BSC 2093C Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 (4 Credit Hours)

CRN 24764 Section E01

Instructor: Ms. Young (-Email)

Science Dept. Office-Ext 2434

Lab-Tuesday: 7-9:45am, Building 1-227: Class 7-9:45 am. Building 1-371. Thurs.

Office Hours by Appointment.

Text: Human Anatomy and Physiologyby Marieb, 9th Edition 2013.

Human Anatomy and PhysiologyLab Manual by Marieb4th Valencia Ed.

A Photographic Atlas for the A&P Laboratory by Kent VanDeGraaf, 6th Ed.

Optional: A Visual Analogy Guide to Human Anatomy by Paul Krieger

Prerequisites: BSC 1010C or High School Biology and Chemistry Honors or AP

Course Description: Anatomy and Physiology 1 studies the basic systems of the human body both structure and function. Topics include basic chemistry, tissues, cells, and the integementary system, skeletal, muscular, nervous and endocrine systems. How these systems interrelate, causes of disease, treatments and current issues will be included.

Course Grade: Grades will be determined based on the average of 4 objective exams (200 points) in class and 4 quizzes (50 points: for a total of 1000 points), 10 labs @20 points apiece and two Lab Practicals (lab grade is 40% of the final grade) Grading Scale: 1260-1400 = A: 1120-1259 = B: 980-1119 = C: 840-1079=D: <840 = F.

Absences and Make-up Work:

The Student is expected to attend each class meeting on time and is responsible for all material covered or assigned during class. The fourth test will serve as 1 make up test or 1 missing test. (Except the final exam which can only be made up with prior permission of the department chair, instructor and/or Dean) There is NO makeup for lab practicals. VCC core competencies are emphasized. Academic honesty is required of all students. Students must withdraw themselves before the withdrawal date otherwise will receive their earned grade. No extra credit points will be given.

Tentative Lecture Schedule Spring 2013 *WD 3/22

Lab Tuesday-Class Thursday

Jan 8 10 Introduction: Chapter 1: Human Biology: An Orientation

Chapter 2: Chemistry Comes Alive

15 17, Organic Chemistry and DNA

22 24 Chapter 3: Cells: The Living Units

Chapter 4: Tissues: The Living Fabric

29 31 Chapter 5: Integumentary system


(5) 7 Test #1 (Ch. 1-5)

12 14 Chapter 6: Bone: Skeletal Tissue-Chapter 7: The Skeleton

19 21 Chapter 8: Joints Chapter 9:Muscle and Muscle Tissue

26 28 Test 2 (Ch 6-9)

Mar 4-10 Spring Break

19 21 Chapter 11: Fundamentals of Nervous system and Nervous Tissue

Chapter 12: The Central Nervous System

26 28 Selected Questions from 13-14. Review


2 4 Test 3 (Ch 11, 12 and 13-14)

9 11 Chapter 15: The Special Senses (taste, smell)The eye and ear

16 18 . Chapter 16: The Endocrine System and Review

26 Review 25 Final Exam: 7:00-9:30 am (Chapters 15-17 and cumulative)