Western Suburbs Junior Australian
Football Club - WSJAFC
40 Hampton Street Croydon Park NSW 2133 Ph: 0409 998 700
Committee 2015 Page 3
Parent Helpers Page 4
Canteen Roster Page 4
Season Page 4
Scheduled Training Times Page 5
Games Page 5
Wet Weather Arrangement/Notifications Page 5
Wet Weather Training Page 5
Match Days Page 6
Registration Prices for 2015 Page 6
Why do we need the money? Page 6
Where do we get the money? Page 6
Canteen Page 6
Social Functions Page 6
Equipment Page 7
Insurance Page 7
Sponsorship Page 7
Codes of Conduct and Disciplinary Matters Page 8
Playing in Age, Playing Up and Evening Up Page 8
Representative Football and the Swans Academy Page 9
Club Song Page 9
Best & Fairest Voting Page 10
Photographs Page 10
Senior Club and Western Wolves Women’s Club Page 10
Licensed Club Page 11
Picken Oval and Wagener Oval Page 11
Web Addresses Page 11
APPENDIX A – Codes of Conduct - AFL Greater Sydney Juniors Page 12
Committee 2015
Position / Name / Contact numbers / Email ContactExecutive Committee
President & AFL contact / Brian Nieser / 0409 998 700 /
Vice President / Paul Ryan / 0447 777 069 /
Secretary / Barry Jenkins / 0476 193 847 /
Treasurer & Public Officer / Graham Hawkes / 0417 134 422 /
Registrar / Stephen Flavel / 0411 287 445 /
Committee Members (Rule 28)
Auskick Coordinator / Richard Stone / 0408 409 200 /
Fundraising Coordinator / Liz McConnell / 0422 951 251 /
Merchandise Coordinator / Leanne Munk / 0409 442 585 /
Child Protection Officer / Meghan Ryan / 0410 681 966
9798 3073 /
Canteen Coordinator / Jenny Neiser / 0407 998 700 /
Seniors Liaison / Pat Kannan / 0417 242 821 /
Grants & Sponsorship / Heather Ferguson / 0431 247 050 /
Committee Members (Rule 29)
Umpire Coordinator / Paul Ryan / 0447 777 069 /
Coaching Coordinator / Dion Bremner / 0428 625 750 /
Website Manager & Social Media / Amanda Banfield /
Property Steward / Vacant
Recruitment Officer / Vacant
Football Operations / Paul Ryan / 0447 777 069 /
Photo Coordinator / Meghan Ryan / 0410 681 966
9798 3073 /
Parent Helpers
You will note that some positions on the Club’s Committee have not been filled as yet. The Club, like all voluntary community-based organisations, depends on the commitment of its members to keep everything going. Please give consideration to taking on a role. The Committee meets only once a month. There are also ways you can help without being on the Committee so if you can spare a little time please contact the President or Secretary to find out how you can make a difference.
It is expected that all families will be able to assist at some point throughout the season, even in a small way. As well as the canteen/barbeque (see below), we need parents to help with things like setting up the ground before games, managing the siren timing and other details at home games, goal umpiring, jumper washing, water bottles, etc.
Please see your team manager to find out how you can help things run more smoothly on match days and when asked to assist with something please don’t find excuses, just jump in and help.
Canteen Roster
The Club's fundraising is directed exclusively at providing for the players. One of our largest income streams is via the match day canteen.
Without the canteen, match day would be less enjoyable and the fees would be higher.
It is unfair if the job of staffing the canteen falls on a small number of people, who each do a large amount of work. If we all chip in, we can achieve the same result with a lot of people each doing a small amount of work.
We are asking each player’s family to contribute time to the running of the canteen on match days. We
have about 8 home games each season.
If each family works at the canteen/barbeque on one of those days, we will be able to spread the work more evenly around the Club. This works out at about 2 hours per season per player, which is surely something we can all manage.
We ask that on your rostered day, you serve over the period of the three quarter break of the game before your child’s game to the three quarter break of your child’s game – this enables everyone to watch the last quarter of their child’s game.
Your Team Manager will distribute the roster. It is simplest if players and/or parents arrange any swaps.
The first game of the season will be on the weekend of 18th and 19th April 2015. Please note that this is the last weekend of the school holidays in NSW.
There will be no games on the middle weekend of school holidays throughout the year.
The last minor round game will be played on the 15th and 16th August, which will be followed by 3 more weekends of finals or gala days. This depends on the age and Division (where relevant) of the team. Team managers will be able to confirm the schedule for each team.
Please note that the season effectively runs until the weekend of 5th and 6th September (depending on the team’s success). It is important for all players to be available until the end of the season.
Scheduled Training Times
Training for Auskick through to U11 held at Picken Oval, Hampton Street, Croydon Park.
Training for U12 through to U17 is generally held at Wagener Oval, Dougan Street, Ashbury.
Auskick through to U12 train on Wednesdays, from 5:30 PM to 6.30 PM for Auskick, and to 7 PM for U10 and above.
U13s, U14s, U15s, U17s will train on either Tuesdays and Thursdays from around 5:30 PM to 7 PM, or Wednesdays and Friday from around 5:30 PM to 7 PM.
Given we are working around ground availability for both the 3 Senior Football teams, U19’s and Women’s team, there may be variations to the above from time to time.
Training is meant to be fun, but it’s also a time to concentrate on skill development, team play and fitness.
Please talk to your child and encourage them to come to training with a positive attitude.
Disruptive behaviour reduces the value of training for all players (not to mention the coach!) and will not be tolerated.
The vast majority of our home games will be played at Picken Oval.
