- CAC 1. Paraeducator Participation
a)Describe the SIG Program
The SIG program recruits paraeducators, individuals with disabilities and parents of children with disabilities to begin or continue their education in pursuit of full certification in special education. Participants must live or work in Pinal County and agree to work for at least 3 years in a Pinal County school after achieving full special education certification.
The SIG grant pays for tuition and textbooks while the students finish their Associates of Arts in Elementary Education at Central Arizona College, and tuition only at the upper division level; usually either at Arizona State University or Northern Arizona University. Both NAU and ASU have teacher certification programs at the CAC campus. During their programs at CAC and the upper division, all students are tracked and receive appropriate advising.
We call this the “SIG” grant at CAC because the first grant we partnered with ADE was called SIG (State Improvement Grant) and we never changed it to SPDG with the new grant cycle. It was less confusing to staff and students to keep it “SIG”. The first paraeducator support grant that CAC was involved with was an federal OSEP funded project called PEP-C (ParaEducators of Pinal County), but that grant ended in 2004. We changed our grant at that time to “SIG” as we were now partnering with ADE.
Describe Evidence; List of SIG Students. Those with “A” in the first column were at ASU on the CAC campus.
- CAC 1. Paraeducator Participation
b) Describe the processes to recruit paraeducators into the SIG program
There has never been a problem recruiting paraeducators into the program during the 8 years that it has been running. Initially, all of the Pinal County School District Special Education Directors were informed that the CAC had a partnership with ADE and grant money for paraeducators to study to become fully certified special education teachers. Applications to the program include a recommendation from a special education director. Applicants are hand selected by the special education directors, and this insures qualified applicants who will be hired by their districts.
The SIG program has enjoyed more than enough applicants every year. We almost always have a waiting list for openings.
Describe Evidence:
See the list of participants in a.
- CAC 1. Paraeducator Participation
c)Analyze paraeducator participation gains and losses for 2009-2010 compared to the target of 90 paraeducators.
To my knowledge, the target was never 90 for the third year. The SIG grant does have 30 slots for each year, but unless someone graduates or drops out of the program, there is not an opening. Each year there are some openings, but how many there will be is hard to predict. Many of students who entered in year 2007-2008 are still in the program. Many entered with little or no college courses and it will take them all 5 years of the grant to complete their B.A. degrees.
Eighteen of the initial participants from 2007-08 are still on the sig list in 2009-2010. There were 33 participants in 2007-08. Two of them graduated in 2009, and 13 left the program. Four moved out of Pinal County due to family issues, five did not have the 2.5 grade average to continue in the program. These five were offered assistance in the way of advising and/or tutoring, but did not choose to take advantage of the assistance. The four remaining students disappeared from CAC and I could not locate them. Since it was the first year of the program, it was difficult to assess who would be a good fit. My feeling was that the 9 who had academic difficulties could not adjust to the responsibilities of school, work, and home.
By year 3, we had 36 students, most of whom were still at CAC. We added 18 new students, because were anticipating that at least 5 would be graduating in 2008-09. However, at the last minute, ASU changed their program, and the 5 that were to graduate would not do so until May of 2010. This put a burden on the funds for 2009-2010, and we came up short for tuition money that year. Central Arizona College stepped in a gave scholarships to all the Spring 2010 SIG students at CAC.
Describe Evidence:
Compare the student SIG list from 2007-08, seen below, to the one from 2009-10.
- CAC 1. Paraeducator Participation
d)Describe processes in place to retain paraeducators in the SIG program.
All of the paraeducators have advising appointments with the grant director each semester. Some are conducted in person, some by phone and others by email. In addition, students often ask for advice, extensions, and job counseling.
Central Arizona College has a Learning Center on each campus that offers tutoring in reading, writing and math for all students. All students in the SIG grant are given a short orientation to CAC with information about the tutoring available. Tutoring is also available online.
Describe evidence: (Taken from the CAC Webpage)
Central Arizona College tutoring is available at the following locations. Please select the site for which you need information regarding tutoring services. Students are welcome to visit whichever campus or center is most convenient to suit their needs.
Please call to verify a tutor's schedule unless you already have an appointment with them.
Online Tutoring; Signal Peak Campus; Aravaipa Campus; Superstition Mountain Campus; Casa Grande Center; Coolidge Center; Corporate Center; Florence Center; Maricopa Center
Here are some “thank you” emails from students who feel that they were given a lot of support through the SIG grant:
Thank you, Marjorie.
