3. R.Ubar. Publications
Prof. Raimund Ubar,
Tallinn Technical University,
Raja tee 15, Tallinn 12618, Estonia
Tel. (+372) 620 22 52
FAX (+37) 620 22 53
1. A. Seleznev, B. Dobriza, R. Ubar. Design of Automatic Test Equipments. Mashinostrojenie, Moscow, USSR, 1983, 224 pp., (in Russian).
2. D. Bochmann, R. Ubar. Fehler in Automaten. VEB Verlag Technik, Berlin, 1989, 216 p.
3. R.Ubar. Functional blocks in Digital Computers. Tallinn Technical University, 1978, 103p. (in Estonian)
4. R.Ubar. Diagnosis of Digital Devices. I. Tallinn Techn. University, 1980, 114 pp. (in Russian).
5. R.Ubar. Diagnosis of Digital Devices. II. Tallinn Techn. University, 1981, 112 pp. (in Russian).
6. P.Kitsnik, T.Lohuaru, R.Ubar. Test Design System for Digital Automata. Tallinn Techn. University, 1984, 58p. (in Russian)
7. R.Ubar. Operational Automata in Digital Computers. Tallinn Technical University, 1987, 96 p. (in Estonian).
8. R. Ubar. Design of Digital Systems for Testability. Tallinn Technical University, 1988, 68 pp. (in Russian).
Patents in USSR:
9. T. Lohuaru and R.Ubar. Equipment for Testing LSI. A.C. No.1218390, Inf. Bulletin No.10, 1986.
10. T.Evartson, R.Ubar, A.Viilup. Equipment for Testing Synchronized digital circuits. A.C. No.3772884/24, Inf. Bulletin No.25, 1986.
11. T.Evartson, H.Haak, T.Lohuaru, R.Ubar. Equipment for Fault Localization in Digital Objects. A.C. No.3984709/24, Inf. Bulletin No.19, 1987.
12. T.Lohuaru, M.Mannisalu, P.Pukk, R.Ubar, E.Vanamölder. Equipment for testing VLSI. A.C. No. SU 1652976 A1, Inf. Bulletin No.20, 1991.
13. R.Ubar. About Minimization of the Test Length for Complex Technical Systems. Proc. of the All-Union Conference “Applications of the Information Theory”, Moscow, 1968 (in Russian).
14. R.Ubar. About a Scheduling Task in Time Domain. Proceedings of Tallinn Technical University, No 291, 1970 (in Russian).
15. R. Ubar. About Selection of Test Points. Automatics and Computer Engineering. Avtomatica i Vychislitel’naja Tekhnika, Vol.5, No.3, 1971, pp.28-32, (in Russian).
16. V. Maslennikow, R.Ubar. Using Monte-Carlo Method for Optimization of Test Processes. Proceedings of Bauman Technical University, No.148, 1971, Moscow, (in Russian).
17. V. Maslennikow, R.Ubar. Minimization of Average Time of Fault Detection Processes in Technical Devices. Proceedings of Bauman Technical University of Moscow, No.148, 1971, Moscow, (in Russian).
18. R.Ubar. Choice of Controlled Parameters. Plenum Publishing Corporation. Automation and Computer Engineering, 1971, USA, pp. 27-31.
19. R.Ubar. Algorithm for optimization of test programs for complex technical systems. 2nd
Conference of Universities “Developments in Technical Cybernetics”. Moscow, 30. Mai – 2. June, 1972, pp.126.
20. U.Heiter, R.Ubar, A.Viilup. Diagnosis of Multiple Faults in Combinational Circuits. Proceedings of Tallinn Techn. University, No.350, 1973, Tallinn, (in Russian).
21. B.Dobritza, R.Ubar. Synthesis of Test Procedures for Complex Technical Objects. Journal of Bauman Technical University of Moscow, No.162, 1973, Moscow, (in Russian), p.13-19.
22. R.Ubar. Equivalent Transformations of Diagnostic Dictionaries. Journal of Bauman Technical University of Moscow, No.210, 1976, Moscow, (in Russian), pp.4-7.
23. R.Ubar. Test Generation for Digital Circuits with Alternative Graphs. Proceedings of Tallinn Technical University, No.409, 1976, Tallinn, pp.75-81 (in Russian).
