Worthingway Updates: 11-28-16

The following is an update for the coming week (please see the school website for athletic updates):

Weekly updates are also posted at the school website. Worthingway Website

***Happy Thanksgiving***

11/28, Monday: French club 4 – 5 p.m. Rm. 24

Math Counts 4 – 5 p.m. Rm. 34

11/30, Wednesday: Books and Bagels 8 a.m. WW Library

Congratulations to Our October Students of the Month!

7th Boys 7th Girls 8th Boys 8th Girls

October / Joel Mensah / Sloan Temple / Rye Conley / Emma Stewart
Tyler Kemp / Taylor Castle / Michael Pickstone / Lily Houser
Josh Rock / Annaliese Michalski / Seth Davis / Allison Huckins

PTA News:

Worthingway will be participating in the Holiday Windows for Christmas. Our window will be the one at Wacked Hair Salon. The big reveal will beNovember 26th. Please show your support by voting for our window. All votes are a dollar and you can vote as often as you want. All the proceeds come back to our school 100%. If you are on any social media and want to get the word out that would be great! If you have any questions regarding the window feel free to contact . As always your support of our school and students are greatly appreciated.

Cafeteria Lunch Change:

November 28, 2016Menu Change

Cook's Choice




Books and Bagels:

Our next Books and Bagels book club meeting will take place on November 30th at 8:00 a.m. in the library. The book selection for this meeting is Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein. Any interested students should read the story and join us for a lively discussion and delicious treats!

General Mills Box Tops For Education:

Remember to save those box tops and send them into your homeroom. This is a fundraiser for Worthingway. The homeroom that brings in the most box tops will enjoy a party at the end of the month.


Yearbooks are $25.00 and forms can be picked up in Ms. Wilson or Ms. Beasley's classrooms. Families may also purchase a yearbook online atjostensyearbooks.com.

Classroom Updates:

Madame Laird’s Class (French):

At our next French club,Monday, November 28, we will have a crossword competition.

Madame Laird is starting a French tutor club - we will meet every day 4th and 5th period starting theMondayafter Thanksgiving break.

Ms. Fellow’s Class (Spanish):

Remind students to review vocabulary for Spanish!!

Sra. Newcomb’s Class (Spanish):

In Spanish 1a students are getting ready to learn a big new set of vocabulary in order to describe themselves and others. Students got those lists in class (11/17) so they have plenty of time to learn them. There will be a "caja" quiz each day the week after Thanksgiving.

In Spanish 1b students are ready to practice making plans with others in Spanish. There will be only one more set of vocabulary and verbs to practice within this unit before we do Summative assessments on Unit 6 content. Students will be assessed in all four skill areas: reading, writing, listening and speaking.

All of Sra. Newcomb's Spanish students got a Thanksgiving toast challenge for the long Thanksgiving break. It is optional. :-) I hope the students will be brave enough to do it and that everyone thinks it's fun! Enjoy the extra time with family over the Thanksgiving break.

Upcoming Events:

12/6: PTA Mtg. 6 – 7:30 p.m. WW Library

12/12: Holiday Choir Concert 7:30 p.m. WW