M. Rebecca Anderson, School of Biological Sciences, Illinois State University.

Influence of plant size and population on reproduction in American ginseng

Roger C. Anderson, School of Biological Sciences, Illinois State University.

Changes in flowering stem density and diversity of prairie forbs as influenced by deer browsing and burning

Roger C. Anderson, J. Huhndorf. School of Biological Sciences, Illinois State University.

Comparing historical and current vegetation patterns in a Central Illinois woodland

Roger C. Anderson, School of Biological Sciences, Illinois State University.

Growth and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) colonization of two prairie grasses grown in soil from restorations of three ages

Megan E. Borrowman, Amy McEuen. Biology Department, University of Illinois–Springfield.
The effects of flood pulsing on two wetland plant species: a comparison of native and non-native responses

Diane L. Byers. School of Biological Sciences, Illinois State University.

School of Biological Sciences Behavior, Ecology, Evolution and Systematics (BEES) Section Graduate Education: Sequences and Certificates

Tak Cheung. School of Biological Sciences, Illinois State University.

Past and Present of the School of Biological Sciences

Cody D. Considine, John W. Groninger, Charles M. Ruffner, Sara G. Baer, Matt D. Therrell. Southern Illinois University–Carbondale.

Integrating fire history and stand structure: implications for black oak sand savanna management and restoration

Esther Dubrovsky. School of Biological Sciences, Illinois State University.

Origins of water-borne cues that induce threat-sensitive behavior in a mosquito predator-prey system

Rachel K. Goad, Roger C. Anderson, M. Rebecca Anderson. School of Biological Sciences, Illinois State University.

Seed dispersal and seedling survival in a tropical rainforest emergent tree.

Susan C. Grana, Rachel M. Bowden, Laura A. Vogel, Melissa A. Doellman, Scott K. Sakaluk, Charles F. Thompson. School of Biological Sciences, Illinois State University.

Manipulating male attractiveness and testing allocation hypotheses in the house wren, Troglodytes aedon

Marissa C. J. Grant, Janice M. Coons, Ann E. Claerbout, Henry R. Owen. Department of Biological Sciences, Eastern Illinois University.

Seed biology--friend or foe to the endangered Physaria ludoviciana

Brian Grebliunas. School of Biological Sciences, Illinois State University.

Role of denitrification in wetlands receiving agricultural tile drainage

Adam M. Griffin, Amanda J. Webster, Diane L. Byers. School of Biological Sciences, Illinois State University.

Living in a fragmented landscape: pollinators and the consequences for reproduction in Lobelia spicata

Jamie Herold, School of Biological Sciences, Illinois State University.

Effects of hand removal of second-year garlic mustard

Krista Kirkham, Illinois Chapter of The Nature Conservancy.

Importance of size on the effectiveness of constructed wetlands for retaining tile-drain runoff to reduce nitrate and orthophosphate inputs into agricultural watersheds

Kevin M. Kocot, J. Jannot. School of Biological Sciences, Illinois State University.

Host plant availability and activity patterns among three populations of lubber grasshoppers (Romalea microptera)

Mitchell Lovgren, School of Biological Sciences, Illinois State University.

Context dependent invasion success of rusty crayfish (Orconectes rusticus) in streams

Natalie Mentzer, Department of Environmental Studies, University of Illinois–


A management plan for the reconstructed prairie at the University of Illinois–Springfield

E. G. Murrell, S.A. Juliano. School of Biological Sciences, Illinois State University.

Succession of dipterans in container communities:is the IFC hypothesis supported in an animal community?

Mitchell A. Slater, School of Biological Sciences, Illinois State University.

Impacts of preferential deer herbivory on tree species composition and seedling abundance in an Illinois closed-canopy forest site

William Sluis, Trine University.

Increasing seed density in restoration planting: greater richness or more of the same?

Mickayla Van Hoveln, J. Jannot, S.A. Juliano. School of Biological Sciences, Illinois State University.

Geographic variation in adult body size in an herbivorous insect:testing the role of food processing and relative head size in morphological evolution