and articles from other scientific journals



Hronological list of articles

(all the lists are works in progress)


Fatal Anaphylactic Shock occurrence in identical twins following second injection of diphtheria toxoid and pertussis antigen. JAMA June 1946 [6pgs]


Encephalopathy due to Influenza Vaccine.Warren, W.R.Archives of Internal Medicine, 1956; 97:803


Is Universal Vaccination Against Pertussis Always Justified? J. Strom, British Medical Journal, October 22, 1960, p. 1184-1186.


Encephalopathy following Influenza Immunization. Woods, C.A.; Ellison, G.W. J. Pediat., 1964; 65,5:745-8


Peripheral neuropathy following tetanus toxoid administration.Blumstein GI, et al. JAMA. 1966 Nov 28;198(9):1030-1


  • Multiple Sclerosis and Vaccinations. Miller, H.; Cendrowski, W.; Schapira, K. BMJ 1967;April 22: 210-3
  • Unusual reactions to tetanus toxoid.Fardon DF. JAMA. 1967 Jan 9;199(2):125-6.
  • Excessive use of tetanus toxoid boosters.Edsall G, et al. JAMA. 1967 Oct 2;202(1):111-3.
  • Side Reaction to Measles Vaccination Suggesting the Arthus Phenomenon.F. Buser. NEJM, 277(5), 1967, p. 250-251.
  • Delayed Dermal Hypersensitivity Following Killed Measles Vaccine.Lennon & P. Isaacson. Journal of Pediatrics, 71(4), 1967, R.G. p. 525-529.


  • Malignant Tumors as a Late Complication of Vaccination, Arch Derm Vol 98, 1968 [4pgs]
  • Allergic reactions to tetanus toxoid.Steigman A. J Pediatr. 1968 Oct;73(4):648-9.
  • Abuse of tetanus toxoid.Steigman AJ. J Pediatr. 1968 May;72(5):753-4.


  • Side effects of tetanus toxoid. II. Antigenic materials derived from the constituents of the medium for toxoid preparation. Japanese. Akama K, et al. Nippon Saikingaku Zasshi. 1969 Nov;24(11):595-601.
  • Paralysis of the recurrent laryngeal nerve following a booster injection of tetanus toxoid. German.Eicher W, et al. Munch Med Wochenschr. 1969 Aug 22;111(34):1692-5.
  • Encephalitis after measles vaccination.Barbor PR, et al. Lancet. 1969 Jul 5;2(7610):55-6.
  • Allergic reactions against anti-tetanus toxoid. Italian. Dal Bo S. Folia Allergol (Roma). 1969 Jan-Feb;16(1):63-73.
  • Transient Arthritis after Rubella Vaccination.L.Z. Cooper, et al. American Journal Dis Child, 118, 1969, p. 218-225.


Two Syndromes Following Rubella Immunization.A.W. Kilroy, et al. JAMA, 214(13), 1970, p. 2287-2292.


Accommodation paresis and swallowing paralysis following tetanus toxoid booster inoculation. German.
Harrer G, et al. Wien Med Wochenschr. 1971 Apr 10;121(15):296-7.


  • Mumps vaccine and nerve deafness.Healy CE. Am J Dis Child. 1972 Jun;123(6):612.
  • Atypical measles in children previously immunized with attenuated measles virus vaccines. Cherry JD, et al. Pediatrics. 1972 Nov;50(5):712-7.
  • Atypical measles. Severe illness in recipients of killed measles virus vaccine upon exposure to natural infection. Brodsky AL. JAMA. 1972 Dec 11;222(11):1415-6.
  • Relapsing Encephalomyelitis Following the Use of Influenza Vaccine. Yahr, M.D, et al. Arch Neurol, 1972; Aug, 27:182-3
  • Rubella Vaccine Myecloradiculoneuritis.R.C. Gilmartin, et al. Journal of Pediatrics, 80(3), 1972, p. 406-412.
  • Recurrent Joint Symptoms in Children Vaccinate with HPV-77DK12 Rubella Vaccine.S.L. Spruance, et al. Journal of Pediatrics, 80(3), 1972, 413-417.


  • Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura after influenza vaccination.Brown RC, et al. Br Med J. 1973 May 5;2(861):303.
  • Guillain-Barre syndrome. Occurrence following combined mumps-rubella vaccine.Gunderman JR. Am J Dis Child. 1973 Jun;125(6):834-5.
  • Anaphylactic reaction following injection of tetanus toxoid. German. Ehrengut W, et al. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 1973 Mar 9;98(10):517.
  • Adverse reactions to tetanus toxoid.Rose I. Lancet. 1973 Feb 17;1(7799):380.
  • Hypersensitivity to tetanus toxoid.Facktor MA, et al. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1973 Jul;52(1):1-12.
  • Neurologic Disorders Following Live Measles-Virus Vaccination.P.J. Landrigan & J.J. Witte.JAMA, 223(13), 1973, p. 1459-1462.
  • Hazard of influenza vaccine in neurologic patients. Rabin J. JAMA. 1973 Jul 2;225(1):63-4.
  • Failure of Rubella Herd Immunity During an Epidemic.L.E. Klock & G.S. Rachelefsky. NEJM, 288(2), 1973, p. 69-72.


  • Influenza infections during pregnancy: association with congenital malformations and with subsequent neoplasms in children, and potential hazards of live virus vaccines.MacKenzie JS, et al. Bacteriol Rev. 1974 Dec;38(4):356-70. Review.
  • Letter: Hypersensitivity to tetanus toxoid.Michels MI, et al. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1974 Feb;53(2):118-9.
  • Letter: Acute reaction following injection with tetanus toxoid. German. Fischmeister M. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 1974 Apr 19;99(16):850.
  • Severe Complication of Measles Vaccination. Modern Medicine of Australia, January 7, 1974, p.60.


  • Letter: Diabetes mellitus after mumps vaccination.SinaniotisCA, et al. Arch Dis Child. 1975 Sep;50(9):749-50.
  • Anaphylactic shock due to tetanus toxoid. Hebrew. Chanukoglu A, et al. Harefuah. 1975 Nov 16;89(10):456-7.
  • Is mumps virus an etiologic factor in juvenile diabetes mellitus? Sultz HA, et al. J Pediatr. 1975 Apr;86(4):654-6.


  • Sudden Death Amoung Finnish Conscripts (this deals with vaccines causing death due to damage to heart) British Med J 1976 [3pgs]
  • Tetanus toxoid hypersensitivity.Vellayappan K, et al. J Singapore Paediatr Soc. 1976 Apr;18(1):17-9.
  • Diffuse myelitis associated with rubella vaccination. Holt S, et al. Br Med J 1976 Oct 30;2(6043):1037-8– (This article presents the cases of two women who developed diffuse myelitis shortly after receiving rubella vaccination. Neither patient fully recovered her motor function.)
  • Guillain-Barre syndrome following administration of live measles vaccine.Grose C, et al. Am J Med. 1976 Mar;60(3):441-3.
  • Neurologic diseases following influenza vaccination. German. Saito H, et al. Med Welt. 1976 May 7;27(19):912-4.
  • Paralysis after tetanus prevention. French.Gersbach P, et al. Schweiz Med Wochenschr. 1976 Jan 31;106(5):150-3.
  • Abnormalities of cellular immune response in arthritis induced by rubella vaccination. Chiba Y, et al. J Immunol 1976 Nov;117(5 Pt 1):1684-7– (This study discusses the cases of 15 children who developed arthralgia or arthritis after vaccination with the live attenuated rubella vaccine. All patients showed profound depression of cellular immune response to the rubella virus.)
  • Measles in Adults: An Unforeseen Consequence of Immunization?K.H. Rand, et al. JAMA, 235, 1976, p. 1028-1031.
  • Exaggerated natural measles following attenuated virus immunization. St Geme JW Jr, et al. Pediatrics 1976 Jan;57(1):148-9