As usual, you are right there, supporting your students as quickly as you can. I still appreciate every effort you have put forth for all of us over the years.
You are one of the main reasons some of us have made it through school.
In appreciation;
Carol R. Miller
I wanted to share this with you as I am so proud. I never dreamed that I would get such an honor my first year of teaching. I have to give credit to you and everyone that helped me along the way. Thank you very much.
From: Jennifer Murrieta
Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 4:23 PM
To: STAFF (30) Desert Willow
Cc: Frank Davidson; Maria Rascon; Janet Hasler
Subject: Congratulations Helen!
Just today I was notified that Helen Alvarez has received Arizona’s 2008 Distinguished Service Award from the Council for Exceptional Children. This is a wonderful accomplishment for Helen and we are extremely proud of her. On March 7th, Dr. Davidson and I will accompany Helen to a luncheon in Phoenix to receive her award. She will also be receiving recognition from the Governing Board at the March School Board Meeting. Way to go Helen!
Jennifer Murrieta, Principal
Desert Willow Elementary School
2172 N. Arizola Rd.
Casa Grande, AZ 85222
Dr. Schiller,
I just want to thank you again for allowing me to participate in the S.I.G. Grant. I graduated May 5th with a 3.9 GPA Masters Degree in Special Ed! I can't wait to apply everything I have learned. Do you have any new course coming up at CAC? It would be great to have you as an instructor again! I am looking into taking some speech therapy courses this Fall as I find this topic/area very interesting. Any suggestionsabout programs you may have heard about? Any suggestions/info. will be greatly appreciated!
Again, many thanks for all you have done to assist me!
Karen Zagami :)
And this from a student who needed a semester break; we worked together and she will be student teaching in the Spring of 2011.
Hello Dr. Schiller,
I am writing to inform you that I will be requesting a leave of absence for the Fall semester. I have had some serious family changes with my marriage. My marriage is in chaos. I have been speaking with Shanan my advisor and please feel free to speak with Shanan. I have taken a lot of consideration as to what I have to do. I cannot student teach with all of this turmoil and successful student teach at my best. I know we are not allowed to take a break with the SIG grant but I am pleading to remain in the program. I will be returning in the spring to complete my student teaching. I really am torn over this decision. My deepest desire it to teach special education and with being so close to the end I feel like a failure. I want to work in the community. Please contact me, I would like to speak with you on this matter.
Leticia Velarde
- CAC 1. Paraeducator Process of Selection
a)Describe the selection criteria of paraeducators into the SIG program:
Usually, paraeducators are instructed by their directors of special education to obtain an application packet from the director of the program. The packet consists of an application form and a supervisor recommendation form. Applicants are instructed to fill out the application and write a 1 page essay explaining why they want to pursue a career in special education. Applicants must have a 2.5 grade point average, and have had experience working with children with special needs. All applicants need to apply for FAFSA and agree to work in a Pinal County school district for 3 years after obtaining certification.
Occasionally, a student will find out about the program without a special education director’s help. Usually these are parents of students with special needs, or individuals with special needs themselves. They are told to fill out the packet and to have a teacher or special education director to fill out the recommendation form.
All applicants have an interview with the director of the program for initial advising.
Describe evidence:
Application form:
CITY & ZIP______
PHONE ______EMAIL______
Number of College Credits Earned: ______
Where were these credits earned:
CAC ______Other Community College, which one______
University, which one ______
Current Grade Point Average:______
Complete the table below:
Ethnic Status:Gender / Male / Female
Disability / Yes / No
Do you qualify for a PELL grant? Yes _____
No _____
Doyou plan to pursue an A.A. and/or a B.A. degree?
____Yes, I plan to complete a two-year A.A. degree
____Yes, I plan to complete a four-year B.A. degree
Do you currently work for a Pinal County District School?
_____Yes, I do work at ______Position______
(please include name of school and position)
______No, I am not currently employed
______No, but I do work at ______Position______
Do you have Special Education Experience?
_____ Yes, I do ____ No, I do not
Where ______
When ______
I agree that I will work in a Pinal County School District for 3 years after finishing my degree.
____Yes Signature ______
*Please write an essay and attach in type-written format on separate paper why you are pursuing a degree in Special Education.
