Ripona School Newsletter
December 2013
Ripona School Newsletter
Inside this Issue:
Principal’s Corner 1
Mustang Safety Patrol 2
Perfect Attendance 3
7/8 Honor Roll 3
Kinder News for 2014/15 4
PFC News 5
Character Counts 5
Ripona’s Annual Sock Drive
Our annual Sock Drive, sponsored by the 8th grade class, will take place December 9 – 13. Several years ago our 8th grade teachers wanted to sponsor a drive to help our students focus on needs in our community. The Stockton Gospel Mission let us know they needed socks of all sizes for the homeless families they serve. Each year Ripona students and families have come through and donated over 2000 pairs of socks each year! We are happy about continuing this event this year. There will be a special “sock theme” each day. Names will be drawn daily and participating students will receive a treat. Themes are: Monday- Winter Socks; Tuesday-Toe Socks; Wednesday-Sport Socks (wear your favorite team); Thursday- Matching/Twin Socks (you and a friend wear matching socks) Friday is Create-Your-Own Socks. A contest for K-3 and 4-7 will be held for the most creative socks. This is for fun but also to help those less fortunate.
Mustang Patrol
It is 7:45 a.m. on a Monday and the safety patrol is on duty at curbside, while hundreds of Ripona Mustang students are still getting ready for school. You can see the students from afar, wearing their bright vests and hats as they guide the cars with their wands.
Fourth grader, Regan Castoe, Captain of the first squad that will be known as the Mustang Patrol, is the first one to arrive. “I’m very excited to be the first one,” said Castoe. As the rest of the squad arrives, the team sets up and prepares to assist in making the Ripona Elementary School parking lot safer.
The safety patrol was started by Mr. Galvan, School Psychologist as a request from parents and Dr. Alvarez, Principal, to make the school safer.
“The Mustang Patrol” is a position of leadership and responsibility,” said Galvan. “Student volunteers were trained to be curb side assistants, peer mediators, and soon to be trained to be safety patrollers.”
The duties for The Mustang Patrol are to take the role of curb side assistants, both before and after school, and to be peer mediators and use conflict resolution strategies to assist peers on the playground.
The Mustang Patrol is open to students in grades 4-8 and is for students who demonstrate positive behavior, earn average grades, and maintain good attendance throughout the school year. These students are to be considered as the role models of Ripona Elementary School.
What to do when your child is absent from school…
Please call the school office at (209) 599-4104 the day of their absence. If we do not hear from parents the day of the absence you will get an automated call that evening and can leave a voice message at that time. Absences must be cleared by the parent within three days of the child returning to school. Unverified absences could result in a referral to the School Attendance Review Board.
Ripona School Newsletter
Ripona School Newsletter
Perfect Attendance – 1st Trimester
Ripona School Newsletter
Aguilar, Gibson
Aguilar, Seth
Aguilar Torres, Cesar
Alberti, Preston
Avila, Kaitlyn
Baker, Jolie
Baker, Nathan
Baldwin, Elizabeth
Barner, Ryan
Benzinger, Mia
Blancarte, Mia
Bowden West, Ethan
Campa, Gabriel
Carrillo, Adrian
Castaneda, Emily
Castaneda, Felix
Castaneda, Giselle
Clark, Xzavier
Dougherty, Dorian
Fisher, Annastacia
Fisher, Nicolas
Franco, Alixzander
Franco, Justice
Franco Carreno, Elisabella
Garcia, Alondra
Garcia, Sergio
Gill, Jacob
Gomes, Dylan
Gonzalez, Gabriella
Gonzalez, Jocelyn
Goodspeed, Andrew
Guinan, Jacob
Halley, Reid
Hansen, Ashton
Hansen, Brenna
Hasten, Gracie
Hasten, Jacob
Jauregui Gonzalez, Cuauhtemoc
Johnson, Kenneth
Kinsey, Rylie
Lopez, Dominic
Lummus, Camryn
Lummus, Whitaker
Lyons, Sarah
