CPT222 Fiber-Optic System Testing and Troubleshooting

Instructor: Dennis Pearson Office: Room 713

Phone: 724 925-4131

Office Hours: Office Hours: T/TH 3:30-4:30 W 12:00-3:00 OR Call 724 420-7862 for Appointment

Email Address:

This course is designed to provide training in the testing and trouble shooting of Fiber-Optic systems. Classroom lecture, demonstration and repetitive testing with emphasis on analysis with interpretation of actual instrument derived test results, is the method of instruction. Topics covered will include repetitive testing of both single-mode fiber, multi-mode fiber, repetitive insertion loss tests on multiple links, repetitive testing with Optical Time Domain Reflectometery. Emphasis will be placed on testing and trouble-shooting, measuring signal quality, and reflectance testing. This course is designed to prepare for the Fiber Optic Specialist/Testing certification.


A.  General Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

·  The student will develop fiber optic insertion link testing skills.

·  The student will develop fiber optic Optical Time Domain Reflectometery testing skills

·  The student will develop fiber optic problem solving and troubleshooting skills.

·  The student will develop fiber optic testing and troubleshooting skills that can be used in networking, telecommunications and engineering applications.

·  The student will develop useful fiber optic testing interpretation skills that can be used in various current technologies.

·  The student will become aware of the ever-changing fiber optic technology discipline and the significance of testing and troubleshooting in providing reliable system performance.

·  Practice safe processes and safe procedures with Fiber Optic systems.

·  Maintain a safe working environment with Fiber Optic equipment and supplies.

·  Test, measure and evaluate fiber optic system components

·  Troubleshoot and replace/repair faulty fiber optic system components.

·  Test the performance of a fiber optic system.

·  Perform Preventative Maintenance on a fiber optic system components

·  Identify all components used in Fiber Optic System Testing.

·  Practice safe processes and safe procedures with Fiber Optic System Testing.

·  Maintain a safe working environment while conducting Fiber Optic System Testing.

·  Perform Insertion loss tests.

·  Perform Multimode Normalization Tests.

·  Understand OTDR principles and functional diagram.

·  Perform OTDR test and interpret backscatter traces results.

·  Perform OTDR test and interpret reflective loss traces results.

·  Perform OTDR test and interpret non-reflective traces results.

·  Perform OTDR test and determine Accurate Length measurements. Perform multiple Reflectance testing scenarios.

·  Certify system segments to published standards

·  Secure and Identify functioning subsystems according to published standards. Perform multiple Reflectance testing scenarios.

·  Measure connection loss for estimated and accurate values.

·  Measure attenuation rates.

·  Measure unusual traces.

·  Measure directional differences.

·  Perform reflectance testing to measure reference power.

II.  TEXT USED: Understanding Fiber Optics fifth edition, Jeff Hect Pearson/Prentice Hall ISBN 9780-13-117429-0


Fiber Optic Tool Kit is available at the W.C.C.C. bookstore.

NEVER LOAN YOUR TOOLS TO ANYBODY and always engrave or find a way to, identify your tools!


Software Manuals on reserve - Learning Resources Center

Computing Periodicals – Learning Resources Center



Assignments 100

Quizzes 100

Lab Activities 800

Specification reports 150

Exam I 100

Exam II 100

Exam III 100

Term Paper 100

Work area administration 50

Total 1600

The cutoff points for letter grades will be 90% to 100% =A, 80% to 89%=B, 70% to 79%=C, 60% to 69%=D, and 59% or below = F. Keep your own point totals.

Work Area Administration: Because of the utilization of the advanced technology lab and the professional work ethics required on the job, each student will be responsible for the maintenance and appearance of their assigned workstation. At the end of each class and prior to leaving the advanced technology lab, each student is responsible for cleaning their assigned workstation area, arranging the equipment in the area appropriately as well as ensuring that all other equipment has been properly stored. 50 points of the students’ final grade will be based upon work area administration.

Unscheduled quizzes will be administered throughout the semester; there will be NO make up for missed quizzes. Make-up exams are permitted for the mid-term exam only, but are strongly discouraged. For each week the exam is late there will be a 10% penalty. The penalty will be waived for one week if the student contacts the instructor within 24 hours of the exam date and schedules the make-up exam. No makeup exams may be taken more than two weeks after the scheduled exam date. This policy will be adhered to without exception, and failure to comply with it will result in a grade of ZERO (0) for the exam. There will be no make up of the final exam.

