Continuous Improvement Sustainability Worksheet
Departmentof EmploymentandEconomicDevelopment(DEED) SustainabilityEffortsNameofEntity / Entity(workgroup,committee,taskforce) / IssueFocusofEntity(fleet,recycling,energy,etc) / Isthislegislatively/executivelyrequired?Ifyes,describe. / Whoistheentityaccountableto? / Contact / SizeofGroup
AFS / Accounts Payable / Energy/Efficiency / Paper Reduction:
Online Business Expense process using SEMA4 Self-Service / Paper Reduction Act / MMB / Chris Ortega / 5 headquarters and 700 department-wide employees requesting reimbursement
AFS / Procurement and Contract Management (P&C) / Energy / Efficiency / Paper Reduction:
Online Purchase Request and Approval Systemand work flow for commodities, contracts and grants / Paper Reduction Act / AFS / Nina Kennedy Cooper / 5 headquarters and 145 local procurement staff
1 headquarters and 31 local grant coordinators and 18 professional/technical contract coordinators
AFS / Procurement / Paper reduction:
Create on-line, electronic forms and work flow processes for many of DEED financial forms / Paper Reduction Act / AFS / Nina Kennedy Cooper / 1
AFS / Print & Distribution Services / Energy / Efficiency / Paper Reduction:
SharePoint workflow for print requests / Paper Reduction Act / AFS / Christopher Cloutier / 2
AFS / AFS – Al units
HR – All units / Energy / Efficiency / Paper Reduction:
Electronic document management system for document storage for financial and human resources documents (in-process) / Paper Reduction Act
Records retention / data privacy / Commissioner’s Office / Julie Freeman
Dorcas Michaelson / 66 AFS and HR staff
CARD / CARD / Energy/Efficiency / Paper Reduction:
SharePoint workflow for marketing/communications requests / N/A / Commissioner’s Office / Jo Iverson / DEED employees requesting CARD services
AFS / Facilities Management / Recycling:
Reduce bottled water usageby installing water fill stations in DEED headquarters. / EO-11-13 / IPPAT / Steve Johnson / 2
AFS / Fleet Services / Fleet:
Encourage E85 fuel usage and leasing of fuel efficient vehicles in DEED fleet / EO-11-13 / IPPAT / Nina Kennedy Cooper / 2
AFS / Fleet Services / Fleet:
Participating in Admin’s 90-day pilot for installation of telematics devices in 10 DEED leased vehicles:
- engine trouble diagnostics
- where and when it stops, how long it stays at each location
- the vehicle speed when traveling between points
- how long it idles during the day
- total number of miles driven
- fuel economy and usage
- greenhouse gas emissions
- hard brakes/stops
- when the telematics equipment is turned on and off
- Future implementation for all DEED fleet
AFS / First National Bank Building (FNBB) Management
Facilities Management / Recycling:
Reduce garbage waste through recycling efforts / EO-11-13 / IPPAT / Steve Johnson / 1 headquarters and 800 DEED employees
AFS / Facilities Management / Energy reduction:: Implemented electrical zones and light switches for more efficient use of electricity / EO-11-13 / IPPAT / Steve Johnson / 2
AFS / First National Bank Building (FNBB) Management
Facilities Management / Energy efficiency / reduction:
Begin discussion with new landlord about replacing light fixtures with more energy efficient LED fixtures / EO-11-13 / IPPAT / Steve Johnson / 2
AFS / Commissioner’s Office / Energy reduction:
Removed stand-alone printers from offices, replaced with centralized Multi-Functional Devices (MFDs) in DEED headquarters and outstate locations; MFDs equipped with energy savings features when not in use / EO-11-13 / IPPAT / Nina Kennedy Cooper
MN.IT Services / Department-wide initiative
Commissioner’s Office / MN.IT Services / Energy reduction:
Instructed employees to turn computers off at the end of each day (after-hours), except for Wednesdays when patches, upgrades, etc. are pushed out and turn out lights when leave offices and work area(s) / N/A / MN.IT Services
Facilities Management / MN.IT Services
Steve Johnson / Department-wide initiative
AFS / Procurement
Safety Office / Eliminate Triclosan use:
Buyers are encouraged to purchase cleaning products that do not contain Triclosan / EO-11-13 / IPPAT / Nina Kennedy Cooper
Brenda Tuma / 6
AFS / Procurement / Recycling:
Purchase and use of 30% post consumer recycled material / fiber content copier paper in DEED locations / M.S. 16C.0725 / MMD / Nina Kennedy Cooper / 5 headquarters and 145 local procurement staff
AFS / Commissioner’s Office / Recycling, Energy:
Reduce waste and increase recycling of paper, cans and bottles at all DEED locations. / EO-11-13 / IPPAT / Blake Chaffee / 1,500 employees
AFS / AFS / Energy:
Encourage commuting alternatives as an employee benefit through use of Metropass bus pass program and use of light rail / EO-11-13 / IPPAT / Annaliza Heesch / 2
Human Resources / Safety Unit / Air Quality:
Notify staff of all air quality alerts / EO-11-13 / IPPAT / Brenda Tuma / 1
AFS / Procurement / Energy:
Fleet composition:
Replace existing DEED-owned cargo van through lease of new energy-efficient vehicle / EO-11-13 / IPPAT / Nina Kennedy Cooper / 2
*SCOPE: the work we do within our own agencies do to make Minnesota state government sustainable.