A Lightweight Encryption Scheme forNetwork-Coded Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Energy saving is an important issue in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs). Recent studies show that network coding canhelp reduce the energy consumption in MANETs by using less transmission. However, apart from transmission cost, there are othersources of energy consumption, e.g., data encryption/decryption. In this paper, we study how to leverage network coding to reduce theenergy consumed by data encryption in MANETs. It is interesting that network coding has a nice property of intrinsic security, basedon which encryption can be done quite efficiently. To this end, we propose P-Coding, a lightweight encryption scheme to provideconfidentiality for network-codedMANETs in an energy-efficient way. The basic idea of P-Coding is to let the source randomly permute thesymbols of each packet (which is prefixed with its coding vector), before performing network coding operations. Without knowing thepermutation, eavesdroppers cannot locate coding vectors for correct decoding, and thus cannot obtain any meaningful information. Wedemonstrate that due to its lightweight nature, P-Coding incurs minimal energy consumption compared to other encryption schemes.
The straightforward approach to provideconfidentiality for network-coded MANETs is to encryptthe packet payload using symmetric-key encryption algorithms. While this method is not that efficient: showsthat on a Motorola’s ‘‘DragonBall’’ embedded microprocessor, it consumes around 13.9 µJto send a bit, while consumes another 7.9 µJ per bit when symmetric-keyalgorithms are used. In fact, the information mixing featureof network coding provides an intrinsic security, based onwhich a more efficient cryptographic scheme can bedesigned. Vilelaet al.propose such a scheme, in whichthesourceperformsrandomlinearcodingonthemessagesto be sent and locks/encrypts the coding vectors using thesymmetric key shared between it and all sinks. Fanet al.proposes to encrypt coding vectors using Homomorphic Encryption Functions (HEFs) in an end-to-end manner.
Due to the homomorphic nature of HEFs, networkcoding can be performed directly on the encrypted codingvectors, without impacting the standard network codingoperations. However, the above two approaches have largeoverhead with respect to either computation or space, andmay not be suitable for MANETs.
In this paper, we attempt to design a new encryptionscheme that can fully exploit the security property of net-work coding.Since both the coding vectors and message contentare necessary for decoding, randomly reordering/mixing they willgenerate considerable confusion to the eavesdropping adversary.In specific, we propose P-Coding, a lightweight encryptionscheme to fight against eavesdroppers in network-codedMANETs. In a nutshell, P-Coding randomly mixes symbols of each coded packet (packet prefixed with its codingvector) usingpermutation encryption, to make it hard foreavesdroppers to locate coding vectors for packet decoding.
A new encryption scheme which is lightweight in computation by leveraging network coding, which makes it very attractive in network-coded MANETs to further reduce energy consumption
We present an analysis on the intrinsic weak security provided by network coding, which is more accurate.
System Model
Permutation Encryption
Intermediate Recoding
Sink Decoding
System Model
We consider a typical MANET consisting of N nodes, eachof which can be a source. The MANET can be modeled asan acyclic directed graph. We alsoassume that linear network coding is enabled in thisnetwork.
Permutation Encryption
We formalize the concept of permutation encryption as aspecial case of the classic transposition cipher. Informally, the adversary considered in this paper aims atintercepting packets and decoding them to harvest meaningfulinformation. It can act as an external eavesdropper tomonitor network links, and/or as an internal eavesdropper tocompromise intermediate nodes and read their memories.Computational securitywill be our main focus, as it can be achieved usingcryptographic approaches.
Intermediate Recoding
Since the symbols of messages and corresponding GEVsare rearranged via PEF, and the intermediate nodes haveno knowledge of the key being used, it is rather difficult forthem to reconstruct source messages. On the other hand, aspermutation encryptions are exchangeable with linearcombinations, intermediate recoding can be transparentlyperformed on the encrypted messages
Sink Decoding
For each sink node, on receiving a message from itsincoming link, it decrypts the message byperforming permutation decryption on it.Finally, the source messages can be recovered byapplying Gaussian eliminations.
System: Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.
Hard Disk : 40 GB.
Floppy Drive: 1.44 Mb.
Monitor: 15 VGA Colour.
Mouse: Logitech.
Ram: 512 Mb.
Operating system : Windows XP/7.
Coding Language: C#.net
Tool:Visual Studio 2010
Database:SQL SERVER 2008
Peng Zhang, Chuang Lin,Senior Member, IEEE, Yixin Jiang, Yanfei Fan, andXuemin (Sherman) Shen,Fellow, IEEE “A Lightweight Encryption Scheme forNetwork-Coded Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”-IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS, VOL. 25, NO. 9, SEPTEMBER 2014