This is a copy of information Wind of Changes received by e-mail from the author, after he wasbanned from the GWP Discussion Board for posting it for the attentionof the GWP Member Instrument Keepersfor consideration and debate.

After reading all the stuff recently about Garvey/Bergin, I thought I’d carry out my own investigation into these matters, asking questions about the GW hierarchy, Garvey/Bergin etc., so I too could finally dismiss these stories by so-called ex-members as bunkum, as most Instrument Keepers have managed to do.

I value the little money that I have and so share it sparingly whenever and wherever I can afford to and for what I consider to be just causes, so I needed to know for myself what was going on and not blindly take at face value what other people were telling me. It is something I learnt early in life and this philosophy has served me well over the years.

However, instead of having my questions answered and my doubts erased about the GWP/Garvey & Bergin debate, I discovered from my research that there were in fact many more questions that needed to be asked and answered, and a few disturbing issues also surfaced. Some of these questions I feel are important enough to share and discuss here, as they raise some serious issues about how our public donations are being used, and by whom! And why?

As a result of my investigation and my constant questions to many people, I received information from somebody in the GWP who has had their own concerns about the leaders of this group for some time. I received file copies of the Federal Statements (FS) - or financial accounts - that the GWP have to submit every year by law. These are copies of Form 990, which are, apparently, due to the charitable status of the GWP, openly and readily accessible to the US public.

I can confirm that having personally examined the IRS submissions of the GWP for the years 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002, that the following information is wholly correct, 100% verifiable and does raise some disturbing questions that require the immediate attention of ALL Instrument Keepers.

These forms also confirm that Judy Garvey and Jim Bergin WERE Directors of the GWP, therefore directly involved with them at a high operationallevel. This is contrary to what the GWP are telling us today. This means that the leaders of the GWP have been telling us lies.Why? Does this mean that there is some truth in what Garvey/Bergin are actually saying that the GWP don’t want us to know about?

This shocking disclosure made me look into these records more closely than I had originally planned. I’ll cover more revelations on the B/G issue shortly.

At first, as I was skimming through this plethora of paperwork I noticed that in 2002 the GWP paid (or so they allege) $204,865 to Paul Carreiro, brother of Mary Miller and Joan Carreiro (both Directors of the GWP) for his medical treatment. I was gob-smacked! I checked the FS for 2001 and found that $124,575 was also paid out for the medical treatment of Paul Carreiro.

That is a whopping $329,440 of YOUR money being used to pay for some stranger’s private medical treatment!

Now I hate to see anybody suffer and if these payments are genuine then I wish this guy a speedy recovery. However, I feel very annoyed that people’s donations are being used to help pay for the private medical care of somebody we don’t know and have never heard of. I can only speak personally, but I cannot afford to pay for medical treatment that my family needs and deserves, so I am appalled that my hard earned money is being targeted to help pay for a complete strangers medical treatment when my family need it most – all without my consent and knowledge too.

My eyes were beginning to open. What I noticed, and call me cynical if you like, was that these amounts paid towards ‘medical care’ were just enough to reduce the profits of the GWP down to a level where their charitable status would be preserved. And to a brother of two of the directors too who has nothing himself to do with the GWP!

It was at this point that I decided I would look at these Federal Statements more closely. What I found shocked me to the core. If I were an IK I would have felt cheated, used, sickened, and appalled by what was in front of my eyes. If I wanted to seriously help people and had felt that in the GWP I had found an appropriate outlet, then I would have been sadly mistaken.

What I discovered was that in the Federal Statement made by the GWP they said, ‘the GWP provides food and lodging for research staff and employees’ and that ‘the staff also has access to recreational equipment used in the organizations research process.’ Fair enough you may say, but after what I had already discovered, I decided to look further into these recreational and research pursuits.

In 2002 the GWP spent $50,233 on FOOD! In 1998 it was $63,437! This is more than most people earn in a year to live on, never mind the squandering of this amount of public donated money – your money – just to allow the directors of GWP to eat (and as I later found out, live) like royalty.

I also looked at the ‘research’ expenses submitted by the GWP on this Federal Statement. I found that over $275,000 (2001) of YOUR money had been spent on boats, electronics, music and other purchases which are very hard to consolidate into any meaningful form of research into human energy fields, trauma, energy products etc.

I dug deeper and looked into the property that the GWP own and live in. The address given in these Federal Statements for Mary, Carol, Shelly and John Miller, plus Joan Carreiro and Pamela Ranheim is 118 Piscataqua Road, Durham. What I found was that in the 1998 Statement the GWP, through IK and public donations, bought (or took out a second mortgage on) land and property in Kittery costing $370,000. They also bought land at 118 Piscataqua Road, Durham, and with building improvements, this cost over $550,000, all paid for by people’s kind donations, YOUR donations.

Also, the six main directors, all residing at the above Piscataqua address, gave themselves a 48% increase in salary from 2001 to 2002, each earning $52,839. That is a yearly income for this one household of $317,034, plus they have all their living and recreational expenses paid for too!

