PEDG 5345
Teaching Lesson Rubric
A Classroom Environment That Promotes Equity, Excellence, and Learning
Elements / Competent (C) / Exemplary (E)Communicating Clearly / Oral and written communication is / Oral and written communication is
and Accurately / generally clear and accurate. / clear and expressive, establishing an
Occasionally, students must ask for / environment for the open exchange of
clarification. Intern student directs / questions and ideas.
most of the formal classroom exchange.
Using Questioning and / Asks questions, though many are not / Asks higher-level questions, probing
Discussion Techniques / open-ended and require only rote / for the thinking that underlies students'
responses. Questions are answered / initial responses. Most students
by most students. / participate in the discussion, asking
questions of the teacher and of one
Engaging Students in / Most students are cognitively engaged / Students are cognitively engaged
Learning / throughout the lesson with appropriate / throughout the lesson and make
and relevant activities, materials, / contributions to the content being
content, lesson structure, sequencing / studied, the activities, and the
and pacing that result in student- / materials; the structure, sequencing,
student interaction and learning. / and pacing of the lesson allow for
relevant student reflection, student-
student interaction, and synthesis.
Assessing Student / Assessment is aligned with the lesson, / Students learn to self-assess and plan
Learning / and data is used to plan instruction / for their own learning needs because
and to help students monitor their own / of meaningful feedback on assessments
meaning. / from the teacher and students.
Demonstrating Flexibility / Modifies instructional plan but / Flexibility is used in seeking ways to
and Responsiveness / sometimes misses opportunities to / promote successful learning for
build on student interest and questions. / students, with adjustments made as
needed. Students' interests and
questions are encouraged, and
persistence is used in ensuring the
success of all students.
Creating an Environment of / Interactions, both between the teacher / Students are considerate of each
Rapport and Respect / and students and among students, are / other's time and property and anticipate
generally polite and respectful of / the needs of others, offering help in
individual, cultural, and developmental / classroom interactions.
differences among groups of students.
Establishing a Culture for / Commitment to learning focuses / Students assume much of the
Learning / students on relevant interactions with / responsibility for establishing a culture
the content; expectations for achieve- / for learning in the classroom by taking
ment are realistic. / pride in their work, initiating improve-
ments to their products, and holding
their work to the highest standard.
Managing Classroom / Classroom routines and procedures, / Classroom routines and procedures,
Procedures / including those involving volunteers and / including those involving volunteers and
paraprofessionals, are seamless and / paraprofessionals, are seamless in
function smoothly with little loss of / their operation, and students assume
instructional time; students generally / responsibility for establishing and
follow routines and procedures. / implementing procedures for the
confusion among students. / classroom's smooth functioning.
Elements / Competent (C) / Exemplary (E)
Managing Student / Most student behavior is appropriate; / Student behavior is appropriate with
Behavior / there is an awareness of student / evidence of student participation in
behavior, clear standards of conduct / setting expectations and monitoring
have been established, and consistent / behavior; monitoring of student
appropriate response to student / behavior is subtle and preventive;
misbehavior, that is respectful of / response to student behavior is
students, is exhibited. / sensitive to individual students needs.
Organizing Physical Space / The classroom's physical arrangement / The classroom is safe, and students
supports the learning activities; standard / help ensure that the physical environ-
safety procedures in the physical / ment supports the learning of all
environment are apparent resulting in / students.
students' abilities to complete activities
without risk of physical harm; learning
is accessible to all students.