24. R.Ubar. About General Definition of the Diagnosis Problem for Digital Circuits. Proceedings of Tallinn Technical University, No.409, 1976, Tallinn, pp.69-73 (in Russian).
25. R.Ubar. Ein Deductives Verfahren zur Testsatzanalyse für digitale Schaltungen. Proc. of Ingenieurhochschule Dresden No.1, 1976, Dresden, p.2-11.
26. R.Ubar. Über einige Probleme der Testsatzanalyse für digitale Systeme. Proceedings of Technical University Dresden, No.3, 1976, Dresden.
27. P.Kitsnik, R.Ubar, Aviilup. Simulating System for Minicomputer Diagnostic Programs. Preprints of IFAC/IFIP 1st Int. Symp., Tallinn, August, 1976, pp.115-117.
28. R.Ubar. Berechnung von Tests für die Fehlerdiagnose in digitalen Systemen. Proc. of 21. Int. Wiss. Koll., Technical University of Ilmenau, October, 1976, pp.33-35.
29. R.Ubar. Analysis of Diagnostic Tests for Combinational Circuits by the Method of Fault Backtracing. Automatics and Telemechanics, No.8, 1977, Moscow, pp.168-176 (in Russian).
30. P.Kitsnik, R.Ubar, A.Viilup. Deductive Fault Analysis in Synchronized Digital Devices without Global Feedbacks. Proc. of the All-Union Conf. on CAD of Computers, Kaunas, June, 1977, pp.178-181 (in Russian).
31. M.Plakk, R.Ubar. Using Alternative Graphs in Test Synthesis for Combinational Circuits. Proc. of Tallinn Techn. University, No.432, 1977, Tallinn, pp.3-13 (in Russian).
32. P.Kitsnik, R.Ubar. Formulas for Deductive Analysis of Tests for Synchronized Digital Devices. Proc. of Tallinn Technical University, No.432, 1977, Tallinn, pp.15-23 (in Russian).
33. P.Kitsnik, R.Ubar, A.Viilup. Deductive Test Analysis Method for Logic Devices. Proc. of Technical Diagnosis Conference, Rostow-at-Don, May, 1977, pp.46-51 (in Russian).
34. R.Ubar. Deductive Fault Analysis in Sequential Circuits. Proc. of Int. Conference on Technical Diagnostics, Praha, Czechoslovakia, 1977, pp.189-192 (in Russian).
35. R.Ubar. Berechnung von Boole'schen Ableitungen bei der Testsatzanalyse für digitale Schaltungen. Nachrichtentechnik/Elektronik, 1977, H.1, S.21-23. Nachrichtentechnik/Elektronik, 1977, H.4, S.149-150.
36. R.Ubar. Über einige Probleme der Testsatzanalyse für digitale Systeme.
37. R.Ubar. Multiple Fault Analysis in Logic Circuits. Proc. of the IFAC Symposium on Discrete Systems, Dresden, 1977, Band 4, pp.48-57.
38. T.Lohuaru, R.Ubar, A.Viilup. Fault Localization in Digital Circuits with Automatic Test Equipments. Proc. of Tallinn Technical University, No.432, 1977, Tallinn, pp.37-45 (in Russian).
- R.Ubar. A Decomposition Method of Fault Diagnosis in Combinational Circuits. Proc.of Tallinn Technical University, No.457, 1978, Tallinn, pp.3-22 (in Russian).
- R.Ubar. Module Level Fault Diagnosis in Combinational Networks. Proc. of the 1st Conference on Fault-Tolerant Systems and Diagnostics, Gdansk, Poland, 1978, pp.297-314.
- R.Ubar). Analysis of Diagnostic Tests for Combinational Circuits by Method of Backtracking of Faults. Automation and Remote Control, Vol.40, No.11, part 2, Nov. 1978. Plenum Publishing Corporation, USA, pp. 1254-1260.
- B.T.Dobritsa, R.Ubar. Test generation for Multiple Faults in Combinational Circuits. Proceedings of Bauman Technical University Moscow, No 270, 1978, pp.6-10. (in Russian)
43. R.Ubar. Description of Digital Devices by Alternative Graphs. Proc. of Tallinn Technical University, No.474, 1979, Tallinn, pp.11-33 (in Russian).