Macaraig, Hariett
Macaraig, Haskell
Martin, Saige
Martinez, Jimena
Martinez, Lanai
Maurice, Genevieve
McCovey, Payton
McGinnis, Ariana
McGinnis, Sabrina
McGinnis, Trinity
McGinnis, Zaida
McKeon, Evan
McKeon, Shayla
Medina, Aidann
Medina, Elysia
Medina, Sophia
Newkirk, Alexander
Nguyen, Austin
Ochoa Diaz, Andrea
Ochoa Diaz, Yoselin
O'Connor, Kayla
Officer, Brooke
Olmos, Austin
Ortmann, Gabriel
Ortmann, Joseph
Pali, Christian
Pena, Dylan
Perez, Alberto
Perez, Benjamin
Plata, Edwin
Ramirez, Alexis
Ramirez, Leslie
Raygoza Romero, Jose
Reyes, Sandra
Rosado, Daymion
Rosendin, Jenna
Schwertfeger, Natalie
Stum, Noah
Vasquez Boyce, Brandon
Vasquez Boyce, James
Verduzco Baltierra, Edith
Wheeler, Samantha
Whiteside, Danika
Whiteside, Kaydon
Willey, Jeremiah
Willey, Katie
Winchester, Dejia
Winter, Christopher
Winter, Tyler
Ripona School Newsletter
Ripona School Newsletter
Ripona School 7/8 Honor Roll – 1st Trimester
Ripona School Newsletter
Benzinger, Mia
Campos, April
Carlson, Philip
Castaneda, Giselle
Clark, Savannah
Coleman, Gabrielle
Cordero, Emma
Escobar, Tyler
Eskes, Abigail
Haney, Liam
Harlan, Jessica
Hernandez, Roberto
Hix, Matthew
Lehman, Mary
Leslie, Nathan
Loa, Ariana
Lummus, Carson
Maurice, Genevieve
Mc Kibben, Cyanne
McCrory, Barbara
Miller, Felicia
Mulder, Thomas
Nicolosi, Hayley
Officer, Brooke
Olmos, Austin
Ramirez, Alexis
Reyes, Sandra
Rocha, Jordan William
Rosendin, Jenna
Rowe, Nathaniel
Rumble, Peter
Sands, Adam
Shaw, Sophia
Wilkins, Madeline
Willey, Katie
Williamson, Brandon
Ripona School Newsletter
Getting Ready for
Next Year's Kindergarten
***Age Requirement for 2014-15 Kindergarten enrollment - Children must be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2014***
Kindergarten (and Transitional Kindergarten) Orientation will be held on Tuesday, February 25th beginning at6:00 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose room at Park View Elementary School. Topics to be covered at the orientation include district placement and attendance policies, transportation, immunization requirements, and documents required for Kindergarten Registration.
Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten Registration will be held on Tuesday, March 11th, 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose room at Park View Elementary School. Children are eligible to begin kindergarten if they will be five years old on or before September 1, 2014. Children, who turn five between September 2 and December 2, will be eligible for Transitional Kindergarten. Prior to registration, forms will be on-line and available for parents to complete and bring with them to registration. Forms will also be available for completion at the registration on March 11th. All registration forms must be completed and turned in by 4:00 P.M. Friday, March 14th to be in the first placement round. Completed registration packets may be turned in at any elementary school office.
Parents enrolling their child in Kindergarten will be given the opportunity to request a school of attendance. Children with siblings already enrolled in the requested school will be enrolled first. The remainder of the requests will be prioritized by a random drawing. Children will be enrolled in the requested school in the order determined by the drawing until the school's capacity is reached. Remaining children will be placed on the transfer list for the requested school by random selection and then assigned to schools below capacity. Parents who enroll their child after the March 14th deadline will be given the opportunity to request a school of attendance. If the requested school has capacity and there is not a prioritized list for the requested school, the request will be granted. If there is a prioritized list for the requested school, the child will be placed at the bottom of the priority list and assigned to a school with capacity.