  • A case of algodystrophic syndrome of the upper limb following tetanus vaccination. French. Bensasson M, et al. Sem Hop. 1977 Oct 23;53(36):1965-6.
  • Neurological complications after influenza vaccination. German. Ehrengut W, et al. MMW Munch Med Wochenschr. 1977 May 20;119(20):705-10.
  • Late vaccination complications in the prevention of tetanus and rabies. German. Pataky L. Z Gesamte Hyg. 1977 Dec;23(12):917-8.
  • Diffuse myelitis associated with rubella vaccination.Behan PO. Br Med J. 1977 Jan 15;1(6054):166.
  • Unusual neurological complications following tetanus toxoid administration.Schlenska GK. J Neurol. 1977 Jul 20;215(4):299-302.
  • Complications of pertussis immunization. German Lenard HG, et al. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd 1977 Jun;125(6):660-7


  • Neurologic disorders following tetanus vaccination. A case report.Dieckhofer K, et al. Med Welt. 1978 Nov 3;29(44):1710-2.
  • Optic neuritis complicating measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination. Kazarian EL, et al. Am J Ophthalmol 1978 Oct;86(4):544-7
  • Neurologic affections after influenza inoculation. German. Saito H, et al.Nervenarzt. 1978 Feb;49(2):90-6.
  • Anaphylactic reaction following subcutaneous administration of tetanus anatoxin. Russian. Bilyk MA, et al. Klin Med (Mosk). 1978 Sep;56(9):137-8.


  • DTP Vaccination and Sudden Infant Deaths,Tennessee MMWR March 23,1979 [2pgs]
  • Neurological complications following measles vaccination. Allerdist H. Dev Biol Stand 1979;43:259-64
  • Local reactions after repeated tetanus vaccinations. German.Wegmann A, et al. Schweiz Med Wochenschr. 1979 Oct 6;109(38):1409-10.
  • Peripheral neuropathy after administration of tetanus toxoid.Baust W, et al. J Neurol. 1979;222(2):131-33.


  • Fatal Guillain-Barre syndrome after the national influenza immunization program. Keenlyside RA, et al. Neurology 1980 Sep;30(9):929-33
  • Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis after influenza vaccination.Saito H, et al. Arch Neurol. 1980 Sep;37(9):564-6.– (This article reports on the case of a 12-year-old previously healthy boy who developed acute disseminated encephalomyelitis four days after influenza vaccination.)
  • Adverse reactions following tetanus toxoid injection.Mandal GS, et al. J Indian Med Assoc. 1980 Jan 16;74(2):35-7.


  • Neurological complication after vaccination by tetanic anatoxin. Slovak. Farbaky M. Cesk Epidemiol Mikrobiol Imunol. 1981 Jan;30(1):10-2.
  • Recurrent pericarditis: a rare complication of influenza vaccination. Streifler JJ, et al. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed). 1981 Aug 22;283(6290):526-7.
  • Reactivation of vasculitis after influenza vaccination.Cannata J, et al. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed). 1981 Aug 22;283(6290):526.
  • Guillain-Barré syndrome and the 1978-1979 influenza vaccine.Hurwitz ES, et al N Engl J Med 1981;304:1557-61.
  • Unusual reaction to tetanus toxoid.Robinson IG. N Z Med J. 1981 Nov 11;94(695):359.
  • Pneumococcal Vaccine Failures. Two Case Reports and Reviews, C.V. Sumaya, et al., American Journal Dis Children, 135(2), 1981


