Trivia Game Instructions
The purpose of this assessment is to create a PowerPoint presentation that will apply all of the skills learned up until this point. Your trivia game can be based on an academics or an area of personal interest. ALL QUESTIONS MUST BE FACTUAL & PROVABLE.
Day 1 Basic Layout
- Open a new Microsoft PowerPoint presentation and select a Design Template of your choice.
- You may also create background slides if you’d like.
- Each slide MUST have an Action Button or Object to guide the slide show.
- Slide One: Title of your game show, Sub-Title - Hosted by your name, and your digital picture.(if required by Mr. D)
- Slide Two: Rules and regulations of the game.
- Slide Three: You Lose, (Be creative here)
- Slide Four – Nine: Questions (minimum number of questions is six, you may have more if desired)
- Each question must befactual, provable, specific and grammatically correct
- Each question must have a minimum of four answers to chose from
- Each answer must be hyperlinked through an Action Button or Object
- Incorrect answers must be sent to the “You Lose slide” (#3)
- Correct answers must be sent to the next slide or some type of prize. Questions must be answered correctly according to the rules.
- Each question should get progressively more difficult
- Slide Ten: Last slide should be a type of celebration for winning your game.
- Save As: “Trivia Game” in your Computer Literacy II folder. Remember to save often.
Time Saving Tip:
Create one action button or object and set the action setting to the 3rd slide (the “You Lose” slide). Copy the action button/object and paste it 3 times. Add text answers for each button. Change the Action Setting for the correct answer button to go to the next slide.
Things to think about:
- Be creative
- Do not over animate your slides
- Make sure the slide layout is easy to read and well organized. It should enhance the presentation.
DiSora \ Murray ’07PowerPoint Unit
/ Description of Minimum Requirements / No Attempt0 Points / Below Standard
2 Points / Meets Standard
3 Points / Exceeds Standard
4 Points
1 / Length of presentation minimum 10 slides / Length of presentation
0 – 3 slides / Length of presentation 4 – 7 slides / Length of presentation 8 - 9 slides / Length of presentation 10 or more slides
2 / All slides have Action Buttons for choices or direction that work properly / No Action Buttons / 1– 10 Slides with Action Buttons for choices & direction, 3 or more do not work / 1 – 10 Slides with Action Buttons for choices & direction, 1 or 2 do not work / 10 Slides or more with Action Buttons that all work properly
3 / Minimum of 6 factualchallenging trivia questions / 0 – 2 Trivia Questions / 3 - 4 Trivia Questions / 5 Trivia Questions / 6 or More Trivia Questions
4 / Minimum of four answer choices per question / 4 or more questions have less than 4 answer choices / 2 or 3 questions do not have four or more answer choices / 1 question does not have four or more answer choices / All (more) six questions have four or more answer choices
5 / Trivia questions are grammatically correct / 1 question grammatically correct / 2 or 3 questions gram- matically correct / 4 or 5 questions gram- matically correct / All 6 or more questions grammatically correct
6 / 6 slides with appropriate Clips/Animated Clips (minimum 3 animated) / No pictures / 1 – 6 Slides with clips, but noanimated clips / 6 Slides with different clips, only 1 or 2 animated / 6 Slides or more with different clips
(Min. 3 animated)
7 / Slide layout- easy to read & well organized. Arrange text & objects that enhance the presentation / Text & objects that detract from the presentation / Text & objects that somewhat detract from presentation / Text & objects that support presentation / Slide layout, easy to read & well organized. Arrange text & objects that enhance the presentation
8 / Slide Transitions successfully operate for all slides (timing & sounds optional) / No Slide Transitions / Slide Transitions successfully work on 1 – 6 slides / Slide Transitions successfully work on 7 – 9 Slides / Slide Transitions successfully operate for all slides
9 / Last slide, Prize Slide, insert a picture of your prize and describe it, hyperlink the picture or a object to the website / No prize slide / Prize picture, but Hyperlink does not work and no description. / Prize picture, and working Hyperlink, but Prize is not described / Prize Picture, Prize described, and Picture or Object with hyperlink that successfully operates.
10 / 3 slides with Animated Text from a web site. Ex.
or / No Animated Text / 1 Slide with Animated Text
/ 2 Slides with Animated Text
/ 3 or more slides with Animated Text
Bonus /
Add downloaded music or a sound.
/ Plus 2 Bonus PointsEvaluated By:
/ Total # of Points Scored= / 40 = %
Points Earned / 42 / 41 / 40 / 39 / 38 / 37 / 36 / 35 / 34
Percentage / 105% / 103% / 100% / 98% / 95% / 93% / 90% / 88% / 85%
DiSora \ Murray ’07PowerPoint Unit