The GWP also bought additional land at 114 Piscataqua, Durham for $109,205 and spent $54,040 on vehicles and boats, plus $455,924 on computers and ‘equipment’. In 1999 the GWP not only spent more of your money and public donations on improving property in Kittery and 118 Piscataqua, Durham, but they also bought land and property in Florida for over $321,000. Computers and ‘equipment’ was up from 1998 to $705,858 in 1999, and vehicles and boats up $87,900.

The Federal Statements show that as of 2001/2002, the assets of the GWP, Form 990, Part IV, Line 57: Land, Building, and Equipment, shows the following:

Automobiles/Transportation Equipment - $234,574

Machinery and Equipment - $832,930

Buildings - $1,259,554

Land - $403,997

A grand total of $2,731,055. All paid for courtesy of IK’s and public donations. Yet this may not even be the whole story. Investigations continue.

I also found references to purchases of shares in various companies, such as Milacron Inc. (2750 bought in 2001), again all funded by your donations. Yet in 1998, the GWP sold 25,000 shares in this same company at a loss of $12,878 – again, in my opinion, misappropriation of public money.

I took a more detailed look into all of this. When I looked into the Statements for 1999 more closely under Statement 6, Form 990, Part V, List of Officers, Directors, Trustees and Key Employees I found the names of James Bergin and Judy Garvey listed and named as Directors of the GWP, along with Mary, Carol, Shelly and John Miller, and four others. This flies in the face of what I was reading on the GWP site and the Eye of The Sky site recently after these two people had written their accounts of their time with the GWP; sites where we are being told these people were fringe players and had nothing to do with the inner workings of the GWP!

The honest truth is that it is the GWP leaders who are telling the lies here. Why?

The address given for Garvey/Bergin on the GWP Federal Statement was RRI Box 3215 Blue Hill ME 04614. In the FS for 2000 Judy Garvey is still listed as a Director of the GWP.

I also noticed in these accounts that the GWP had purchased a property at Blue Hill, so Garvey and Bergin did reside near to and, as Directors, were directly involved with the founders and the running of the GWP, contrary to what the GWP have been saying to us all. This (GWP) property, with costs of improvements, equalled an outgoing of $699,145. The GWP then sold this property – according to the IRS Forms – for $410,000 and with sales costs of $25,541, this represents a mind-numbing LOSS of $314,686 of YOUR/PUBLIC MONEY.

If this is true, then it beggars belief that IK’s and public donations could havebeen wasted in this way. Money, given freely by people to help what is being promoted as, and publicly considered to be, a good humanitarian cause. Public money that has been deliberately squandered – and lost - on property and shares at the whim of the directors. Seems we were all wrong about this group after all. And whom did the GWP sell this property to for such as low price? And for why? Who owns this property now? Can anybody find out?

So Bergin and Garvey WERE involved in the inner circle of the GWP after all and were even directors of the GWP! This is so contrary to what has been, and is being, put out on the GWP web sites that it makes me feel sick to the pit that people are being duped and that everybody’s money/donations and trust has been used and abused in this way. I can fully appreciate how some of the longer term IK’s may be feeling after reading this information.

It would appear, and this is only my opinion based on the reports submitted by the GWP, that these people – the directors of the GWP - have been living a life of riley at the expense of gullible people, having everything paid for from their recreation, to their living quarters, boats, cars, food, music - not to mention the $7-10,000 spent on golf per year as per the FS - to their Royal and exquisite eating and entertainment tastes.

I thought this group of people wanted to genuinely help and change the world, but it appears they only desire our donated money (for donated read purchase) to feed their addiction to the high life they have become accustomed to, all courtesy of your kind donations and those of a gullible and desperate public!

In my opinion, based on what I have discovered from the GWP’s own submitted accounts, and after now reading other people’s accounts of this organisation with an open mind, plus a very good gut reaction, I feel ALL the IK’s involved in the GWP have been well and truly duped and sh*t upon. I feel the public are merely being used for their monetary worth.

Additionally, after reading a couple of Mary Carreiro’s books (today she is called Mary Miller), published by Garvey and Bergin, such as those ‘Channelled From the Brotherhood’, I realise now that these people are not in touch with the true spirit world at all, they are channelling information from the astral reality, for the ‘Brotherhood’ is generally considered to be a colloquial term for a group of astral thought-forms masquerading as Spiritual Beings that exist only because of our belief in them and who manipulate our beliefs and play with our consciousness and emotions to suit their own agenda.

Personally, I don’t want anything to do with this group, and neither should any of you by now. I’m shocked and disappointed by how easily people have been duped by these ‘faceless’ people. They appear to play on the goodwill and emotions of genuine people, the IK’s, the general public, expecting them to do the promotional work for them, not to mention playing on the emotional needs of the sick and needy, then they bleed them all dry of donated monies in order they can live like kings and queens.

Seems like nothing has changed throughout history. The peasants do the hard work while the lord and ladies of the manor collect their hard earned money and then have the audacity to bask in their own opulence.

To me, this organisation appears to be a complete con and somebody should report them. It is the IK’s and the general public who are doing the real work here and who are also funding the GWP’s lavish and, what would appear to be, greed-driven lifestyle.

I look forward to hearing what people have to say about the very serious issues raised in this posting.


Steve James (Jimmy)