B. Assignments: Readings from the textbook will be studied and discussed. You are expected to read and study each assignment in advance of the discussion period. It is expected that each student will complete all assignments. Do not turn in someone else’s work as your own or allow someone else to copy your work. Students will be required to submit research essays on the topic as described by the instructor. The purpose of these assignments is to acquaint the student with relevant information concerning specific computer hardware and software components and issues.

These informational documents must include the following:

1.  All hardware and / or software operational specifications that are pertinent

2.  All hardware requirements for each scenario ( hardware compatibility list)

3.  All software requirements for each scenario (i.e.: operating systems/network operating systems….etc)

4.  All service pack requirements, drivers, patches or any other information pertinent to the topic or device under research.

5.  All documentation for the sources of information

The student may use the following sources to obtain information concerning computer hardware and software:

·  Magazine articles

·  World Wide Web (highly informative)

·  OEM information

·  Third party advertising

·  Text and course information

·  Library, technical manuals, and other outside sources.

The student may include photocopies and/or printouts of background information. The student is encouraged to maintain copies of all reports submitted for their own personal records.

No Assignments = NO GRADE.

C. Term Research Paper: All Students will be required to submit a research paper. The topic of the paper will focus on building a fiber optic communication/computer system from component parts. The paper must be at least 6 pages long not including references. References must include at least three books and two magazine articles and web-sites. The paper will be due at term end. Your instructor will provide additional information concerning format of the paper and possible sources of references. The student is permitted to editorialize providing the student has presented appropriate documentation.

D. ATTENDANCE: Regular attendance is recommended, as absences will affect the ability of the student to maintain a consistent pace throughout the course. Regular class attendance will make this testing process less stressful. Classroom Participation: A portion of CPT – 198 involves in class lab work which is to be finished by the student (including review questions) and handed in by the next class. We will attempt schedule makeup days for student absences. Students are encouraged to attend all class sessions and be prepared. Due to the nature of the equipment there will be no smoking, eating, spitting tobacco, or drinking in the classroom or laboratories

E. WITHDRAWAL POLICY: Students withdrawing prior to midterm will receive a “W” grade. Students withdrawing after mid-term will receive a grade of “W” only if the request is submitted for the college cut of date for the request. . A college initiated withdrawal will be initiated for any student failing to login into this course in Blackboard and/or participate in classroom activities for a period of three consecutive weeks.

F. Students with Disabilities: Students with disabilities are encouraged each semester to schedule an appointment with the student support services counselor to discuss their individual needs. You may be asked to provide documentation of your disability to determine the appropriateness of accommodations. If you need an accommodation due to a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, please contact Disabilities Services in Room 130 Founders Hall, 724-925-4121; or Lauren Eicher, Counselor of Disabilities & Student Behavioral Intervention Services, at . Advance notice may be necessary for some accommodations to be provided in a timely manner. Accommodations must be supported by adequate documentation and are determined on an individual basis.


Although the instructor may deem it appropriate to deviate from the following schedule, the basic design of the course will be:

1 / An Introduction to Fiber Optics
Fundamentals of Fiber-Optic Components
Lab Assignments Assign Tool Kits
Safety / 1
2 / Fundamentals of Fiber-Optic Communications
Types of Optical Fiber
Lab Activities / 3
3 / Properties of Optical Fibers
Fiber Materials, Structure, and Manufacture
Lab activities / 5
4 / Specialty Fibers
Lab activities / 7
5 / Light Sources
Lab activities / 9
6 / Exam Textbook Ch1-9
Amplification, Regenerations, Wavelength Conversion
Connectors and Splices
Lab activities / 12
7 / Fiber Optic Terminations continued
Lab Activities / Handouts
8 / Couplers and Other Passive Components
Wavelength-Division Multiplexing Optics
Lab Activities / 14
9 / Optical Switches, Modulators, Other Active Components
Fiber Optic Measurements / 16
10 / Troubleshooting and Test Equipment
System and optical Networking Components
Lab Activities / 18
11 / Exam Textbook Ch 10-19
Exam Lab
Fiber System Standards
Single- Channel System Design / 20
12 / Optical Networking system Design
Global Telecommunications Applications
Lab Activities / 22
13 / Regional and Metro Telecommunications
Local Telephone or “Access” Networks
Exam Textbook Ch 20-25
Lab Activities / 24
14 / OTDR Testing and Standards
Internet Access and Local-Area Networks
Video Transmission / Handouts
15 / Mobile Fiber-Optic Communications
Fiber-Optic Sensors
Imaging and Illuminating Fiber Optics
Exam Lab / 28
16 / Exam Textbook Ch26-30
Inventory Tool Kits Complete /Work Station Evaluation+