44. M.Plakk, R.Ubar. Synthesis of Test Pairs for Combinational Circuits. Proceedings of Tallinn Technical University, No.474, 1979, Tallinn, pp.45-68 (in Russian).
45. M.Plakk and R.Ubar. Aufstellung von Testfolgen für logische Schaltungen. Proc. of The 24th International Conference, Technical University of Ilmenau, October, 1979, H.2, pp.93-96.
46. M.Pall and R.Ubar. Computer-Aided Module-Level Test Generation for Digital Devices on the Basis of their Alternative-Graph Model. Preprints of IFAC/IFIP 2nd Int. Symposium, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1979, v.1, pp. C-XIII-1-4.
47. R. Ubar. Alternative Graphs and Test Generation for Digital Systems. Proc. of the 2nd Conf. on Fault-Tolerant Systems and Diagnostics, Brno, Czechoslovakia, 1979, pp.177-184.
48. R.Ubar. Fault Diagnosis in Combinational Circuits by Solving Boolean Differential Equations. Automatics and Telemechanics, No.11, 1979, Moscow, pp.170-183 (in Russian).
49. K.Grigorjeva and R.Ubar. Fault Diagnosis in Sequential Circuits. Proc. of Tallinn Technical University, No.474, 1979, Tallinn, pp.35-44 (in Russian).
50. R. Ubar. Diagnosis of Combinational Circuits in the Extended Class of Faults. Proc. of the Conference on CAD of Electronic Equipments, Vilnius, June, 1979, pp.177-180 (in Russian).
51. T.Lohuaru, R.Ubar, A.Viilup. Minicomputer Software for Fault Localization Control in Digital Circuits. Preprints of IFAC/IFIP 2nd Int. Symposium, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1979, v.1, pp. P-XIV-1-4.
52. R. Ubar. Fault Specification in Digital Devices. Proc. of Tallinn Technical University, No.497, 1980, Tallinn, pp.3-9 (in Russian).
53. R.Ubar. Desription of Computers by Vector Alternative Graphs for Diagnostic Microprogram Synthesis. Proc. of Tallinn Technical University, No.497, 1980, Tallinn, pp.11-20 (in Russian).
54. M.Plakk and R.Ubar. Test Generation for Digital Circuits by Alternative Graphs. Automatics and Telemechanics, No.5, 1980, Moscow, pp.152-163 (in Russian).
55. R.Ubar. Fault Localization in Digital Circuits in the Dialogue Mode. Proc. of Technical Diagnosis Conference, Rostow-at-Don, May, 1980, pp.76-85 (in Russian).
56. R. Ubar. Test Simulation for Digital Devices on the Alternative-Graph-Model. Proc. of the 3rd Conf. on Fault-Tolerant Systems and Diagnostics, Katowice, Poland, 1980.
57. R.Ubar. Beschreibung Digitaler Einrichtungen mit Alternativen Graphen für die Fehlerdiagnose. Nachrichtentechnik/Elektronik, (30) 1980, H.3, pp.96-102.
58. M.Plakk, R.Ubar. Digital Circuit Test Design using the Alternative Graph Model. Automation and Remote Control, Vol.41, No 5, part 2, Nov. 1980, Plenum Publishing Corporation, USA, pp. 714-722.
59. R.Ubar. Detection of Suspected Faults in Combinational Circuits by Solving Boolean Differential Equations Automation and Remote Control, Vol.40, No 11, part 2, Nov. 1980, Plenum Publishing Corporation, USA, pp. 1693-1703.
60. E.Kivi, R.Ubar. Synthesis of Test Groups for Digital Circuits on Alternative GraphsXXXI Student Papers, TTU, Tallinn, 1980, pp.52-55 (in Russian).
61. T.Toome, R.Ubar. Control of Fault Localization in Digital Circuits. XXXI Student Papers, TTU, Tallinn, 1980, pp.55-57 (in Russian).
62. E.Kivi, R.Ubar. Synthesis of Functional Alternative Graphs for Digital Circuits. Proceedings of the Conference on Radio Broadcasting, Tallinn, 1980, pp.23-24 (in Russian).
