William H. Erion, P.E., Vice President, M&E Consultants
Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, Colorado State University, 1964
Master of Science, Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Arlington, 1982
Current Licenses and Registration, other Affiliations:
Texas, Professional Engineer
Oklahoma, Professional Engineer
Arkansas, Professional Engineer
Association State Dam Safety Officials
American Society Civil Engineers
National Watershed Coalition
Years Experience:
M&E Consultants: Since 2001
Other employers: 34 years
Engineering planning and design of water resources projects: 38 years
Specialized Training:
HEC-RAS and SITES Training, Specialized design experience with NRCS (SCS)
Experience and Qualifications:
Vice President, M&E Consultants LLC (2001 – Present)
Mallard Lake Site 3C, McKinney, TX (FRS No. 3C of East Fork Above Lavon Watershed) Provided Engineering planning and design for development of Watershed Plan/ EA for the first rehabilitation site constructed in Texas using NRCS rehab funds. Upgrade of fifty-year-old dam from low hazard to high hazard and meet NRCS TR-60 criteria. Used roller compacted concrete spillway. Provided the hydrologic flood routing, hydraulic and structural proportions using SITES and cost estimates for the structural options for development of the plan for rehabilitation following P&G and NRCS Watersheds Manual. HEC-RAS was used to evaluate stability of downstream channel. Principal designer and engineer of record for the final design, plans, specifications, cost estimates, and contract documents for construction. Construction has been completed.
East Fork Above Lavon Watershed FRS No. 3D&3E, McKinney, TX Principal designer and engineer of record for the final design of rehabilitation of two low hazard dams upgraded to high hazard dams. Prepared hydraulic, hydrologic and structural designs of modifications to meet current NRCS TR-60 high hazard requirements, which included addition of principal spillway conduit, hood inlet trashrack structure, and outlet at one site and replacement of the principal spillway with a new inlet, conduit, and outlet at the other. NRCS criteria and procedures including SITES program, TR-68 Seismic analysis of risers, TR-67 strength design of concrete, and part 633 NEH for filter design were used. Construction drawings, specifications, cost estimates, and contract documents were prepared. Construction has been completed with no significant changes from the design.
Elm Fork 19 MP, Muenster, TX Provided design for a locally and federally cost shared multipurpose dam to be built in phases. Principal design engineer and engineer of record for the project which included water for flood control, municipal use and recreation. The work included hydraulic and hydrologic design of the spillways and structural design of the reinforced concrete intake structures, conduits and outlet works. Also included was geotechnical design of the embankment and foundation treatment, and rock riprap slope protection. Design for the control gates and special large steel trash racks required for the water supply outlet works was provided. NRCS procedures and criteria used where applicable. Oversaw the preparation of construction drawings, specifications, cost estimates and contract documents. Construction is complete.
Martinez Creek FRS No. 5, San Antonio, TX Prepared study to develop principal spillway system to met easement constraints and NRCS criteria for the design of rehabilitation of a low hazard dam upgraded to high hazard. Served as adviser to prime contract design firm, URS, on NRCS criteria and procedures. Reviewed and checked final design prepared by URS.
Upper Brushy Creek FRS No. 13A, Round Rock, TX Principal design engineer and engineer of record for the final design of rehabilitation of a low hazard dam upgraded to high hazard. Prepared hydraulic, hydrologic and structural designs of modifications to meet current NRCS TR-60 high hazard requirements, which included addition of principal spillway conduit, hood inlet trashrack structure, and impact basin outlet and parapet wall. Construction drawings, specifications, cost estimates, and contract documents were prepared. Project has been constructed.
Muddy Fork Illinois MPD 4, Prairie Grove, AR Planning engineer in development of Watershed Work Plan Supplement and EA. Performed evaluation of alternates in accordance with P&G and National Watersheds Manual using SITES program to meet site and easement constraints and NRCS TR-60 criteria for the rehabilitation of a low hazard water supply and flood control dam upgraded to high hazard. Selected alternate is RCC primary auxiliary spillway and raised top of dam. Principal design engineer and engineer of record for the final design, plans, specifications, cost estimate and contract documents for this project. Construction has not commenced.
Caney Coon MPD 2, Sallisaw Creek FWRS 32, 18M, and 26; Cottonwood Creek FWRS 15 and 16 M&E Consultants partnered with URS Corporation in the design of rehabilitation of these six dams. Designed the principal spillway systems for these six projects to meet NRCS TR-60 and State of Oklahoma criteria. Reviewed and checked final design, plans, specifications and cost estimates prepared by others. Advised URS personnel on NRCS criteria and procedures.
