A. Horticulture division (1 or 2 entries per category. The second entry must be same species, but a different variety or cultivar. All entries MUST be owned and grown by exhibitor)

  1. Pepper seedlings - 3 - same variety and cultivar in individual containers
  2. Coleus seedlings - 3 - same variety and cultivar in individual containers
  3. Tomato seedlings - 3 - same variety and cultivar in individual containers
  4. Any other seedling not mentioned above - 3 - same variety and cultivar in individual containers
  5. Narcissus/daffodil - 1 bloom (stem) - no foliage - any variety and cultivar - if more than 5 entries they will be divided into classes
  6. Tulipa/tulip - 1 bloom (stem) - foliage may be a bonus - any variety and cultivar - if more than 5 entries they will be divided into classes
  7. Tulipa/tulip - 3 blooms (stems) - foliage may be a bonus - same variety and or cultivar
  8. Allium - 1 bloom - 3" in diameter and over - any variety and or cultivar
  9. Allium - 3 blooms - under 3" in diameter - any variety and or cultivar and not necessary the same (3 the same bonus points)
  10. Allium - collection - minimum 4 specimens of different variety and or cultivar
  11. Iris - 1 bloom
  12. Flowering shrub - 3 branches in bloom - not to exceed 24"
  13. Flowering tree - 1 branch in bloom - not to exceed 24"
  14. Any other cut spring bloom(s) not mentioned above - could be stem, spray, branch
  15. Collection of spring blooms - minimum 4 different varieties and or cultivars

B. Design division (1 entry per category. Plant material obtained from any source. Accessories allowed when mentioned with theme. Judged according to OJES)

1. "Spring Sprinkle" - a miniature design to fit into a white niche - the niche size is 5-3/4" wide, 6" high and 5" deep

2. "Show Off" - a water viewing design using one dominant bloom

3. "Growing Up"

4. "Splinter Sprays" - a design incorporating decorative wood

5. "Curved Points" a small massed line design

C. Novice division (not part of Mini show. Winning points go towards monthly competition totals)

1. "Full Basket" - small mass design

All exhibits will receive placing ribbons up to 5th place; but, when there is more than 5 entries, that category must be divided into classes in their horticulture division only. Best cut flower specimen and best design will receive rosette.

*NOTE entries must be in 4pm-5 pm these are judged before the night’s meeting. All entries must have tags (available at show). No late entries will be accepted. Show is at normal meeting location of 27 Orkney st. E at St. Paul’s Anglican Church lower hall.