We are frequently asked the question, "Do you think my child is ready for school?" Ultimately, you as a parent must decide, as you know your child better than anyone else, but there are a few guidelines which may help you decide if your child is ready to come to school.
Ideally, the child who comes to kindergarten should be happy, creative, assured and verbal - eager to be at school. The child should be able to separate from his/her parent without anxiety. (Parents also need to be ready to separate from their child.) Children should be independent dressers and be able to attend to bathroom functions and personal necessities. They should know and respond to their name, listen to and enjoy stories, use basic manners, speak to and listen to others, and play cooperatively with their peers.
A question frequently asked is, "What about academic skills?" It is helpful if the child knows colors, shapes, positional terms (over, under, beside) and can count and associate objects with numbers. The child should be able to write their name with one capital letter and the rest in lower case. Social and emotional readiness to be at school and engage in the learning process, are perhaps the most critical factors.
Research has shown that children whose parents are interested and involved in their child's education are, in general, more likely to enjoy a positive school experience. Therefore, we encourage parents to be as involved as possible. Depending on your family structure and commitments, this could include working in the classroom on a regular basis, working on projects at home, accompanying the class on a field trip, visiting the classroom once or twice a year, and/or attending regularly scheduled parent conferences.
Our mission is to provide the best education possible for all children. The Kindergarten experience will provide each child with a positive first year in school. We look forward to working with you to meet your child's educational goals.
Christmas Season is coming! Don’t forget to purchase SCRIP. It is a great quick gift idea or a way to purchase those special gifts for your family and friends. If there is something you want us to see if we can get or to have on hand stop by the SCRIP cart and find out!
SCRIP Program
Christmas Shopping
& Gift Giving Contest
November 25, 2013 – January 7, 2014
For every $10.00 you spend on SCRIP you will receive a raffle ticket towards three baskets: a merchant (gift cards) basket, dinner & a movie basket or a surprise basket.
SCRIP is money issued from a vendor in the form of a gift certificate or gift card. Ripona PFC participates in a program that gives us a percentage of your purchase from the vendors. You get full spending value and Ripona PFC earns money at no extra cost to you! You can also shop online at and use enrollment code: 62BEE12411383
SCRIP Hours: Monday/Wednesday/Friday near the office at 2:00pm and Friday at 2:50pm outside the cafeteria near the back parking lot.
Create-A-Gift Night
Coming December 6th to Ripona School! This is a great time of fun for Ripona Families. There are crafts, cookie decorating, cake walk and a fun picture with Santa! Watch for more information coming home.
Character Counts Winners
November 2013
Mrs. Machado
Alejandra Hernandez & Madison Reichley
Mrs. Webb
Tatiana Perez & Andon Reis
Mrs. Wood
Logan Hargis & Danika Escola
Mrs. Visser
Addison Chavez & Mackenzie Turner
Mrs. Evans
Alixzander Franco & Angelica Aguilar
Mrs. McClure
Zaida McGinnis & Diego Montoya
Mrs. Chakraverty
Nathan Baker & Gracie Hasten
Mrs. Otten
Lanai Martinez
Mr. Webb
Kenneth Johnson & Mackenzie Jautaikis
Mrs. Johnson
Jeremiah Willey & Mia Culver
Mrs. Merrill
Elizabeth Baldwin & Addie Azevedo
