Collegiate Section. The Advisor should be someone who is readily available to the students and who can be a valuable resource for them. If absolutely necessary, and provided all requirements for each position are met, the Faculty Advisor and the Counselor may be the same person. The Faculty Advisor is required to provide a letter of support on school letterhead endorsing the Collegiate Section.
I hereby certify that the Degree and Major shown for each student signing this petition is in accordance with school records and that the date of expected graduation is reasonable. I have also included a letter of recommendation in support of the Collegiate Section.
Advisor-elect Signature Date
Printed Name SWE Grade/Membership Number
Address Work Phone
Home Phone
Additional letters of support (Required for charter approval)
____ From the Dean of Engineering on school letterhead
____ Nearest Member Section President/Regional Director/Members at Large (MAL) organization President (SWE Head Quarters can help you obtain SWE contacts)
Did you remember to…
Fill in your official school nameCheck the applicable Section Bylaws box – and attach revised bylaws if doing so
Have your President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer sign and date the petition
Include a Permanent School Mailing Address and contact information
Include your School Data
Obtain Collegiate Member Signatures, Degree, Major, and expected Graduation Date
Attach a list of meetings held to date
Attach at least one of the following: (all are recommended)
A list of future meetings
Overall proposed strategic plan
Budget proposal for charter year
Published newsletter articles and/or publicity flyers
Obtain SWE Counselor Signature and Contact Information
Attach SWE Counselor Letter of Support
Obtain Faculty Advisor Signature and Contact Information
Attach Faculty Advisor Letter of Support
Attach Dean of Engineering Letter of Support
Attach Letter of Support from one of the following
President of nearest Member Section
Region Governor
MAL Organization President
Keep a complete copy of this package for your files
SWE Approval Summary (For SWE Headquarters)
Proper applications and dues have been received for members.
_____ # of Members eligible for Collegiate Membership in the next fiscal year.
Check that the following requirements have been met.
_____ The counselor is a SWE member in good standing.
Membership requirements are met (at least 10 members, at least 8 eligible for membership
during the next fiscal year, and at least half of the members are women in Engineering, or
Engineering Technology).
This petition names an elected president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer (or sec./treas) who are all members in good standing.
The proposed Section accepts the Standard Collegiate Section Bylaws OR the proposed Bylaws have been approved by the Bylaws Chair and approval is attached. (Strike all but the alternative that is met.)
_____ A List of meetings held to date is attached.
_____ Letter of Support from Proposed SWE Counselor received
_____ Letter of Support from Proposed Faculty Advisor on school letterhead received
_____ Letter of Support from Dean of Engineering on school letterhead received
_____ Letter of Support from nearest Member Section President/Regional Governor/MAL President
At least one of the following is attached:
_____ A list of future meetings/events ______Budget proposal for following year
_____ Overall proposed strategic plan ______Newsletter articles or publicity flyers.
Signature of HQ Membership Supervisor Sign off #1 Date
_____ Original Petition to Charter kept at SWE Headquarters
_____ Scanned copy of complete petition package emailed to the appropriate contact on the Board of Directors (BOD), Collegiate Interest Committee (CIC) Chair, and New Collegiate Section Coordinator (NCSC) with electronic cc’s to the appropriate Region Governor and Regional Collegiate Representative(s).
_____ Email approval of petition received and attached from appropriate contact on the BOD, CIC Chair, and NCSC
_____ Appropriate contact on the BOD presents motion to charter to SWE Board of Directors
_____ BOD approves motion to charter new collegiate section
_____ BOD meeting minutes are attached.
Section number assigned ______
Congratulatory letter sent by______Date ______
Congratulatory letter sent to cc list ______Date ______
Signature of HQ Membership Supervisor Sign off #2 Date
Society of Women Engineers Headquarters, 203 N. LaSalle Street, Suite #1675 rev 03/27/2012 Page 1 of 5
Chicago IL 60601-1267, phone (312) 596-5223, fax (312) 596-5252 Page 1 of 3 Rev. 9/2011