There may be occasions where games are transferred to Wagener Oval where clashes occur with Senior Football.
Auskick to U11 play their games on Saturdays, Auskick teams in the morning and older age teams late morning and early afternoon. U12 to U17 will play on a Sunday with times variable.
Please contact your team manager for game day times and details.
Wet Weather Arrangement/Notifications & Updates will be via the following methods:
Wet Weather Line: 0450 521 969
Facebook – Wests AFL Juniors
Twitter – @WestsAFLJuniors
Website – http://www.westsjuniorsafl.com.au/index.html
Club Mobile – President – Brian Nieser - 0409 998 700
Please ensure you provide the Club with your correct contact details (can be more than one) & don’t forget to Like our Facebook page & become a Follower to our Twitter account, so you will be kept informed as soon as updates become available.
Wet Weather Training
In the event of persistent heavy rain prior to or on training days, Council may close Wagener Oval. This advice can be obtained from the club’s mobile message service by phoning 0450 521 969. Please note that the Seniors Club determines closures in relation to Picken Oval so it is important to rely on the Junior Club’s mobile message service for the latest news rather than Council’s updates.
Please do not use Council’s message service as the club may make alternative arrangements.
Coaches may also organise alternative activities if the ground is closed, so on wet days it is a good idea
to take runners to training.
Match Days
Again the mobile message service 0450 521 969 will have the latest updates as to whether matches will proceed on Picken Oval or other away venues during the course of the year.
Registration Prices for 2015
First child in family to register AND pay:
$110 - Before 15th March 2015. After 15th March 2015 - $125.
Second child in family to register AND pay:
$100 -Before 15th March 2015. After 15th March 2015 - $115
Third child in family to register AND pay + every other child thereafter:
$90 -Before 15th March 2015. After 15th March 2015 - $105
Why do we need the money?
It costs approximately $200 per player per season (i.e., more than the registration fees) for items such as umpires, jumpers, shorts, socks, footballs, training equipment and trophies.
In addition, the Club must pay for items such as Association registration and affiliation fees (secretarial, finals, presentation, insurance costs), ground hire, Auskick packs, advertising, postage, coaching accreditation, etc.
Note, Western Suburbs Junior Australian Football Club has the cheapest registration fees amongst all the other clubs in the City sub-region.
Where do we get the money?
Besides registration fees we meet our costs through canteen sales, social functions and sponsorship, all of which need your support.
A very large part of our funding comes through our canteen sales.
The canteen is run with a roster system, in which one adult member of each family spends only a couple of hours during the season on the canteen.
When you receive the roster from your team manager please commit to helping out.
Social Functions
We don’t have many, but they’ve been great successes, socially and financially.
Please make the effort to support our Club, meet other parents and enjoy yourself into the bargain.
Please ensure your child has good fitting football boots. Any boots will do as long as they don’t have metallic studs, a lot of the stores may try to sell you an “AFL” boot but they are basically all the same.
We will issue your child with Club socks and shorts, which are yours to keep. For those that have shorts and socks from last year, if they still fit and are in good condition please use them again as this saves the club significant costs.
Guernsey’s are given out prior to a match by the team manager and should be returned to the manager at the end of each game.
For our younger Auskick groups who start early on a Sat. morning we may issue a Guernsey to you to hold for the year. Please take good care of it, as we will require it back at the end of the year.
As part of our duty of care to players the AFL do recommend players wear a dentist fitted mouth guard. There are dentists who will offer a discount to WESTS club members. Please refer to your Team’s manager for details.
This is the only way to provide a high level of protection to your Childs teeth. “Generic” mouth guards available in chemists and sports shops, do provide some level of protection but nowhere near that of a properly fitted guard.
Insurance is included in your subscription fees and is provided under a broad arrangement brokered by the AFL, from Jardine Lloyd Thompson Australia under the brand jltsport.
The cost of insurance is a significant financial impost on the club and the choice of cover is not taken lightly.
Four levels of cover are available and the Club Committee have chosen to upgrade from the standard Bronze level cover recommended by the AFL to Silver level, which provides the following Non-Medicare Personal Injury Benefits:
· 75% reimbursement
· Max $2,500.00 benefit per claim
· $75 excess per claim
· Capital Benefit of $150,000 maximum
Please ensure you read the full detail of the policies and summaries available on the jltsport website , click here, or follow this link in your browser - http://afl.jltsport.com.au/downloads_flyers.aspx
To download a claim form, click here, or follow this link in your browser - http://afl.jltsport.com.au/claim_pi.aspx
West’s Juniors are in the process of revising our sponsorship packages. While that is occurring the Grants and Sponsorship Sub-Committee welcomes any proposals from prospective sponsors and supporters. Please contact the Club Secretary or the Grants & Sponsorship Coordinator (details on p.2).
Codes of Conduct and Disciplinary Matters
AFLNSW place a premium on the provision and maintenance of a safe and structured environment under which our children can play AFL.
A copy of the Codes of Conduct for Players, Parents & Supporters, Coaches, Administrators and Officials is included in Appendix A to this manual. The Club expects everyone to read the codes and ensure that they abide by those that apply to them.
For on field disciplinary matters the AFL Greater Sydney Juniors have a well-defined rule set and structure for dealing with any matters.
For U11’s any disciplinary matters reported by an umpire or official will be dealt with by the use of prescribed penalties, the clubs committee and an association representative or by a regional tribunal hearing (requiring attendance) for serious offenses.
For U12’s and up again either prescribed penalties or a Tribunal is used.
Any off field issues involving players, coaches, parents, care givers or spectators reported by umpires or club officials are dealt with seriously and usually involve a tribunal hearing requiring attendance.