Mrs. Finley
Kaitlyn Avila & Brooke Officer
Mrs. Bergquist
Abby Eskes & Nathaniel Rowe
Mr. Voortman
Nathan Leslie & Giselle Castenada
Spirit Winner for November
Mrs. Webb’s Class
Accelerated Reading Winners
For November:
Mrs. Wood’s Class
Elias Ramirez, Vincent Powell, Shayla McKeon, Danika Escola, Gabbi Gonzales
Mrs. Visser’s Class
Allie Camara, Xzavier Clark, Anthony Gomes, Seth Van Dyk
Mrs. McClure’s Class
Emily Sesser, Bella Franco-Carreno, Daniel McCrory, Tori Scearce, Diego Montoya, Kaitlyn Cadruvi, Keiki McGowan
Mrs. Chakraverty’s Class
Nathan Baker, Jaden Clark, Dominique Downey, Caleb Eskes, Nicolas Fisher, Harriet Macaraig, Brody McDaniel, Evan McKeon, Megan Reichley, Natalie Schwertfeger, Brandon Boyce
Mrs. Otten’s Class
Seth Aguilar, Makayla Bills, Matthew Copenhaver, Daniel D’Angelo, Alex Hix, Rhylee Magazinovic, Lanai Martinez, Trysta Nicolosi, Jacob Ramirez
Mr. Webb’s Class
Adam Cadruvi, Claire DeKruyf, Trevor Eskes, Mackenzie Jautaikis, Kenneth Johnson, Sarah Lyons
Mrs. Johnson’s Class
Michael Echelberger, Micah Rowe, Haskell Macaraig, Felix Castaneda, Elijah Dominici, Mason Terry, Camryn Lummus, Lilian Kutzleb, Issac Clark, Jeremiah Willey, Deanna Carrizo, Caryssa McKeon, Amalya Culver, Aiden Benzinger, Jacob Gill, Jose Leon, Trinity McGinnis
Mrs. Merrill’s Class
Aderyn Azevedo, Elizabeth Baldwin, Adrian Carrillo, Dorian Dougherty, Elias Flores Gonzales, Andrew Goodspeed, Daniel Hernandez, Sahara Hernandez, Matthew Jautaikis, Payton Johnson, Rylie Kinsey, Alexander Newkirk, Trevor Pedersen, Angela Russell, Kaydon Whiteside.
Mrs. Finley’s Class
Philip Carlson, Felicia Miller, Brooke Officer, Alexis Ramirez
Mrs.Bergquist’ Class
Jessica Cruz, Mary Lehman, Karlos Marquez, Vanessa Medrano, Sandra Reyes, Tala Tinsley, Savannah Clark, Gabrielle Coleman, Abby Eskes, Samantha Fox, Victor Gonzales, Jessica Harlan, Shane Hunting, Genevieve Maurice, Jenna Rosendin, Nathan Rowe, Brandon Williamson, Chris Winter
Mr. Voortman’s Class
Christina Aughe, Adriana Beeler, April Campos, Giselle Castaneda, Desiree Cruz, Nathan Leslie, Arianna Loa, Cyanne Mc Kibben, Barbara McCrory, Hayley Nicolosi, Austin Olmos, Benson Pali, Katie Willey.
Ripona School Newsletter
Save the date for a fun filled
Holiday Family Night for all ages!
When: Friday, December 6th
Time: 6:30 – 8:00 P.M.
Place: Ripona Multi-Purpose Room
The evening will include:
v Pictures with Santa - $3 Donation, Picture will be provided
v FREE - Craft Activities – Can be kept for the home or given as gifts
v FREE - Cookie Decorating & Hot Chocolate
v Bake Walk – Your chance to win a fabulous dessert to take home & share!
v Bake Walk - cost $1.00 per entry. Tickets will be sold on the night of the event and presold on Dec.2 nd and Dec. 4th after school.
Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Each person gets a ticket to use just for attending the event!
8th Grade Sock Drive will have a box at the event and if you bring a package of socks you get an extra raffle ticket free!!!
Hope to see you there, Kick off your Holidays with Family Cheer!
Sponsored by Ripona PFC
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Name & Phone number: _______________________________________________________
Yes, I would like to donate a Baked Good for the Bake Walk!
Name & Phone number: _________________________________________
I will donate: ________________________________________ please deliver to the school by Friday, Dec. 6th by 2 p.m. These Baked Goods need to be presented as if being given as a gift. Please wrap and present the baked goods in a holiday fashion. (Example: Cakes, Cookies, Breads, Cupcakes, etc.)
Ripona School Newsletter
Ripona School Newsletter