63. R.Ubar. Multivalued Simulation of Digital Circuits on Alternative Graphs Proceedings of the Conference on Radio Broadcasting, Tallinn, 1980, pp.25-26 (in Russian).
64. R.Ubar. Vektorielle Alternative Graphen und Fehlerdiagnose für digitale Systeme. Nachrichtentechnik/Elektronik, (31) 1981, H.1, pp.25-29.
65. T.Evartson, R.Ubar. Optimization of Fault Localization Procedures in Digital Systems. Proceedings of the All-Union Conference on CAD of Computers, Kaunas, June,1981, pp.175-184 (in Russian).
66. R.Ubar. Generation of Complete Tests for Combinational Circuits. Journal of Academy of Sciences of Estonia, Vol.31, Phys.& Math., 1982, No.4, pp.418-427 (in Russian).
67. A.Toomsalu, R.Ubar. Data Generation In Test Development for Microprocessors. Proc. of Tallinn Technical University, No.530, 1982, Tallinn, pp.63-73 (in Russian).
68. M.Pall, R.Ubar, A.Voolaine. General Approach to Multi-Valued Simulation of Digital Circuits on Alternative Graphs. Proc. of Tallinn Technical University, No.530, 1982, Tallinn, pp.23-38 (in Russian).
69. E.Thoma, R.Ubar. Optimierte Steuerung der Fehlersuche auf digitalen Leiterplatten. Proc. of the 27th International Conference, Technical University of Ilmenau, October, 1982, H.3, pp.65-68.
70. R.Ubar. Reducing the Combinatorial Complexity in Test Generation for Digital Automata. Proc. of Tallinn Techn. University, No.550, 1982, Tallinn, pp.111-119 (in Russian).
71. R.Ubar. General Model of Alternative Graphs for Test Generation in Digital Systems. Proc. of Tallinn Technical University, No.550, 1983, Tallinn, pp.97-109 (in Russian).
72. R.Ubar. Test Pattern Generation for Microprocessor Systems on the Alternative Graph Model. Proc. of the 3rd Symp. of the IMEKO Techn. Committee on Technical Diagnostics. Moscow, 1983, pp.403-410.
73. R.Ubar. Test Generation for Digital Systems on the Vector Alternative Graph Model. Proc. of the 13th Annual Int. Symp. on Fault Tolerant Computing, Milano, Italy, 1983, pp.374-377.
74. R. Ubar. Test Generation for Microprocessors. Proc. of the 6th Conf. on Fault-Tolerant Systems and Diagnostics, Brno, Czechoslovakia, 1983, pp.209-215.
75. T.Lohuaru, M.Pall, R.Ubar. Automated Test Synthesis for Fault Diagnosis in Digital Devices. Journal of Academy of Sciences of Estonia, Vol.32, Phys.& Math., 1983, No.1, pp.84-94 (in Russian)
76. R.Ubar. About Synthesis of Full Test Set for Microprocessor Systems. Proceedings of the Conference of the Day of Radio. Section “Microproceesor Technology”, Tallinn, 1983, pp.16-20 (in Russian)
77. R.Ubar. General Approach to Test Synthesis for Digital Circuits and Systems. Proc. of the 10th All-Union Workshop on Technical Diagnostics, Tallinn, Oct., 1984, pp.75-81. (in Russian).
78. R.Ubar. Optimization of Fault Search Processes in Digital Devices. Journal of Applied Automata Theory, Humboldt University, Berlin, 1984, pp.71-106 (in Russian).
79. T.Evartson, R.Ubar, A.Viilup. Fault Localization Control in Digital Circuits with Counters. Proc. of the 10th All-Union Workshop on Technical Diagnostics, Tallinn, Oct.,1984, pp.28-32 (in Russian).
80. R. Ubar. Computer-Aided Test Generation for Digital Circuits on the Model of Alternative Graphs. Proc. of Technical Diagnosis Conference, Rostow-at-Don, May, 1984, pp.120-127 (in Russian).
81. T. Evartson and R.Ubar. About Simulation of Long Input Sequences for Digital circuits with Counter Structures. Proc. of Tallinn Techn. University, No.601, 1985, Tallinn, pp.61-74 (in Russian).