Return completed application to: Dr. Marjorie Schiller, Central Arizona College ,8470 N. Overfield Rd, Coolidge, AZ 85128
Supervisor Recommendation Form:
Supervisor Recommendation for SIG
Central Arizona College
Supervisor Name: ______
Supervisor Address and Affiliation: ______
Supervisor Phone and Email Address: ______
Name of student applying to SIG. ______
In what capacity have you supervised this student?______
On a scale of 1 – 10, how do you rate this student as a potential scholarship recipient? ____
Please give an explanation of your rating? ______
Your comments will be held confidential and are appreciated.
Please return this form to: Marjorie Schiller, Ph.D., Central Arizona College, 8470 N. Overfield Road Coolidge, AZ 85228. 520-494-5035,
B. CAC 1. Paraeducator Process of Selection
b)Describe the priority of grant applicants with diversities and/or disabilities in the selection process.
Program applicants are asked about diversity and disability on the application form. Ethnically diverse and applicants with disabilities are always given priority in the selection process.
Describe evidence.
I have no evidence of this other than the question on the application form. We do have evidence of diversity in the students who are enrolled in the program. Approximately one quarter of the students are of minority descent, have a disability themselves, or are the parent of a student with a disability. Specifically, 7 of the students are of minority descent and 3 are parents of students with disabilities.
- CAC 1. Stipends
a)Describe the process to track paraeducators receiving the stipends in Fall 2009.
It is fairly easy to track the students who are still working on their AA degree at CAC. I always review their grade point average, and check to see that they have registered for at least two classes at CAC. When they advance to ASU or NAU, the tracking becomes more difficult. I check the bills that I receive to make sure that the students are taking the appropriate classes, but I depend on the advisors from those institutions to notify me if there are problems with student grades or performance. They have always been good about notifying me in the past.
Describe evidence.
ASU Bill from Fall 2009
To: Traci Helwig, Student Business Services
From: Carmen Newland, Director, College of Teacher Education and Leadership
on behalf of Marjorie Schiller, Central Arizona College
Date: August 14, 2009
Re: Tuition payment from Central Arizona College, SIG Grant
The following students’ tuition is to be 3rd party billed to Marjorie Schiller at Central Arizona College. Please contact Marjorie with any questions at
NAME / Address / City / Zip / phone / ASU ID# / FA09 Tuition (minus fees)Aguirre, Martha / 715 W. McMurray Blvd. / Casa Grande / 85222 / 836-6926 / 1201407094 / $2,840.00
Angel, Diana / P.O. Box 1481 / Arizona City / 85223 / 704-7425 / 1200813592 / $2,840.00
Behrens, Alicia / 1565 N Wildflower Dr / Casa Grande / 85222 / 602-741-5160 / 1000076184 / $2,999.00
Bingham, Patricia / P.o Box1016 / Keamy / 85237 / 363-5956 / 1202362737 / $2,999.00
Dauzat, Melisa / 9221 E Baseline Rd / Mesa / 85209 / 480-703-1497 / 1201195558 / $3,054.00
DeMoss. LaDawn / PO Box 3316 / Arizona City / 85223 / 723-0989 / 1201165359 / $3,054.00
Holloway, Erinn / 1326 E Cactus Bloom / Casa Grande / 85222 / 520-836-9333 / 1201142804 / $2,840.00
Renner, Lu-An / 4678 E Pinto Dr / Eloy / 85231 / 520-466-1350 / 1202244229 / $2,999.00
Scavo, Laura / 644 E Manor Dr / Casa Grande / 85222 / 483-6452 / 1202439736 / $2,999.00
Schaudt, Storm / 8701 N 41st ave / Phoenix / 85051 / 673-221-7018 / 1201451463 / $2,999.00
Smyth Normarwen / 3094 E Superior Rd / Queen Creek / 85242 / 480-200-7075 / 1200550420 / $1,527.00
Snow Brenda / 45037 W Fred Cole Ln. / Maricopa / 85239 / 480-982-0981 / 1000594727 / $2,547.00
Velarde, Leticia / 2115 E Fry Rd / Chandler / 85225 / 480-381-3312 / 1000755071 / $2,547.00
Witt Melissa / 1321 E Spencer st / Casa Grande / 85222 / 480-287-1088 / 1001466327 / $2,840.00
Moy, Tricia / 1202237014 / $2,999.00
Bill from ASU for the Spring of 2010
To: Traci Helwig, Student Business Services