  • Peripheral neuropathy after multiple tetanus toxoid injections. Reinstein L, et al. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1982 Jul;63(7):332-4 - (This article presents the case of a 33-year-old man who developed severe peripheral neuropathy and segmental demyelination after receiving two tetanus immunizations during a 5-month period. Recovery was only partial. This is the fourteenth such case reported in the literature.
  • Influenza vaccine and dermatomyositis.Winkelmann RK. Lancet. 1982 Aug 28;2(8296):495
  • Bilateral optic nerve atrophy and blindness following swine influenza vaccination.Brown RC, et al. Ann Ophthalmol. 1982 Apr;14(4):398-9.
  • Optic neuritis and myelitis following rubella vaccination.Kline LB, et al. Arch Neurol. 1982 Jul;39(7):443-4.
  • Anaphylactic reaction to tetanus toxoid.Wiseman TL Ann Allergy. 1982 Nov;49(5):308.
  • Guillain-Barré syndrome in the U.S. Army.Roscelli J.D., et al. Arch Neurol 1982;39:21-24.
  • Guillain-Barré Syndrome in the United States, 1979-1980 and 1980-1981.Kaplan JE, et al. JAMA 1982;248:698-700
  • Life-threatening anaphylactic reaction to tetanus toxoid.Zaloga GP, et al. Ann Allergy. 1982 Aug;49(2):107-8.
  • Diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus (DPT) immunization: a potential cause of the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Torch, W.S., 1982. Neurology; 32(4): A169.


  • Neurologic complications of tetanus toxoid.Fenichel GM. Arch Neurol. 1983 Jun;40(6):390.
  • Measles vaccine associated encephalitis in Canada.White F. Lancet. 1983 Sep 17;2(8351):683-4.
  • Neurologic complications of tetanus toxoid.Holliday PL, et al. Arch Neurol. 1983 Oct;40(10):659.
  • Convulsions after measles immunization. Berlin, BS. Lancet 1983 Jun 18;1(8338):1380.
  • Polyradiculoneuritis secondary to immunization with tetanus and diphtheria toxoids.Holliday PL, et al. Arch Neurol. 1983 Jan;40(1):56-7.
  • Reactions to tetanus toxoid.Graham DR. JAMA. 1983 Sep 9;250(10):1273-4.
  • Possible temporal association between diphtheria-tetanus toxoid-pertussis vaccination and sudden infant death syndrome. Baraff LJ, et al. Pediatr Infect Dis 1983 Jan-Feb;2(1):7-11
  • Seizures Following Childhood Immunizations.D.G. Hirtz, et al. Journal of Pediatrics, 102(12), 1983, p. 14-18.


  • Recurrent SeizuresAfter Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis Vaccine Immunization, AJDC Oct 1984 Vol 138[3pgs]
  • Abnormal T- Lymphocyte Subpopulations in Healthy Subjects After Tetanus Booster Immunization New England Journal of Medicine Jan 1984 [2pgs]
  • Abnormal T- Lymphocyte Subpopulations in Healthy Subjects After Tetanus Booster Immunization New England Journal of Medicine Jan 1984 [2pgs]
  • Mumps, mumps vaccination, islet cell antibodies and the first manifestation of diabetes mellitus type I.Otten A, et al. Behring Inst Mitt. 1984 Jul;(75):83-8.
  • Neuralgic amyotrophy after administration of tetanus toxoid.Kiwit JC. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 1984 Mar;47(3):320
  • An epidemiologic and clinical evaluation of Guillain-Barre syndrome reported in association with the administration of swine influenza vaccines.Langmuir AD, et al. Am J Epidemiol. 1984 Jun;119(6):841-79.


  • Sensorineural hearing loss following live measles virus vaccination.Brodsky L, et al. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 1985 Nov;10(2):159-63.
  • Neurologic syndromes as atypical courses of vaccination following preventive influenza A vaccination.Saito H, et al. Z Gesamte Hyg. 1985 Apr;31(4):218-20. German.
  • Herpes zoster following varicella vaccine in a child with acute lymphocytic leukemia.Williams DL, et al. J Pediatr. 1985 Feb;106(2):259-61
  • Diffuse retinopathy following measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination.Marshall GS, et al. Pediatrics. 1985 Dec;76(6):989-91.
  • Postpartum rubella immunization: association with development of prolonged arthritis, neurological sequelae, and chronic rubella viremia. Tingle AJ, et al. J Infect Dis 1985 Sep;152(3):606-12– (This article reports on the cases of six women who developed arthritis in several joints 12 days to three weeks after rubella immunization. Symptoms persisted in all women over a 2- to 7-year period, and were accompanied by acute neurological manifestations such as carpal tunnel syndrome or multiple paresthesiae (feelings of numbness or tingling) in three women and recurrent episodes of blurred vision, paresthesiae, and painful limb syndromes in two women.)


