
Hand Gesture Recognition System for Differently-able using LabVIEW

Gunjeet Kaur, Rashpinder Kaur

Abstract—Gestures are natural and intuitive form of interaction and communication which are used to convey messages using hand shapes, its movement and orientation. Usually differently-able people find difficulty in interacting with others who don’t understand sign language as they use sign language for communication. The present work is based on the need of developing an electronic device that can translate sign language into commands in order to make the communication. A prototype has been designed and developed to cater the needs of a significant group of disabled and/or elderly by trying to give advancement to assistance to people who cannot securely operate conventional services. An input data glove is used and connected with flex sensors along the length of all fingers and the thumb. The disabled people can use these gloves to perform hand gesture and it will be displayed on screen using LabVIEW software. Flex sensors plays the key role as they change in resistance depending on the amount of bend of the sensor. Therefore, this work focuses at designing a virtual instrumentation system which can be used to provide communication aid for deaf and dumb.

Index Terms—Differently-able people, hand gesture recognition, Virtual Instrument, flex sensors.


Sign language is a communication skill that uses facial expressions to express gracefully a speaker’s thoughts and gestures instead of sound to convey meaning which blends hand shapes, its movement and orientation. We use our hands constantly to interact with things, pick them up, move them, activate them in some way or transform their shape. Similarly in unconscious way, we gesticulate in expressing fundamental ideas like ‘goodbye’, ‘stop’, ‘go, ‘come’, ‘no’, ‘agreed’, and so on. Hand Gesture Recognition is a method in which gestures produced by the user are decoded by the System [1]. Gestures are expressive, meaningful body motions i.e. physical movements of the fingers, arms, hands, head, face, or body used for communication. The primary motivation of the research is to provide an alternative communication tool for people whose motor abilities are limited. Vision-based method which consists of 3D hand modeling and Appearance modeling and Glove-based method which uses special glove-based device to extract hand posture are two common techniques for Hand gesture recognition.[2] 3D hand modeling has high computational complexity that uses many approximation processes and Appearance modeling has low computational complexity that uses real time processing. [3] Human-machine interface would be more useful if it made greater use of gestures as humans generally express themselves through sound, vision and gestures . Therefore this project designs and builds a man-machine interface using a flex sensor glove to interpret the sign language. Information of the hand is required to be collected in order to detect hand gestures. A judgement has to be made as to the nature and source of the data. In the current work, flex sensors are used which outputs a stream of data that changes with degree of bend. Then the analog outputs from the sensors are fed to the ADC which performs analog to digital conversion and is fed to microcontroller. The tool is able to recognize in real time six different hand gestures, captured using a glove fitted with flex sensors.


The proposed system which is designed using LabVIEW was interfaced with the hardware for Hand Gesture Recognition System for interpreting the gestures for real time data input.

Figure 1: Overall Block Diagram


For making this system work, Flex sensors were used. These sensors are analog resistors which work as variable voltage analog dividers. Inside the flex sensor are carbon resistive elements within a thin flexible substrate. When the substrate is bent it produces a resistance output relative to bend. When the flex sensor is bent, the resistance gradually increases. [4] They are usually in the form of thin strip from 1” to 5” long and the resistance varies between few ohms and kilo ohms. [5] The flex sensor’s operating temperature is -30 to 80 degree Celsius. As the flex sensor is bent, the resistance increases to 30- 40 kilo ohms at 90 degrees [6]. There are twotypes of flex sensors namely,Bidirectional flex sensor and Unidirectional Flex Sensor.

Figure 2: Image of Flex Sensor [7]

In this project work five sensors are connected serially and the output from the sensors is inputted to the analog to digital converter. The outputs from the flex sensors are inputted into the microcontroller.

Figure 3: Picture of Gloves with Flex sensors

In Figure 4, Block Diagram Representation of gesture system is shown. Flex sensor analog input is given to the ADC block for digital conversion which gives output to Microcontroller P89V51RD2 [7].In order to adjust signal to voltage levels present on the microcontroller pins (TTL standard), it is necessary to use a voltage level converter. The MAX232 is used to perform necessary adjustment. It is used to convert a serial signal from TTL to RS232C standard and vice versa by means of a built in voltage generator. The female connector DB9 enables connection with devices that use RS232 standard whereas the 6 pin connector enables connection with the microcontroller pins intended for serial communication. USB to serial convertor then sends the serial data to the computer port. Here, A Virtual Instrumentation System was developed to take the serial bits data and display the output on the screen. Depending on the gesture made, different commands were displayed on the front panel of the software such as: “NO REQUIREMENT”, “FOOD REQUIRED”, “WATER REQUIRED” etc.

Figure 4:Block Diagram Representation of Hand Gesture Recognition System


In Figure 5, the hardware circuit of the hand gesture system is shown. Five flex sensors are connected in series. Any change in sensor’s movement causes change in resistance which in turn is used to change the input data to the ADC. Hence the microcontroller takes this data from the ADC and performs the function as per the code.The interfacing between the controller section and the LabVIEW software is done using MAX232 circuit followed by DB9 connector.This output is readable by any person trying to communicate with the disabled person or the patient who cannot speak under critical conditions. The output can be given to voice section also which can play out through speaker if the sign is matched. [8]

Figure 5: Picture of designed Hardware Section of Hand gesture Recognition System.


