Conjugating Stem Changer Verbs (AKA Shoe verbs)

We already know how to conjugate regular –ar, -er, and –ir verbs in the present tense. Remember “chop suey schmoosh”? Well not all Spanish verbs are regular. In this section we will learn about “stem changing” verbs.

A stem-changing verb is as its name implies – a verb in which the stem changes.

But what is a stem?

The stem of a verb is what is left after we take off the –ar, -er, or –ir.

To begin = Empezar –ar = empez-

To want = Querer – er = quer- stems

To sleep = Dormir - ir = dorm-

How do we know if it is a stem changer?

The infinitive is usually followed by the change in parentheses. There are several types of changes that we will look at.

eà ie oà ue eà I oà u

For example, Querer is an eà ie change. So the change would be indicated like this:

Querer (ie) . Dormir has an oà ue change so it would be indicated like this: dormir(ue)

How do we change it?

Well it’s as easy as “chop-suey, SWITCHAROONIE, schmoosh”. We conjugate the verb like we have in the past, but with an added step.

1. take off the –ar, -er, or –ir. (chop-suey)

2. Switch the letters in the stem *except in the nosotros & vosotros form*

empez- empiez

quer - Old stems quier New stems

dorm- duerm

3. Add the appropriate ending to the new stem. (schmoosh)

Table1.Conjugation Chart for the Verb Pensar (to think)
yo p ie nso (I think) / Nosotros/nosotras pensamos (we think)
tú p ie nsas (you [informal] think) / vosotros/vosotras pensáis (you [informal, plural] think)
usted (Ud.) p ie nsa (you [formal] think) / ustedes (Uds.) p ie nsan (you [formal, plural] think)
él p ie nsa (he thinks) / ellos p ie nsan (they think)
ella p ie nsa (she thinks) / ellas p ie nsan (they [feminine] think)

Stem-changers e – ie Verbs

comenzar to begin

empezar to begin

perder to lose

cerrar to close

entender to understand

comprender to understand

mentir to lie

pensar to think

preferir to prefer

querer to want

sentir to feel, to regret

tener to have

venir to come

e – i Verbs

competir to compete

decir to say, tell

pedir to ask for, to order

reír to laugh

repetir to repeat

seguir to follow, continue

server to serve

sonreír to smile

o–ue Verbs

contar to count, to tell

costar to cost

devolver to return (an item)

dormir to sleep

encontrar to find, to meet

morir to die

mostrar to show

poder to be able, can

recordar to remember

volver to return (to a place)

u – ue Verbs

jugar to play (a sport/game)