82. R. Ubar. Using Alternative Graphs for Automatization of Test Program Synthesis for Microprocessor LSI. Electronic Techniques Ser.8, 1985, Vol.5 (116), Moscow, pp.110-113.
83. R. Ubar. Generation of Universal Tests for Digital Devices by Alternative Graphs. Proc. of Tallinn Techn. University, No.601, 1985, Tallinn, pp.51-60 (in Russian).
84. T.Lorenz, G.Knospe, R.Ubar. Testverfahren ftr Assembler-Programme. Proceedings of The Ingenieurhochschule Wismar, No4, 1985, s.8-19 (in German).
85. T.Lohuaru, R.Ubar, T.Evartson. General Approach to Solving Diagnosis Tasks for Digital Systems. Proc. of the 9th All-Union Symposion on Redundancy in Information Systems, Leningrad, May, 1986, pp.32-35 (in Russian).
86. R.Ubar. Research and Development of Testing Methods for Digital Systems Thesis of Dr.Sc. Dissertation, Riga, 1986, 43 pp. (in Russian).
87. R.Ubar. Research and Development of Testing Methods for Digital Systems Dr.Sc. Dissertation, Riga, 1986, Part 1. 337 p. (in Russian).
88. R.Ubar. Research and Development of Testing Methods for Digital Systems Dr.Sc. Dissertation, Riga, 1986, Part 2. 168 p. (in Russian).
89. R.Ubar. Description of Microprocessor LSI by Alternative Graphs. Proc. of Technical Diagnosis Conference, Rostow-at-Don, USSR, May, 1986, pp.24-30 (in Russian).
90. R.Ubar. Methods of Testing Digital Systems. Proc. of Tallinn Technical University, No.626, 1986, Tallinn, pp.61-73 (in Russian).
91. T.Lohuaru, R.Ubar. About Test Synthesis for Microprocessor VLSI. Journal of Design and Diagnostics of Computers, Institute of Cybernetics, Tallinn, 1987, pp.30-42 (in Russian).
92. R.Ubar. Test Generation for Microprocessor Control Mechanisms. Proc. of the 10th Conf. on Fault-Tolerant Systems and Diagnostics, Varna, Bulgaria, September, 1987, pp. 305-311.
93. R.Ubar. About the History of Research in Diagnostics of Computers in Estonia. Proc. of TTU, No 678, 1988, pp.110-127 (in Estonian).
94. R.Ubar. Test Generation for Microprocessors on Alternative Graphs. Proc. The 33rd Int. Conference, Technical University of Ilmenau, October, 1988, pp.11-14 (in German).
95. T.Lohuaru, R.Ubar. Description of Digital Objects with Alternative Graphs for Test Generation Purposes. Proc. of the 11th Conf. on Fault-Tolerant Systems and Diagnostics, Suhl, May 1988, pp.157-163.
96. V.Alango, T.Kont, R.Ubar. Test Program Compilation in Automated Test Generation for Microprocessors. Proc. of Tallinn Technical University, No.674, 1988, Tallinn, pp.78-87 (in Russian).
97. G.Elst, T.Lohuaru, B.Straube, R.Ubar. Test Generation for Data Parts in Digital Systems. Proc. of Tallinn Technical University, No.674,1988, Tallinn, pp.65-77 (in Russian).
98. R.Ubar. Alternative Graphs and Technical Diagnosis of Digital Devices. Electronic Techniques, Vol.8, No.5 (132),1988, Moscow, pp.33-57 (in Russian).
99. V.Grigorenko, T.Lohuaru, R.Raud, R.Ubar). Integrated CAD of Testable Digital Systems for PCsProc. of. 5th International Workshop on Automation and Scientific Instrumentation (ASI’88), Varna, October 11-21, 1988, pp. 250-256 (in Russian).
100. R.Ubar. About the History of Research on Testing of Computers in Estonia. Proceedings of TTU No 678, Tallinn, 1988, pp.110-127 (in Estonian).
101. R.Ubar. Functional Level Test Set Generation Methods. Invited paper. Proc. of the 12th Conf. on Fault-Tolerant Systems and Diagnostics, Prague, Sept.,1989, pp.46-55.