Sole Proprietorship, William H. Erion, Civil Engineer (1999 – 2001)
Elm Fork 19 MP, Muenster, TX Prepared reservoir operation study using NRCS TR-19 and RESOP for water supply dam and reservoir to establish the optimum storage to meet the water supply demand for Muenster, Texas. Prepared planning information on the water supply portion of the project. Flood routing, using SITES program was performed to establish hydraulic and structural proportions. Cost estimates were made and reports evaluating the monetary benefits accruing to the development of municipal and industrial water supply for this project were prepared per NRCS National Watersheds Manual and Principals and Guidelines which was used by NRCS in developing the final EA. Presented and defended these plans at interagency meetings during the 404 permit review and provided input to the development of the mitigation plans.
Emergency Watershed Protection Projects Designed and prepared construction plans, specifications and other construction documents for the repair of 4 dams and 2 bridge abutments damaged by flooding.
Washington State Conservation Engineer, NRCS (1995 – 1997)
Chief Engineer for Washington State Operations of NRCS (Natural Resources Conservation Service). Responsible for engineering work consisting of planning, designing and installing structures and other measures for flood control, soil erosion control, pollution abatement, water conservation, water quality improvement and management of irrigation water. Provided technical guidance to field engineers, design staff and engineering technicians. Direct supervisor of design engineer, geologist and two engineering technicians. Reviewed field operations to assure adherence to technical standards, agency policy and state regulations and laws. Directed installation of Marshland flood protection dike with a construction cost of $1,600,000 and 25 emergency stream channel restoration projects with a total construction cost of $3,200,000.
Assistant Head of the Engineering Design Section, SCS (1977 – 1995)
Served as Assistant Head of the Engineering Design Section of the South National Technical Center, Fort Worth, TX which serviced 12 Southeast states, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Designed and reviewed designs of dams, channels and appurtenant structures for flood control, drainage, irrigation and water supply. Designed mass concrete and roller compacted concrete dams and the hydraulic and structural design of several complex spillway structures. Reviewed designs of more than 200 projects for conformance to agency criteria and sound technical practice. Participated in special planning study of Oaklimiter Creek, Burney Branch, and Muddy Creek flood control channel projects in Mississippi.
Visited projects before and during design and construction to evaluate problems of unusual or differing conditions and recommend solutions. Assessed causes of failures and deficiencies in operating facilities. Instructed training in structural design, design of open channels, concrete for construction and new employee orientation. Author of technical advisories, portions of handbooks, technical releases and policy documents for nationwide use. Among others, these subjects included stable channel design, geomorphic and mobile boundary hydraulics of stream channels, grade stabilization in flood control channels, design of structures in seismically active areas and riprap design which are incorporated in NRCS technical releases and practice standards. Authored and presented technical papers on Roller Compacted Concrete Dam, Stream Channel Restoration and Concrete Durability.
Served as staff planning specialist. Oversaw and reviewed engineering elements of Watershed Plans, Natural Resource Plans and Environmental Impact documents for National Technical Center for conformance to National Watersheds Manual, Principals and Guidelines and agency engineering criteria. Served as member of a team, which evaluated the performance of auxiliary spillways following storm flow events throughout the nation. The information and insight was used in the development of the spillway integrity elements of the SITES program. Served on NRCS-ASDSO Task Group on Dam Rehabilitation.
Head of Design Unit, SCS (1974 – 1977)
Designed and prepared construction plans and specifications for engineering work in the state of Utah. Established design criteria parameters and scope of work to be performed by employees. Work consisted of dams for flood control, and irrigation pipeline and canal systems. Supervised design staff of 4 employees and reviewed all work incorporated into plans and specifications.
Design Engineer, Design Section, SCS (1972 – 1974)
Provided engineering design service for West Regional Technical Center in Oregon. Designed dams, appurtenances and multi-farm irrigation systems. Reviewed designs prepared by other Design Engineers. Reviewed designs of irrigation and flood detention dams, sprinkler irrigation projects, irrigation canal and flood diversion. Issued a report and made recommendations for approval by the head of the Regional Engineering Staff.
Civil Engineer, Field, Planning and Design Staff, SCS, New Mexico (1965 – 1972)
Designed small irrigation and erosion control measures for farmers and ranchers. Planned portions of two large flood control projects. Designed portions of five floodwater retarding dams including structural design of the concrete spillways.