By Robert Giordano

In the later part of 2008 I put together an article for the fall issue of Trader’s World Magazine called “6Reasons for support at 7150-7225 on the Dow Jones Industrial Averages!” Within this article I gave several important key periods, prices and unique charts patterns for the Dow averages spanning the entire period of 2009.

And so far so good!!

This summer’s TWM article will be an updated version of the one started in late 2008!

Included within this article are many never before seen charting techniquesunique to the Gann Grids Ultra softwaremaking this article a hopefullyeye opening experience.

In the previous article I explainedwhen using the square of 144 on the Dow monthly chart the proper price scale must be found first, and once found this unique overlay pattern seems to call many monthly and yearly tops and bottoms starting from the 2002 low to the present as well as expanding into its future.

Dow monthly chart with overlay of 144 above and below the 2002 low(Oct 2008)

It was also mentioned that if the price range broke below the 7200 number it would then head lower into the second square of 144 until a support angle is reached.

Since the October 2008 copy date of this article 8 months have past and itsstill pointing to this chart as being an extremely important roadmap for the Dow in 09!!

June 15 2009 monthly chart update!!

As you can see the Dow bottom at 6449 on March 9th 2009 was within a few points of the exact bottom given by this chart. Also once this angle was reached a multi month rallybegan. This monthly rally is also in direct line with another of its angle’s heading higher.

An updated article was done in January 2009 for the online Traders World Expo given by Larry Jacobsbut unfortunately I was un-able to attend and was forced tojust put it on my website for all to read….

However A brief summery is as follows:

“New” January 2009 addition toarticle material

Gann’s Master Cycle year tool showing “Hot” month output for2009

The following chart shows a dominant 14 month cycle starting from the 1974 pivot.

This chart shows the same cycle with a progression series into 2009.

Highlighting Sept-Nov as being a major monthly turning point

This chart shows a 19 month cycle with a +/- 1 variance starting from the Jan 2000 top and was found to be 5 for 5 up to 2008.

The next cycle is due from May through July 2009

Starting the square of 144 on the October 2002 low show several potential support and resistance levels throughout 2009.

If the square of 144 is to continue its impressive forecast throughout 2009 then first we see potential support for Jan around 7775 and Feb between 7950 and 8050 (point 1). Second we see resistance between 10100 and 9700 between May-Oct. depending on the month (point 2). And third we see Oct-Nov 2009 as being a time of great importance for both price and time resistance (point 3).

On the same note Gann grids will also allow the user to add several other dissecting angles throughout the square of 144 as well. If we also add a dissecting angle from the 2002 bottom and continue it through point 3 shown above we also see several weaker price resistance levels throughout 2009.

This angle shows resistance again depending on the month between 9500 starting in April and running to 9750 ending in Oct-Nov.

If however the price dips bellow the body of the square then it will be in the second square heading down to much lower prices

First support will start in Feb 2009 around 6100 (point 1) and steadily head lower month by month until a support angle is touched. Second we see a very low price of 4600 in Oct through Nov 2009 is also a very real possibility (point 2 and 3).

Numerical squares in time starting from the Oct 2002 low progressed throughout 2009 show several potential Pivot Points when a +/- 1 bar variance is used. The black lines represent full numerical squares and the blue representing the half’s.

We also see that May and June 2009 is 81 months from the start of this cycle!!

The AB time range function starting from the 1987 crash top to the 2000 major top colored in blue along with the 2000 market top to the 2007 market top colored in yellow also show several major turns throughout the years with several time periods are forming in 2009

The first time range from 1987-2000 was 148 months of which almost every quarter and third division called some type of market monthly turn. However the exact 2007 top was formed extremely close to the Fibonacci /golden mean number of .618 of this 148 month master top to top cycle. Starting the yellow cycle from the 2000 top to the 2007 top was 93 months and its divisions for 2009 along with the 148 month cycle are as follows.

148 month cycle....75% gives March-May

93 month cycle…..25% gives Sept-Nov

And our last chart is the January 25th 2009 addition to the 2008 yearly chart.

So, to put it all together we SEE 2009 should be a very volatile year with several monthly swings throughout.

However in my opinion we should NOT look for market directions but should look for extreme volatility within the prime months of Feb and March, June and July along with Sept through Nov. Reason being several of our main Gann Grid tools are indicating these will be the most important months for major time and price swingsto commence.

“NEW”June 2009 Traders World Magazine article update!!

Within this update I will also show several unique to Gann Grids Ultra astronomical projection charts used for Dowresearch. But first let’s go over some important Dow price and time monthly angles. As we can see the March 9th rally which started at 6449 is in direct line with the square of 144 angle heading higher with no resistance until line 1 and point 2

Line 1 is a dissection angle starting from the 2002 low and progressed through 2050. Throughout 2009 this angle crosses the prices of 9300-9750

Point 2 is the months of Oct, Nov and Dec 2009 and is also a very importantcross point in time and price and is also around a price of 9700

Point 3 is a mirror of point 2 just on the second square of 144 heading lower. This price is roughly around 4600.

Using the above charts combined with several new onessimilar patterns are also found.

Thischart takes the division points from the ultimate 2007 top and the March 2009 bottom in .25,.33,.382.50,.618,.666….100%

We see 1/3 of the total range to be 9057,.382 to be 9447 and 50% to be 10385…..

Result using a Dow yearly chart divisions of 8

.375 is also roughly around 9350-9450

Price and time angles using all Gann Angles from 1970 low on a yearly chart

This chart is showing the 2009 bar to be standing alone above and below important angles

Yearly chart showing angles from several major yearly lows and zero

This next chart is a culmination of Gann angles from 1987 low, double square of 144 from 2002 low combined with Jupiter Saturn aspects in orange starting from 1950 into 2015

In the above chart we seemany monthly time periodsbeing forecasted using the Jupiter, Saturn aspects drawn in orange. We also see point 1,2 and are the next aspect time period between the two featuring the months ofJune, July2009 (point1) November (angle crossover point) and February-April 2010. We find several Gann angles are also crossing around the price of 9050 and 9300

Chart showsmany special and unique aspects of Saturn Pluto

Period 1 is August, Period 2 is November and period 3 is Feb-March 2010 as being potential keys for a trend reversal.

So to put it all together in 2009 we see a potential pivot point to be around June-July 2009 around the prices of 9050 and 9350….As of today we are roughly around 8900. We may see support at around 7600-7850 if it does dip…However the main trend periods should be in Oct-Nov 2009 and Feb March 2010 and around the main pricing angles as shown above.

“New” Gann Grids Ultra 5.0 will be released July 1 2009!!

If you are a broker, trader or someone who just wants to learn more about the master’s techniques as mentioned above, understand this software is available for resale along with personaltraining regarding its applications, techniques and forecasting capabilities. For more information please visit

This research was done primarily using the “New” Gann Grids Ultra”Advanced”version softwarefunctions. However not all of its unique tools and applications were viewed or used within this article. Also this research should not be viewed as trading advice as Past performance does not guarantee future results.

Thank You

Robert Giordano