102. R.Ubar, A.Voolaine. Multi-Valued Simulation on the Alternative Graph Model of Digital Devices. Proc. of the 12th Conf. on Fault-Tolerant Systems and Diagnostics, Prague, Czechoslovakia, September, 1989, pp.101-104.
103. A.Toomsalu, R.Ubar, V.Zaugarow. Generation of Test Experiments for Digital Devices. Proc. of the 9th Int. Conf., Mittweida, Germany, September, 1989, pp.46-54.
104. V.Alango, T.Kont, R.Ubar. Automatic Test Program Generation System for Digital Systems. Proc. of the 1st Int. Conf.on CAD of Digital Systems, Leningrad, 1989, pp.23-31 (in Russian).
105. R.Ubar. Probabilistic Testing Digital Circuits using Alternative Graphs. Proc. of Tallinn Technical University, No.696, 1989, Tallinn, pp.89-96 (in Russian).
106. R.Ubar. Functional Specification and Testing of Digital Systems. Proc. of the 3rd Symp Multimicroprocessor Systems Vol.1, Stralsund, Germany, October, 1989, pp.207-217.
107. R.Ubar, T.Lohuaru). Ein universeller Weg zur Automatisierung des Testentwurfs für digitale Objekte. In “Fehler in Automaten” von D. Bochmann und R. Ubar, VEB Verlag Technik Berlin, 1989. S. 16-30.
108. T.Lohuaru, M.Mannisalu, P.Pukk, R.Ubar, E.Vanamolder. Test System for Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Microprocessor Control Devices. Proc. of Tallinn Technical University, No.708, 1990, Tallinn, pp.70-84.
109. V.Alango, T.Kont, R.Ubar. New Test Design Techniques for Fault Detection in Digital Objects. Proc. of Tallinn Technical University, No. 708, 1990, Tallinn, pp.52-69.
110. K.Kuchcinski, Z.Peng, R.Ubar. Test Generation for Digital Systems at Functional Level. Research Report LiTH-IDA-R-90-06, Linkoping University, Sweden, 1990, 21 p.
111. R.Ubar. An approach to develop intelligent digital test systems. Periodica Polytechnica Ser. Electrical Engineering, Vol.34, No.4, Budapest, 1990, pp.233-244.
112. R.Ubar. Digital test design based on alternative graphs. Proc. of the 2nd European Design Automation Conference, Amsterdam, February 25-28, 1991.
113. R.Ubar, K.Kuchcinski, Z.Peng. Test generation of digital systems at functional level. The 2nd European Test Conference, Munich, Germany, April 10-12, 1991.
114. R.Ubar. New test design techniques for fault detection in digital devices. Proc. of the Int. Design Automation Conference APK'91, Kaunas, June, 1991
115. T.Lohuaru, R.Ubar. A set of tools for diagnosis of digital devices. PC World, Information Computer Enterprise, Moscow, No1, 1991, pp.122-125 (in Russian).
116. R.Ubar. Fault simulation in digital systems using alternative graphs. 36. Int. Wiss. Koll., TH Ilmenau, Oct. 21-24 1991. pp.737-742.
117. R.Ubar. Test generation for ASICs. The 1st Finnish-Estonian Workshop on Digital Circuits and Algorithms, Tallinn, Estonia, March 18-20, 1991.
118. R.Ubar. Digital test design based on alternative graphs. The 1st Finnish-Estonian Workshop on Digital Circuits and Algorithms, Tallinn, Estonia, March 18-20,1991.
119. R.Ubar. Alternative graphs and test pattern design in digital systems. Proc. of the 6th Workshop on new directions for testing, Montreal, Canada, May 20-22, 1992.
120. R.Ubar. Multi-Level Test Generation and Fault Diagnosis in Digital Systems. Research Report, TIM3/IMAG/INPG, France, 1992, 88 p.
121. R.Ubar, K.Kuchinski. Functional Level Controllability Analysis for Digital Circuits Proc. of Design Automation Conference, Kaunas, June 1-4, 1992, pp.13-21.
122. R.Ubar. Diagnostic Software for Systems. In "Concise Encyclopedia of Software Engineering" Pergamon Press,1992, pp.101-106.
123. R.Ubar. Testing of systems using software. In "Concise Encyclopedia of Software Engineering" Pergamon Press,1 992, pp.354-357.
