1. A child is in principle eligible for co-insurance with a parent participating in the Austrian sickness insurance (Wiener Gebietskrankenkasse – GKK) but has to be registered for coverage directly by the participant. GKK form Antrag auf Gewährung von Leistungen für Kinder (available from the Social Security office, E1075) completed and signed by the participant should be sent together with a copy of the birth certificate to the nearest district office of GKK or its main office. After registration, GKK will issue an identity card for the child which will be sent to the participant together with an explanatory note. Please inform the Social Security office of the coverage of your child in GKK and of the identity number consisting of a four-digit individual number plus six digits for the birth date. This number is necessary for the issuance of medical vouchers (Krankenkassenchecks) for the child.

2. A child beyond age 18 will only continue to qualify for benefits from GKK as eligible dependant under a participant=s coverage if he/she attends as a full time student a training school or university in Austria recognized by GKK up to maximum age 27.

3. Evidence thereof is required in form of a certificate (Inskriptionsbestätigung) issued by the institute where the child is studying. Under cover of the form entitled Antrag auf Gewährung von Leistungen für Kinder, the certificate should be sent directly to the nearest district office of GKK or its main office. In absence of the above application and evidence of school attendance, coverage ceases and the child would no longer qualify for any benefits from GKK.

4. In response to the application for continued coverage, the staff member will receive a letter from GKK authorizing the employer to issue medical vouchers (Krankenkassenschecks) for the period of certified school attendance. A copy of this letter is required by the Social Security office as basis for issuing a child's medical vouchers.

5. As the school normally provides certification of attendance for one semester only, the application for continued coverage would have to be made for each semester separately at the beginning of the semester. Since GKK handles the eligibility for coverage very strictly, adherence to the above procedure is important in order to ensure a child's continued coverage.