From: Carmen Newland, Director, College of Teacher Education and Leadership on behalf of MarjorieSchiller, Central Arizona College
Date: January 13, 2010
Re: Tuition payment from Central Arizona College, SIG Grant
The following students’ tuition is to be 3rd party billed to Marjorie Schiller at Central Arizona College,including the economic recovery surcharge. Please contact Marjorie with any questions at
NAME Address City Zip ASU ID#SP 2010 Tuition (minusfees)
Aguirre, Martha 715 W. McMurray Blvd. Casa Grande 85222 1201407094 1,284.00
Angel, Diana P.O. Box 1481 Arizona City 85223 1200813592 2,839.00
Behrens, Alicia 1565 N Wildflower Dr Casa Grande 85222 1000076184 2,998.00
Bingham, Patricia P.o Box1016 Keamy 85237 1202362737 2,998.00
Dauzat, Melisa 9221 E Baseline Rd Mesa 85209 1201195558 3,564.00
DeMoss. LaDawn PO Box 3316 Arizona City 85223 1201165359 3,564.00
Holloway, Erinn 1326 E Cactus Bloom Casa Grande 85222 1201142804 2,839.00
Miller Carol 52059 E Esch Trail Maricopa 85239 1200562654 2,546.00
Renner, Lu-An 4678 E Pinto Dr Eloy 85231 1202244229 2,998.00
Scavo, Laura 644 E Manor Dr Casa Grande 85222 1202439736 2,998.00
Schaudt, Storm 8701 N 41st ave Phoenix 85051 1201451463 2,998.00
Snow Brenda45037 W Fred ColeLn. Maricopa 85239 1000594727 2,568.00
Solano Talli 50209 W Jean Dr Maricopa 85239 1200577668 2,546.00
Velarde, Leticia 2115 E Fry Rd Chandler 85225 1000755071 2,546.00
Witt Melissa 1321 E Spencer st Casa Grande 85222 1001466327 2,839.00
Perry,Cathleen 1450 E Rolls Rd Queen Creek 85243 120246882 2,999.00
Moy, Tricia15391 South Saxon RdP.O. Box 3989 Arizona City 85223 1202237014 1,284.00
C. CAC 1. Stipends
b)Describe the process to demonstrate the mandatory grade point average of 2.5 or higher of all paraeducators receiving the stipends in 2009-2010.
Again this is easier to do when the students are still at CAC. I do rely on ASU and NAU to let me know if students are having trouble academically. Occasionally a student will have a “bad semester” at CAC. I usually allow them one semester to bring their grades up before they are let go. The first year was the only year that the program had to let several students go.
Describe evidence
This would be actual student GPA for the semester. I do not keep a list after I check them. I can begin doing this for Fall of 2010.
C. CAC 2. Graduation
Describe the process to track paraeducators graduating and transitioning to ASU
Students contact me when they are graduating from CAC to be put on the SIG list for ASU. This is the last year that ASU will have its program at CAC, so graduating students will now go to the NAU program at CAC. We anticipate that the K-8 program will become and dual certification (elementary and special education) for the Fall of 2011. Students will still have to notify me so that I can put them on the list.
Describe evidence
Here is the memo that I sent to ASU Financial Aid in fall of 2009
CAC SIG Student Enrolled in the ASU program on SPC or Maricopa campus
These students began I Fall of 07 or Spring of 08 and are masters level I believe. They do attend the same classes as the undergraduates as far as I know.
Cloudt, Cherie Ann*
Dauzat, Melisa*
DeMoss. LaDawn*
Downing, Marie*
Francois, Elizabeth*
These students began in Fall of 07 or Spring of 08
Holloway, Erinn
Miller, Carol
Smyth, Normarwen
Snow, Brenda
Solano, Talli
These students began in Fall of 08
Aguirre, Martha
Angel, Diana
Velarde, Leticia
Witt, Melissa (uses a different last name)
These students plan to begin this Fall and have been accepted to ASU, I think there are at least two more that have not been accepted to SIG, but will be
Renner, Lu-An
Bingham, Patricia
Moy-Summerill, Tricia
Berhens, Alicia (will go to ASU Tempe for a daytime program)
C. CAC 2. Graduation
Describe the process to track paraeducators with a special education degree
Every Spring I request a letter from ASU as to the SIG students who are graduating.
Describe evidence
The following is a memo that I received last Spring from Carmen Newland at ASU:
Diana Angel – graduating in May
Melissa Hoffman (Witt) – graduating in May