124. R.Ubar. CAD für Digitaltechnik - Eine Programmfamilie für den Entwurf von Testmustern zum Test von Digitalschaltungen. IBM Hochschulkongress'92. Offene Grenzen - offene Systeme. Dresden 1992, S. IV9 1-14.
125. R.Ubar, K.Kuchcinski. Algorithms of Functional Level Testability Analysis for Digital Circuits. Periodica Polytechnica Ser. El. Eng., Vol.36, No.3-4, Budapest, 1992, pp.295-308.
126. R.Ubar. Functional Level Testability Analysis for Digital Circuits. Research Report LiTH-IDA-R-92-03, Linkoping University, Sweden, 1992, pp.16.
127. R.Ubar, J.Dushina, V.Zaugarov, E.Krupnova, S.Storozhev. FTGEN - A System for Functional Test Generation Proceedings of CAD-93: New Information Technologies for Science, Education and Business. Yalta May 4-13, 1993, pp.123-125 (in Russian).
128. R.Ubar, K.Kuchcinski. Functional Level Testability Analysis for Digital Circuits. Proc. of European Test Conference ETC'93, Rotterdam, April 19-22, 1993, pp.545-546.
129. R.Ubar, J.Dushina,V.Zaugarov, E.Krupnova, S.Storozhev.Test Generation System for Microprocessors. Proc. of Int. Conf. "Technical Diagnostics-93", St.-Peterburg, June 8-10, 1993, pp.87-89 (in Russian).
130. R.Ubar,V.Tulit, A.Buldas, M.Saarepera. Laboratory Course for Training "Digital Design and Test". Proc.of IV EUROCHIP Workshop on VLSI Design Training, Toledo, Sept.30-Oct.2, pp. 112-117, 1993.
131. R.Ubar, V.Tulit, A.Buldas, M.Saarepera. TURBO TESTER. A Set of Software Tools for CAD of Test for Digital Circuits. Proc.of IV EUROCHIP Workshop on VLSI Design Training, Toledo, Sept.30-Oct.2, pp. 396, 1993.
132. R.Ubar. Alternative Graph Based Test Design in Digital Systems. Invited paper. Proc. of the 11. NORCHIP Seminar, Trondheim (Norway), Nov. 9-10, pp.48-62, 1993.
133. R.Ubar,J.Dushina, H.Krupnova, S.Storozhev, V.Zaugarov. Functional Test Program Generation for Digital Systems. Proc. of the 6. Workshop "Testmethoden und Zuverlässigkeit von Schaltungen und Systemen", Vaals (Niederlande), March 6-8, pp. 14-18, 1994.
134. R.Ubar. Book review Boundary-Scan Test. By H.Bleeker, P.Van Den Eijnden and F.De Jong. Kluwer Academic, Boston (1993). 225 pp. In Engineering applications of Artificial Intelligence. Pergamon Press Ltd. 1994.
135. R.Ubar. Test Generation for Digital Systems Based on Alternative Graphs Theory. Lecture Notes in Computer Science No 852. Dependable Computing - EDCC-1. Springer-Verlag, 1994, pp.151-164.
136. R.Ubar. Parallel Critical Path Tracing Fault Simulation Proc. of the 39. Int. Wiss. Kolloquium. Ilmenau (Germany), Sept. 27-30, 1994. Band 1, pp. 399-404.
137. R.Ubar. Fault Diagnosis of VLSI Devices Using Alternative Graph Representation. Proc. of The 8th Symposium on Microcomputer and Microprocessor Applications. Budapest, October 12-14, 1994, Volume I, pp.34-44.
138. R.Ubar, A.Buldas, P.Paomets, J.Raik, V.Tulit. A PC-based CAD System for Training Digital Test. Proc. 5th EUROCHIP Workshop on VLSI Design Training. Dresden, October 17-19, 1994, pp.152-157.
139. R.Ubar. Alternative Graphs as a Mathematical Tool and Knowledge Representation for Diagnosis Purposes in Digital Systems. Proc. 4th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference. Tallinn, October 9-14, 1994.
140. H.Krupnova, R.Ubar. Constraints Analysis in Hierarchical Test Generation for Digital Systems. Proc. 4th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference. Tallinn, October 9-14, 1994.