  • Neurologic Complications In Oral Polio Vaccine Recipients, Journal of Ped, June 1986 [4pgs]
  • Thrombocytopenic purpura following varicella-zoster vaccination. Lee SY, et al. Am J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 1986 Spring;8(1):78-80– (This article reports on the case of a child with leukemia who developed acute thrombocytopenia (a blood disorder) 3 weeks after exposure to varicella-zoster vaccine.)
  • Islet cell antibodies and the development of diabetes mellitus in relation to mumps infection and mumps vaccination.Helmke K, et al. Diabetologia. 1986 Jan;29(1):30-3.
  • Systemic reactions during cutaneous testing for tetanus toxoid hypersensitivity.Mansfield LE, et al. Ann Allergy. 1986 Aug;57(2):135-7.
  • Outbreak of Paralytic Poliomyelitis in Finland: Widespread Circulation of Antigenically Altered Poliovirus Type 3 in a Vaccinated Population, T. Hovi, et al., Lancet, 1(8495), June 21, 1986, p. 1427-1432.
  • Characteristics of diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus (DPT) postvaccinal deaths and DPT-caused Sudden Infant Deaths Syndrome (SIDS): a review. Torch, W.C., 1986. Neurology (suppl 1); 36: 148.
  • Injections and poliomyelitis: what are the risks of vaccine associated paralysis? Wyatt HV. Dev Biol Stand 1986;65:123-6


  • Guillain-Barre syndrome after vaccination with purified tetanus toxoid. Newton N Jr, et al. South Med J 1987 Aug;80(8):1053-4
  • Asthma and urticaria after hepatitis B vaccination.Lohiya G. West J Med. 1987 Sep;147(3):341.
  • Molecular epidemiology of live, attenuated varicella virus vaccine in children with leukemia and in normal adults. Gelb LD, et al. J Infect Dis 1987 Apr;155(4):633-40– (This article notes that rashes occurring during the initial six weeks after vaccination are invariably caused by the vaccine virus. Furthermore, true breakthrough varicella (caused by the wild-type virus) can still develop in vaccinated individuals. The authors describe five cases of zoster occurring in vaccinated leukemic children in remission. One case, in which the causative virus was identified as the vaccine strain, occurred 22 months after vaccination, demonstrating the capability of the live, attenuated vaccine virus to remain latent and be reactivated at a later time.)
  • Varicella-like illness caused by live varicella vaccine in children with acute lymphocytic leukemia. Brunell PA, et al. Pediatrics 1987 Jun;79(6):922-7– (This article reports on the cases of 5 out of 52 children with acute lymphocytic leukemia in which chickenpox occurred after administration of the live varicella vaccine.)
  • Complications after specific prevention of tetanus. Russian. Korableva NN, et al. Khirurgiia (Mosk). 1987 Jan;(1):90-3.
  • Thrombocytopenia purpura after combined vaccine against measles, mumps, and rubella.Azeemuddin S. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 1987 Jun;26(6):318.
  • Diptheria-Tetanus-Pertussis Immunization and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, A. Walker, American Journal of Public Health, 77(8), 1987, p. 945-951.
  • Measles Outbreak in a Fully Immunized Secondary-School Population. T.L. Gustafson, et al. NEJM, 316(13), 1987, p. 771-774.


