Harrisonburg High School

Band Booster Minutes for Aug. 6, 2012

Meetings fall on the 1st Monday of every month, 7PM. Special exceptions may include holiday weeks. Check band calendar for changes.

Greetings & Introductions / Large turnout, especially from new freshman parents
President / Patti King
Vice President / Clark Upton
Amy Labarge
Treasurer / Suzanne Fiederlein., Jackie Rohrer assisting
Secretary / Brooke Brosious
Friday Night Feast / Debbie Caricofe, Vickie (Eddie’s mom interested in helping)
Website / Email / Diana Flick
Tiny Tots / Amy Labarge
Concessions / Jamie Labarge, assisted by John King
Transportation / Hector Bosch, assisted by Dave Martin
Uniforms / Sharon King, Kathy McKenzie assisting
All Virginia Band / HHS is hosting hospitality in April 2013. Will begin active recruitment and planning in December.
Post-Concert Reception
Other Initiatives / All hands needed!
Email Distribution Lists / Uniiforms, Concessions,
Secretary Report
Treasurer Report / Monthly Reports - May, June, July
May: Band camp payments, band truck, music
June: Band Camp, THMS End-of-Year, Band Spring Concert Reception, Band Picnic, Ice Cream Social, Dry Cleaners
July: Band Camp, truck, office expenses
FY 2011 - 2012 Budget Review
Income: Concessions, Marching Band fees, SVMI, Shoes, Parentsge amount of revenue come from Concessions.
Expenses: Concessions, Marching Band, Middle School, Variable (scholarships, philanthropy, awards, retreat, insurance, various, truck
FY 2012 – 2013 Budget (7/1/12 – 7/31/13)
Expenses: Additional allocations for Concessions, Food, SVMI, Band Camp Food,
FY 2012-2013 Budget approved with no changes.
Coverage for liability for booster equipment, property,
JR will request that Tammy Mongold (Ashleigh ’12) to advise us on policy from last year
Old Business / None
New Business / Band Camp (Amy Labarge)
We are in the first week, food and volunteers covered.
Concessions (Jamie Labarge)
First football game on Aug. 24
No football games in Sept., SVMI
Transportation (JR for Hector)
Wooden shelving is being built for truck, on schedule to complete on time for competition season. Will be used for daily storage as well.
Uniforms (Sharon King)
Beginning to fit students for marching uniforms and concert dress
80 competition, 12 Friday night
Sharon requesting help with fittings this week W/Th/Fri from 1PM to 3PM
Football Program, Individuals
Laura Purcell may be able to assist
Tiny Tots (Amy Labarge)
No report, event is not until March 2013
SVMI (JR Snow)
SVMI (Shenandoah Valley Marching Invitational) is an annual band competition hosted by HHS and Broadway High School. This year it falls on Sept. 29.
Parent and student volunteers needed for Parking, Stadium, Pit Crew, Water, Concessions, Student Guides. Many positions are for day of event, some precursory duties.Broadway anticipated to contribute 25% of their volunteer resources
Band Web Site / Calendar (JR Snow)
New! Jazz Band – Monday nights 7PM (Brett)
Daniel Upton – New to staff, Virginia Tech grad,
Teaching Percussion & Electronic Music
HHS Program Leadership
Ian Richard will own much of the leadership duties of Marching Band. JR will still oversee marching band program
Concert Band
Investigating schedule conflicts with Guidance and Administration
CHARMS – Band Database
Web-based to consolidate “everything” band
Parent and student communication hub (instruments, locker combos, student account balances, etc.)
Upcoming Events / 8/6 – 8/18 Band Camp Socials
Band Camp Day Activities - Spirit Days (Hippie Day, Beach Day, Mismatch Day, Superhero Day, Country Day, Sports Day, Sectional Spirit Day, Character Day, Green
Band Camp Evening Activities – Sectional Hangout, Bowling Night, Kline’s Night, Field Night, Movie Night
8/18 – Student Concert/Potluck (Afternoon)
8/20 – Open House
8/24 - 1st Home FB game(Turner Ashby) and Lock-In
9/29 - SVMI
Next Meeting / Tuesday, 9/4 @ 7PM (Labor Day 9/3)