Student Council President: Natalie Mee

Wellsboro Area High School Vice President: Riley Kitchen

225 Nichols Street Secretary: Sarah Huck

Wellsboro, PA 16933 Treasurer: Jessica Smith

Telephone: (570) 724-3547 District-Bid President: Darci Warriner

Fax: (570) 724- 3027 Advisor: Mrs. Jodi Niver

Student Council General Assembly Meeting

Date: March 5, 2014 Agenda



Recorder: Mrs. Jodi Niver and Sarah Huck

Guests: None

1. Call to Order: Natalie Mee, President at 2:35pm.

Approval of Minutes: Motion to accept minutes made by Darci Warriner, Mikayla Feil Seconded, Vote:

Unanimous approved.

a. Reports:

a. President Natalie Mee reported about the council with start to define their role in the school. The present StuCo Constitution has issues, so we will be working on that.

b. Vice-President Riley Kitchen reported that she had nothing to report.

c. Treasurer’s Report: Jessica Smith reported that $480 dollars went to district conference and we raised $245 on Crush sales and t-shirt ales

d. Secretary’s Report: Sarah asked council to approve minutes when they get sent out.

2. Class Officer’s Report

a. Class of 2014: No seniors present to report.

b. Class of 2015: Representative reported that they were completing Gertrude Hawk Chocalte sales for Easter. See Ms. Miller for materials.

c. Class of 2016: Alexa Singer reported that they moved their chocolate lollipop sale to the Thursday prior to Easter break.

d. Class of 2017: Representative had nothing to report.

3. Other Organization’s Reports:

a. Connector: STING video is finished and they are working on a STING Week. A date will be announced when determined by administration.

b. Yearbook: No representative

c. FFA: No representative

d. Spirit Club: No new news to report.

e. Others: NO other groups reported.

4. Committee Reports

a. OC-5: Natalie Mee reported that the brownie Sundays went well. She asked the council to consider only doing one per semester rather than one per nine-weeks. We had a great selection of brownies.

b. Class Competition: Sarah Huck reported that the excel sheet is finished and needs to be posted. The group will recognize the Freshmen class for winning first semester with a small treat. Spirit awards will be given at the assembly to 2 members in each class.

c. District Conference Bid: Darci Warriner reported they are writing a script rather than completing a video. They are considering pictures for a video slide of our council and school.

d. Youth Advisory: Riley Kitchen reported that the breakfast hours are working. There hasn’t been a meeting since last month.

e. Yuda Bands: James Mundy reported that he would like to hold a service project where we sell bracelets that are handmade and leather. You buy one for $7 and the money goes to a child in a 3rd world nation for 1 year. He needs people to sign up for lunch, put posters up in the school, and they are playing a video to launch the campaign.

f. Hush Day: Riley Kitchen reported we have the beads. Everything is a go for March 17th Hush Day.

g. Prom Gown Sale: Rose Worrell reported that at this time we have 4 dresses. Posters have been put up for the shop. Please bring in dresses and tell people about this event. We will need people to work the event on March 15.

h. Spring Fling: Katey Pacific reported that Spring Fling is iffy at this time due to testing and overall feeling towards dress-up days. They are seeking to complete a Sadie Hawkins dance. A motion for a Sadie Hawkins by Rose Worrell and 2nd by Jessica Smith. NO discussion occurred. Unanimous vote for dance. Alexa Singer motioned for a budget of $300 for a dj it was seconded by Sara Bump. Discussion: Look for a different and cheaper dj. We need to positively promote this dance. Let’s keep it opposite of prom and do overalls and blue jeans. No further discussion occurred. Vote: Unanimous passed.

5. Old Business

a. Fundraisers: Mrs. Niver reported we will be doing a Yankee candle fundraising project. The money will help with class competition awards and conference expenses in the future.

b. T-Shirts: A reminder was made to buy t-shirts. Everyone who completed an application has a t-shirt in his or her designated size.

c. LEAD Conference: Darci and Natalie reported that it was an ok conference, but they are not sure we would want to budget for it in the future. They did not feel new information was gained from the experience. Mrs. Niver reported that she gathered a lot of great ideas and networked with a number of advisors attending the conference. She hopes to continue to attend the conference at her own expense.

6. New Business

a. Constitution: The officers are working on amending the WHS STuCo Constitution. The hope is to vote on it at our next meeting.

b. Teacher Appreciation: Shyann is planning on activities all week and will need workers for the pancake breakfast. She has gathered the necessary griddles for the event.

c. Homecoming: We are still working on a date since the football schedule is not finished. We need to determine a budget and theme. Nominations were taken for chairperson of Homecoming. Alexa Singer nominated Jessica Smith and Mikayla seconded. Camryn Keane nominated Rose Worrell and Troy seconded. The vote will be pushed to the next meeting to give time for Mrs. Niver to speak to both nominees regarding requirements of the position.

d. Keystone: There is talk of doing some positive support for Keystones. The thought is to dress as Minions and hand out pencils to help kids relax.

7. Meeting Adjourned- Full Body Meeting April 2 during tutorial: Troy Kennedy motioned to adjourn, Sara Bump 2nds. Vote: Unanimous approval. 2:58pm