  • Erythema multiforme following diphtheria and tetanus toxoid vaccination.Griffith RD, et al. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1988 Oct;19(4):758-9.
  • Polyneuropathies following administration of tetanus toxoid.Grond M, et al. Nervenarzt. 1988 May;59(5):309-12.
  • Myasthenia gravis after general anesthesia and hepatitis B vaccine.Biron P, et al. Arch Intern Med. 1988 Dec;148(12):2685.
  • Acute midbrain syndrome as an adverse reaction to tetanus immunization. Schwarz G, et al. Intensive Care Med 1988;15(1):53-4
  • Unilateral deafness as a complication of the mumps, measles, and rubella vaccination.Nabe-Nielsen J, et al. BMJ. 1988 Aug 13;297(6646):489.
  • Rheumatoid purpura following influenza vaccination.Wattiaux MJ, et al Presse Med. 1988 Apr 9;17(13):649-50. French.
  • Is RA27/3 rubella immunization a cause of chronic fatigue?Allen AD. Med Hypotheses 1988 Nov;27(3):217-20– (This article proposes a possible role of vaccination with the live rubella RA27/3 vaccine strain as a cause of chronic fatigue syndrome. Individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome (mainly women) have high levels of blood antibodies to several common viruses, but only rubella antibodies are positively correlated with the intensity of symptoms. Women are especially susceptible to developing such a condition after exposure to attenuated rubella vaccine. Within 3 years of introduction of the new, morepotent strain of live rubella vaccine (strain RA27/3), cases of chronic fatigue began emerging in the literature. Considering all this, the possible role of rubella vaccination in the etiology of chronic fatigue syndrome should be considered.)
  • Mortality and Morbidity from Invasive Bacterial Infections During a Clinical Trial of Acellular Pertussis Vaccine in Sweden. J. Storsaeter, et al. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 7(9), 1988, p. 637-645.
  • Efficacy of Haemophilus b Polysaccharide Vaccine: An Enigma. E.A. Mortimer. JAMA, 260(10), 1988, p. 1454-1455.
  • Spectrum of disease due to Haemophilus influenzae type b occurring in vaccinated children. Hiner EE, et al. J Infect Dis 1988 Aug;158(2):343-8


  • Neurological complications after simultaneous immunization against tick-borne encephalitis and tetanus.
    Schabet M, et al. Lancet. 1989 Apr 29;1(8644):959-60.
  • Selective antibody deficiency to Haemophilus influenzae type B capsular polysaccharide vaccination in children with recurrent respiratory tract infection. Herrod HG, et al. J Clin Immunol 1989 Sep;9(5):429-34
  • Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (Guillain-Barre syndrome) after immunization with Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine.D'Cruz OF, et al. J Pediatr. 1989 Nov;115(5 Pt 1):743-6.
  • Aseptic meningitis after vaccination against measles and mumps.Cizman M, et al. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 1989 May;8(5):302-8.
  • Zoster in normal children after varicella vaccine.Plotkin SA, et al. J Infect Dis. 1989 May;159(5):1000-1.
  • Herpes zoster in an adult recipient of live attenuated varicella vaccine. Hammerschlag MR, et al. J Infect Dis 1989 Sep;160(3):535-7– (This article reports on the case of a healthy 30-year-old female physician who developed a localized case of herpes zoster 3 years after being immunized with two doses of live attenuated varicella vaccine.)
  • Mumps Meningitis Following Measles, Mumps and Rubella Immunisation. J.A. Gray & S.M. Burns, Lancet, 2, 1989
  • Persistence of pertussis in an immunized population: results of the Nova Scotia Enhanced Pertussis Surveillance Program. Halperin SA, et al. J Pediatr 1989 Nov;115(5 Pt 1):686-93
  • Cluster of childhood Guillain-Barre cases after an oral poliovaccine campaign. Uhari M, et al. Lancet 1989 Aug 19;2(8660):440-1


  • Reactive arthritis after hepatitis B vaccination.Hachulla E, et al. J Rheumatol. 1990 Sep;17(9):1250-1.
  • Hepatitis B vaccine associated with erythema nodosum and polyarthritis.Rogerson SJ, et al. BMJ. 1990 Aug 11;301(6747):345.
  • Tetanus toxoid allergy.Weisse ME, et al. JAMA. 1990 Nov 14;264(18):2448.
  • Disease Caused by Haemophilus Influenza Type b in the Immediate Period after Homologous Immunization: Immunologic Investigation. S.K. Sood and R.S. Daum, Pediatrics, 1990
  • Evaluation of adverse events after influenza vaccination in hospital personnel. Scheifele DW, et al. CMAJ 1990 Jan 15;142(2):127-30)
  • Compensation Under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act.E.W. Clayton & G.B. Hickson. Journal of Pediatrics, 116(4), April 1990, p. 508-513.


