Yesennia Somoano


Prof. Caren Treiser


Focus Essay

Ah, how simple would life be if we could asses our talents and interests electronically, ending up with concise statistics which will guide us to our careers. Can choosing a job really be as easy as answering a few personality questions? Alas, the world of technology has brought us closer to choosing our career paths.

I was slightly apprehensive towards taking the Focus test. I assumed that, after much evaluation, the computer would literally talk back to me and pronounce my fate “teacher”. Shortly thereafter, I would lower my head and give up on hope. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being an educator. However, for me, it was the suggested career path I’d been from countless friends and family members for as long as I can remember. So, the day came when I would be awakened from my rebellious dreams of living in the fashion industry. After carefully and truthfully answering each question, I got the statistically shocking results back in an easy-to-read chart. The beloved chart told me that my interests lie in the artistic section. I was ecstatic. But what was I supposed to do with this information? By guiding the mouse to click on the ‘next’ icon, the computer transported me to a world of career opportunities. At the top of the list was ‘sales administrator’ for graphic design. It wasn’t exactly what I had in mind, so I continued to scroll down the list. Not so far down was the title of a fashion coordinator. I thought this was fantastic! It was the most fabulous job I’d ever heard of. A fashion coordinator promotes new designs in order to increase sales by sponsoring and managing fashion shows. The job is befitting given that my dream has always been to influence trends.

While it seems as though I had found my true calling, my imagination began to wander as it usually does. I scrolled down the list to find another exciting career. I found the career that dreams are made of. I imagined myself as a publications editor. A publications editor is required to determine the themes that are to be published in books, magazines, and journals. They also secure the graphic and art works from sources and determine what goes into the publication. I think this type of job would suit me best. I love to write and I would love to be in charge of the contents of a magazine. I am salivating just thinking about the possibilities!