VII. Course Outline (available in Blackboard)

Modifications to the Syllabus: As the semester progresses modification to the syllabus may be made at the discretion of the Instructor. Additional assignments and or modifications will be applied to adapt the curriculum as needed and will be announced in class along with reminders posted to the Announcements feature in Blackboard.

College Resources

If you are experiencing difficulty in this course, the following resources may prove helpful:

The college offers the following resources to all students:

Computer Help Desk – 724 925-4357 or 724 925-5921

Learning Resource Center – 724.925.4100 (Library)

Learning Assistance Center – 724.925.4135

Computer Resource Center – 724.925.4049

Student Advising – 724.925.4051

The Learning Assistance Center and the Computer Resource Center can offer you additional help if you are experiencing technical difficulties in this course. You can obtain more information about all of these services by calling Student Services at 724.925.4196.

If you are having difficulty with Campus Connections

Call: 724.925.4130


If you are having difficulty with Blackboard

Call: Toll Free 1.800.262.2103 ext. 4144

Dial Direct: 724.925.4144 or 724.925.4138


Bookmarks for Understanding Fiber Optics

UFO4 Links


Communications, general

TelecomInformation Resources

FederalStandard 1037C: Glossary of Telecommunications Terms

3Gmobile phones

Primeron Premises Data Communications

Links for further information on specifics



EnhancedFiber Optic Guided Missile System

Introductionto Fiber Optic Imaging

History & Background Information

Tributeto the Telephone Home Page

Historyof Atlantic Cable & Submarine Telegraphy

Course links & tutorials

OpticsNotes.Com: Optics & Photonics Resources, References & Tutorials


Newadvances in fiber-optic connectord

Module3: Semiconductor Lasers

FiberU - New Generation Fiber Optic Connectors

DirectionalCouplers, Australian Photonics CRC

Non-oxide& heavy-metal oxide glass fibers - IR Fiber Review

Fibernetworking & topology tutorial

AvalanchePhotodiodes, A User's Guide

Cablinglearning online resources

FiberDesign Example

GroupWeb Page\VCSEL

OEICs:Light sources

Light& Optics Activities

Readingon Refraction

FiberU Online Training in Fiber Optics


WebProForums Overview

Fotec'sFiber Optic Testing Textbook, Ch. 5, Fiber Optic Connectors

PhotonicsTutorials and Links

PhotonicResources On The Web

LEOTCourse Materials

DSL and broadband

Welcometo the DSL Forum

WebProForum Tutorials: Broadband

DSL- - the place for BROADBAND Current Headlines

Technical Journals & Aricles

LaserFocus World

FiberopticsOnline - Development, design, manufacture, and construction of fiber opticnetworks, systems, subsystems, components and related test and measurementequipment

FIBERS.ORG- Optical Communication Resources



IEICE(Japanese EE Journals)

FibreSystems- IOP Publishing

OpticalKeyhole - optical networks - directory - startups - technology - markets

TechnologyReview - Fiber Optics to the Home

OpticalNetworks Magazine

IntegratedCommunications Design - fiber optics, electronics and software for communicationsequip

Lucent- Bell Labs Tech Journal



Useful corporate sites

OpticalSolutions: Fiber-To-The-Home NOW

CORNINGOptical Fiber

CrystalFibre A/S

TechologyWhite Papers

WorldWide Packets > Home


NTTElectronics Corporation-Photonics Business Group Homepage

AgilityCommunications - tunable lasers

PhotonicCrystal Fibre - Optoelectronics - University of Bath


OpticalSolutions, Inc.

NSGAmerica, Selfoc

Ageretechnical documents


Association resources

NortheastCenter for Telecommunications Technologies - Home