  • Child MortalityAfter High-Titre Measles Vaccines (this is on E-Z measles), Lancet Vol 338, 1991 [4pgs]
  • A Prefecture-wide Survey of Mumps MeningitisAssociated with Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccine, (Infec Dis J 1991 Vol 10 pg 204-209)
  • Herroelen L, et al. Central-nervous-system demyelination after immunisation with recombinant hepatitis B vaccine.Lancet. 1991 Nov 9;338(8776):1174-5.- (This article reports on two cases of central-nervous-system demyelinating disease occurring six weeks after administration of recombinant hepatitis B vaccine. One patient had a history of multiple sclerosis while the other had no history of neurological disease.)
  • Mumps vaccination and type-I diabetes. German. Pawlowski B, et al. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 1991 Apr 19;116(16):635.
  • Bilateral acute profound deafness after MMR vaccination--report of a case.Koga K, et al. Nippon Jibiinkoka Gakkai Kaiho. 1991 Aug;94(8):1142-5. Japanese.
  • Guillain-Barré syndrome and influenza vaccination in the U.S. Army, 1980-1988.Roscelli J.D., et al. Am J Epidemiol 1991;133:952-55.
  • Post-vaccinal hemi-convulsion hemiplegia syndrome. Article in French.Pladys P, et al. Ann Pediatr (Paris) 1991 Nov;38(9):602-4– (This article reports the case of an 18-month-old infant who developed convulsions and paralysis in one side of the body after receiving a booster dose of DPT and polio vaccine.)
  • Aseptic meningitis as a complication of mumps vaccination. Sugiura A, et al. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1991 Mar;10(3):209-13– (This article describes 311 suspected cases of vaccine-related meningitis occurring among 630,157 recipients of MMR vaccine in Japan.)
  • Pancreatitis caused by measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine.Adler JB. Pancreas. 1991 Jul;6(4):489-90.
  • Tetanus toxoid anaphylaxis.Lleonart-Bellfill R, et al. DICP. 1991 Jul-Aug;25(7-8):870
  • Bilateral hearing loss after measles and rubella vaccination in an adult.Hulbert TV, et al. N Engl J Med. 1991 Jul 11;325(2):134
  • Differentiation of oka varicella vaccine strain from wild varicella-zoster virus strains isolated from vaccinees and household contact. Shiraki K, et al. J Med Virol 1991 Feb;33(2):128-32– (This article discusses three cases of varicella occurring at varying intervals after vaccination. Two of the individuals had acute lymphocytic leukemia.)
  • A prefecture-wide survey of mumps meningitis associated with measles, mumps and rubella vaccine.
    Fujinaga T, et al. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1991 Mar;10(3):204-9– (Reported here are 35 cases of meningitis, 6 cases of convulsive disorders, and 2 cases of parotitis occurring after MMR vaccination during an 8-month period following the introduction of a new MMR vaccine in Japan.)
  • Child mortality after high-titre measles vaccines: prospective study in Senegal. Garenne M, et al. Lancet 1991 Oct 12;338(8772):903-7
  • Outbreak of Paralytic Poliomyelitis in Oman: Evidence for Widespread Transmission Among Fully Vaccinated Children.R.W. Sutter, et al. Lancet, 338(8769), September 21, 1991, p. 715-720
  • Haemophilus B Disease after Vaccination with Haemophilus B Polysaccharide or Conjugate Vaccine. American Journal of Diseases of Children, 145(12), December 1991, p. 1379-1382
  • Mumps outbreak in a highly vaccinated population. Hersh BS, et al. J Pediatr 1991 Aug;119(2):187-93