ON 4th October 2012

TITLE: Workplace Learning Agreement


That the Chief Executive and/or the City Mayor sign the Workplace Learning Agreement in partnership with the joint trade unions, GMB, Unison and Unite


This report provides a historical overview of activity around the skills agenda, in particular developing the basic skills (now functional skills**) of council employees. It also outlines the purpose of introducing a workplace learning agreement in partnership with the joint trade unions.

**(Functional Skills are qualifications that have been developed by the Government as part of an initiative to improve the country's literacy, numeracy and ICT skills. They have replaced Key Skills Level 1 and 2 qualifications from September 2012; in the short-term Entry Level Key Skills will remain as there is no current replacement – this is still in review).


(Available for public inspection)

Draft workplace learning agreement



Part 3 (3.2) of the National Agreement on Pay and Conditions of Service (Green Book) states, “Employers and recognised trade unions shall co-operate to establish and implement local schemes on training and development.”

Salford has demonstrated its commitment to embedding trade union involvement in the development of the learning agenda. A Skills for Life Steering Group attended by senior union officials, representatives from HR, Directorate representatives, Union Learning Representatives (ULR’s) and training providers was established as far back as 2004, and met quarterly to discuss and create an action plan for developing functional skills within the Council.

In 2007, the steering group submitted a bid to Union learn and were successful in securing funding for the secondment of a ULR to the post of project worker within the Organisational Development team in October 2007, for six months. Funding for the post was split 50/50 between the union learn fund and the city council. Due to the success of the secondment in generating skills activity, it was extended and funded for a further twelve months. Following the donation of several pc’s by GMB, the Unison office was set up as a learning centre. Weekly literacy and numeracy classes were held, facilitated by tutors from Salford City College. Learners could brush up their skills leading to the achievement of an adult certificate in literacy and/or numeracy at Level 2 (equivalent to 5 GCSC’s at grade C or above)

The work undertaken by the OD Team, the steering group, the project worker and ULR’s, resulted in the council achieving the North West Employers GO Excellence Award in March 2009, for its’ commitment to improving the functional skills of the workforce.

In 2009 North West Employers replaced the GO Award with the Skills Award which widened the agenda beyond functional skills to include all forms and levels of learning. Salford achieved the Skills Award in 2009. Reaccreditation is due September 2012 .

Between April 2009 and February 2011, skills activity decreased. Likely reasons for this are

·  The secondment of the project worker role coming to an end late 2009/early 2010

·  Reduction in the number of active ULR’s

·  Decrease in demand for places on literacy and numeracy classes

Current position

The City Council recognises the importance of the skills agenda particularly in supporting the delivery of the council’s priorities. It has been proposed that skills becomes a regular item on the Joint Secretaries agenda. There is support for utilising ULR’s through the skills steering group, to assist in signposting staff and supporting the development of learning opportunities across the council. To support the agenda moving forward the joint trade unions are keen to agree a workplace learning agreement. The aim of the agreement (see appendix 1 for draft) is to provide a framework for co-operation between the Council and the Trade Unions, to review and implement training and development schemes for the benefit of both employees and the Organisation. It also formalises the existing good practice that is already in place.

Discussions have taken place at the quarterly steering group meetings on the following:

·  Finalising and agreeing a workplace learning agreement – following new guidance from Union learn in September 2012, a revised draft was tabled at the Skills Steering Group meeting on 21st September 2012. This has now been circulated to union learn/ union representatives for comments.

·  Re-establishing literacy & numeracy classes at the Unison office – this has been discussed with Steve North at the steering group. He was in favour of re-establishing the sessions and has had discussions with Salford City College resulting in an offer of support being made. Karen Darlington meeting with Debbie Brown on 27th September 2012 to discuss this further

·  Digital inclusion – Both Unison and HR have made enquiries with Salford City College regarding possible support to develop basic IT classes

·  ULR recruitment – consideration needs to be given to how we market the role ULR’s and ensure equitable numbers across all Directorates. We currently have 14 ULR’s with a heavy emphasis within Environment. The latest up to date list was circulated at the steering group meeting on 21st September 2012 .

·  Skills Award – HR secured some virtual funding for a consultant to review our skills award evidence. This has now been updated and submitted for re-accreditation. The outcome of the re-assessment should be received from NWEO next week.


ASSESSMENT OF RISK: Not applicable

SOURCE OF FUNDING: Not applicable

LEGAL IMPLICATIONS: Section 43 of the Employment Act 2002 created a new right for ULRs in workplaces with union recognition to take paid time off during working hours to undertake their duties/activities and to access relevant training in order to do so.



CONTACT OFFICER: Karen Darlington TEL. NO. 607 7170