I can’t believe that this is my second year as Head Teacher of Baird Memorial already! I would like to say a warm welcome back to all our pupils, with a special mention to our new Primary Ones. We had a great first week with everyone getting back in to the swing of things and lots of smiling faces around the school.

Our Parent Information Evening is in the school on Tuesday 6th September at 7pm. All parents are invited to find out the school’s plans for the coming session, to update you on new initiatives and to meet the class teachers. Teachers will give you more of an insight regarding class work and how you can help your child at home.

Teachers will be discussing homework on the night but P4 to P7 teachers ask that pupils keep practising their times tables on a regular basis.

On that note, here are classes and teachers for session 2016/17: -

P1 Miss McFadyen

P2 Mrs Rice

P3 Miss Williams/Miss Cummings

P4 Miss Komolafe/Mrs Colville

P5 Miss Dunbar/Mr Cochen

P6 Miss Wightman

P7 Miss Watson

Miss Cummings, Mrs Colville, Miss Doig and I will be taking the pupils on a Monday afternoon for Pupil Learning Communities (PLC) where they will be working co operatively to learn all about health, eco, communication and Gaelic for our first block.

On a Friday Miss Cummings or I will take a whole school achievements assembly from 10 – 10.30am.

You will all receive an envelope this week with lots of information and forms (this only happens once a year!) which we require you to complete as quickly as possible and return in the envelope so that we can keep all your information up to date in case of an emergency. Our computer records will be updated but we also keep a paper copy of your contact numbers in case of power failure. All of our information is emailed or texted to you to allow us to be as Eco Friendly as possible.

There are various housekeeping issues, which I would like to mention to you with regards to your children.

·  Could you ensure that your child has suitable indoor shoes?

·  If your child wishes to play on the pitch you may wish to send in old trainers to save their new school shoes.

·  Please label all of your child’s items of uniform to avoid confusion.

·  Each child will be expected to have the necessary equipment for school such as pencil, rubber, ruler, sharpener, coloured pencils etc. as we are unable to supply these to every child.

·  Could your child have their gym kit on the necessary days (It may be easier, especially with young children) to send in a PE kit on a Monday and take it home on a Friday for washing. Can I remind you that gym kit is black shorts and a white tee-shirt with no jewellery.

·  No mobile phones or other electronic items are allowed to be used in school unless your child is in the Own Games group once our organised Golden Time begins.

·  Children are allowed water bottles on their tables to use throughout the day but these must have water only in them or they will be asked to put them away.

Gym Days

P1 - Wednesday and Friday

P2 - Tuesday and Friday

P3 - Wednesday and Thursday

P4 - Tuesday and Wednesday

P5 - Monday and Thursday

P6 - Tuesday and Thursday

P7 - Monday and Wednesday

Thank you in anticipation for your cooperation with these matters.

Class Dojo

P2 – P7 will be using Class Dojo this term. Individual teachers will give you more information on this at our Meet the Teacher evening in September. Please do not use Dojo for general correspondence with the teacher. You are welcome to contact the school through the general enquiries e-mail or by phone on 632096 if you have any issues or wish to make an appointment.

Allergies – Schools always have pupils with allergies and we would ask you to assist us by not sending any of the following foods in for snacks or in lunch boxes: -

·  Nuts of any sort (including in Nutella type spreads and Bueno Bars or similar)

·  Sesame seeds (on bread or in any foods also)

If your child has any allergy that you have not informed us of then please contact the school office immediately.

There are always lots of exciting things going on in school and holiday dates that you need to know so below you will find all of the important diary dates for this session.

Class Assembly Dates: -

P1 12th May P2 4th Nov

P3 10th Mar P4 30th Sept

P5 25th Nov P6 3rd Feb

P7 23rd Jun

Harvest Assembly Friday 14th October

Christmas Assembly Friday 23rd December

All welcome

Rag Bag Collection – We will be sending out the collection bags for all of your old textiles this week. We need them back for Friday 2nd September as they are being collected on the 5th. Remember the more we have the more money we earn for our school fund.

School Discos

Hallowe’en P 1 – 3 Mon 31st Oct 6.30 – 7.45

P 4 – 7 Mon 31st Oct 8 – 9.15

There will be a £2 charge per child to cover cost - entry includes snack


September Weekend Frid 23rd and Mon 26th September

October Week Mon 17th to Frid 21st October

Other Important Dates

Frid 26th Aug and Frid 2nd September We are very lucky to have Theatres in Schools providing us with 2 shows over the next couple of weeks. This Friday Condorrat Primary will be joining our P1 – 4 classes to see Catherine Wheels production of ‘Martha’ and next Friday they will join our P 5 – 7 classes to see Visible Fiction’s ‘Shopping for Shoes’.

There will be no charge for these productions.

Parent Council – Drinks and nibbles

All parents are warmly invited to our Parent Council Meeting on Monday 29th Aug at 7pm. This will be an opportunity to come along and hear what we do in the Parent Council and consider whether you would like to join. We normally hold one meeting every month and these last around 1 – 1 ½ hours. We would love to have as many of you as willing come and join us.


I am aware that some parents park in the school carpark to pick up children at the end of the day. Unfortunately we now seem to have insufficient parking spaces available for all of the staff working within the school. I do not mind you using the area however I need to ask you to park sensibly and legally and be careful and considerate of staff who need to move their cars and pupils walking through the carpark. Under no circumstances should anyone be parking on the roundabout as this stops traffic from flowing.


Our new website is up and running and will be regularly updated with photos and information. If you do not wish photos of your child to be put on our new website please contact Miss Cummings by email or phone.

You can access it by simply typing in Baird Memorial in the search bar or by going to www.baird.n-lanark.sch.uk

I would like to end by saying that I am happy to meet with any parent who has a great idea or any issue so feel free to make an appointment by contacting the school office or emailing me at