Sample scheme of work for GCSE (9–1) Economics
Scheme of Work for OCR GCSE (9–1) in Economics (J205) – teaching across 3 years
This scheme of work offers an example of how the new OCR GCSE (9-1) Economics course, J205, could be organised over three years. It is designed as a guide only and the order of topics can be changed to suit the preferences of the department. Textbook references are to new OCR GCSE (9-1) textbook, which is available from spring 2017.Year 1 / GCSE Specification / Textbook Reference / Teaching weeks
Autumn Term / Introduction to Economics
1. Introduction to Economics
1.1 Main economic groups and factors of production / Main economic groups and factors of production / Chapter 1.1 / Week 1
1.2 The basic economic problem / Scare resources, unlimited wants and the economic problem / Chapter 1.2 / Week 2
Opportunity cost / Week 3
Economic choices and sustainability / Week 4
2. The role of markets and money
2.1 The role of markets / Market; sectors; product and factor markets / Chapter 2.1 / Week 5
Specialisation and exchange / Week 6
Autumn Half-Term
Autumn Term / 2.2 Demand / Demand / Chapter 2.2 / Week 7
Demand curve / Week 8
Demand curve, shifts and movements / Week 9
Causes and consequences of shifts and movements / Week 10
Price elasticity of demand / Week 11
Importance of PED for consumers/producers / Week 12
Christmas Holidays
Spring Term / 2.3 Supply / Supply / Chapter 2.3 / Week 13
Supply curve / Week 14
Supply curve, shifts and movements / Week 15
Causes and consequences of shifts and movements / Week 16
Price elasticity of supply / Week 17
Importance of PES for consumers/producers / Week 18
Spring Half-Term
Spring Term / 2.4 Price / Price / Chapter 2.4 / Week 19
Equilibrium price and quantity / Week 20
Interaction of demand and supply / Week 21
Determination of price / Week 22
Allocation of resources / Week 23
Market forces, equilibrium price and quantity / Week 24
Easter Holidays
Summer Term / 2.5 Competition / Competition and market economy / Chapter 2.5 / Week 25
Competition and price / Week 26
Impact of competition on producers and consumers / Week 27
Monopoly and oligopoly / Week 28
2.6 Production / Role of producers / Chapter 2.6 / Week 29
Production and productivity / Week 30
Summer Half-Term
Summer Term / Cost, Revenue, profit and loss calculations / Week 31
Importance of cost, revenue, profit and loss / Week 32
Economies of scale / Week 33
Revision / Week 34
Revision / Week 35
Mock exams / Week 36
Year 2
Autumn Term / 2. The role of markets and money
Recap year 1 / Week 1
2.7 The labour market / The labour market / Chapter 2.7 / Week 2
Determination of wages / Week 3
Gross and net pay calculations / Week 4
2.8 The role of money and financial sector / Role of money / Chapter 2.8 / Week 5
Importance of financial sector / Week 6
Autumn Half-Term
Autumn Term / Effect of changes in interest rates / Week 7
Interest rate calculations / Week 8
National and International Economics
3. Economic objectives and the role of government
3.1 Economic growth / Economic growth / Chapter 3.1 / Week 9
GDP and GDP per capita / Week 10
Recent and historical GDP data / Week 11
Determinants of economic growth / Week 12
Christmas Holidays
Spring Term / Costs and benefits of economic growth / Week 13
3.2 Low unemployment / Employment and unemployment, types of unemployment / Chapter 3.2 / Week 14
Claimant Count / Week 15
Unemployment rate calculations / Week 16
Recent and historical unemployment data / Week 17
Causes and consequences of unemployment / Week 18
Spring Half-Term
3.3 Fair distribution of income and wealth / Distribution of income and wealth / Chapter 3.3 / Week 19
Income and wealth calculations / Week 20
Causes and consequences of differences in income and wealth / Week 21
3.4 Price stability and inflation / Price stability and inflation / Chapter 3.4 / Week 22
Real and nominal values / Week 23
Consumer Price Index / Week 24
Easter Holidays
Effect of inflation on prices / Week 25
Recent and historical inflation data / Week 26
Causes and consequences of inflation / Week 27
3.5 Fiscal policy / Government spending / Chapter 3.5 / Week 28
Government revenue / Week 29
Government budget / Week 30
Summer Half-Term
Summer Term / Fiscal policy / Week 31
Effects of fiscal policy / Week 32
Costs and benefits of fiscal policy / Week 33
Measures to redistribute income and wealth / Week 34
Revision / Week 35
Mock exams / Week 36
Year 3
Autumn Term / 3. Economic objectives and the role of government
Recap year 2 / Week 1
3.6 Monetary policy / Monetary policy / Chapter 3.6 / Week 2
Monetary policy, growth, employment and price stability / Week 3
Effects of monetary policy / Week 4
3.7 Supply side policies / Supply side policies / Chapter 3.7 / Week 5
Costs and benefits of supply side policies / Week 6
Autumn Half-Term
Autumn Term / 3.8 Limitations of markets / Externalities / Chapter 3.8 / Week 1
Government policies to correct externalities / Week 8
Impact of policies to correct externalities / Week 9
Cost and benefits of policies to correct externalities / Week 10
4. International trade and the global economy
4.1 The importance of international trade / International trade / Chapter 4.1 / Week 11
Free trade agreements / Week 12
Christmas Holidays
4.2 Balance of payments / Balance of Payments / Chapter 4.2 / Week 13
BOP surpluses and deficits / Week 14
Recent and historical international trade data / Week 15
Importance of BOP for UK economy / Week 16
Causes of BOP surpluses and deficits / Week 17
4.3 Exchange rates / Exchange Rates / Chapter 4.3 / Week 18
Spring Half-Term
Spring Term / Currency conversion / Week 19
Recent and historical exchange rate data / Week 20
Effect of changes in exchange rate / Week 21
4.4 Globalisation / Globalisation / Chapter 4.4 / Week 22
Development measures / Week 23
Costs and benefits of globalisation / Week 24
Easter Holidays
Exam Preparation / Week 25
Exam Preparation / Week 26
Exam Preparation / Week 27
Exam Preparation / Week 28
Exam Preparation / Week 29
Exam Preparation / Week 30
Summer Half-Term
Exams Summer 2019