LabVIEW software is used to show the results on screen graphically. LabVIEW programs are known as virtual instruments, or VIs astheir appearance and operation resembles physical instruments, such as multimeters and oscilloscopes. Every VI uses functions that takes theinput from the user interface or any other sources and display that informationto other files. A VI consists of the following three components:

• Front panel — it serves as the user interface.

•Block diagram — it contains the graphical source code that defines the functionality of the VI.

• Icon and connector pane— it identifies the VI so that it can be used in another VI. A VI within another VI is known as a subVI. It is same as a subroutine in text-based programming languages.

VI for Hand gesture recognition system

First of all a VISA serial configure Port is created which initializes the serial port specified by VISA resource nameto the specified settings. Visa resource name specifies the resource to be opened. The Visa resource named “Communication Port” here specifies the session and class. Baud rate is the rate of transmission whose defaultvalue is 9600. Data bits are the number of bits in the incoming data whose default value is 8. The value of data bits is between five and eight. VISA resource name out is a copy of the VISA resource name that VISA functions return. Communication Port through which serial data is received is selected from the front Panel window. VISA Read Function reads the specified number of bytes from the device or interface specified by Communication port and returns the data in read buffer. Read Buffer contains the data read from the device and the return Count contains the number of bytes actually read.

Figure 6: VI for Hand Gesture Recognition (1)

A case structure is created which has one case named “A” which is a default value set to notify the user that the hardware device is ready to perform the function. Then a series of sequential stacked sequence are used that executes sequentially. For each finger, there are 3 stacked sequences used as each finger uses 3 bits to denote serial data. Hence for five fingers total 15 stacked sequences are used. Inside the stack, visa read tool is used to ready the specified bytes from the device and a decimal string to number convertor is used to convert the numeric character to the decimal integer. A case structure is created which has one case named “A” which is a default value set to notify the user that the hardware device is ready to perform the function. Then a series of sequential stacked sequence are used that executes sequentially. For each finger, there are 3 stacked sequences used as each finger uses 3 bits to denote serial data. Hence for five fingers total 15 stacked sequences are used. Inside the stack, visa read tool is used to ready the specified bytes from the device and a decimal string to number convertor is used to convert the numeric character to the decimal integer.

Figure 7: VI for Hand Gesture Recognition(2)

Figure 8: VI for Hand Gesture Recognition(3)

In the end, again a stacked sequence is used to assemble the values of each finger comprising of 3 stacked sequences each and display it on front panel. Local variables are used to read the value of the control from the front panel and are sent to input variables of formula node. Total 5 formula nodes are used for five fingers. The output variable is connected to tank which is displayed in front panel.


The following results were obtained using LabVIEW software. Total 6 gestures were designed for various requirements. If all fingers were high then no requirement was decoded. When first and second fingers were high and rest were low then Water required was decoded. Similarly when first finger and thumb was low then “suffering from pain” was decoded. This model was tested particular sample of people and proved to be an efficient model. Hence this real time hand gesture system is very useful in hospitals for supervision of patients.

Figure 9: Gesture made for “No requirements” by the patient

Figure 10: Front panel output for “No requirement” displayed using LabVIEW Software

Figure 11: Gesture made for “water required” by the patient

Figure 12: Front panel output for “water required” displayed using LabVIEW Software


This work was done to check feasibility of recognizing sign language using flex sensor gloves and displaying the data using LabVIEW software which proved to be an efficient system. The main feature of this research work is that the gesture recognizer is a standalone system which is applicable in daily life and for biomedical purposes. The overall system gives the design and its implementation for particular needs of a significant group of disabled or elderly people by trying to give improvement to assistance to people who cannot securely operate conventional services.


- Hospitals that need several measurement systems which can investigate physiological parameters of the patients.

- It can act as Communication aid for deaf and dumb.

-Hand Gesture recognition System can be used in robotics, Desktop and Tablet PC Applications and gaming.

-Hand gesture recognition system with commonly used gestures can also be used by uneducated people.

-Military based on hand gestures which can be used for squad communication.[9]


[1] Laura Dipietro, Angelo M. Sabatini, Paolo Dario, “A Survey of Glove-Based Systems and Their Applications”, IEEE transactions on systems on systems, man, and cybernetics, Vol. 38, No. 4, July 2008.

[2] Popa M., “Hand Gesture recognition based on accelerometer sensors”, IEEE 7th International conference on Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management (NCM),pp- 115-120,june 2011.

[3] Megha Kolhekar,Swati Khandelwal, Priyanka Chavan, Mohit Goyal, Chetan Pokale, “A reliable hand gesture recognition system using multiple schemes”, International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT andSocial Sciences, IJREISS, Vol. 2. Iss - 11, November 2012.

[4] Prapat Parab, Sanika Kinalekar, Rohit Chavan, Deep Sharan, Shubhadha Deshpande, “Hand Gesture Recognition using Microcontroller & Flex Sensor”, IJSAE,Vol. 2, Iss. – 3, pp- 518-522, ISSN (e): 2321-7545, 2014.

[5] K. Aarthy, T.S.Keerthana,S. Menaga, S. Monisha, K.C. Sriharipriya, “ Flex sensor based nonspecific user hand recognition system”, IJIRS, Vol. 2,Iss-5, ISSN: 2319-9725,May 2013.

[6] Shoaib Ahmed. V, “Magic gloves - Hand Gesture Recognition and Voice Conversion System for Differentially Able Dumb People”, Tech Expo-The Global Summit, London 2012.

[7] Solanki Krunal M., “Indian Sign Languages using Flex Sensor Glove”, IJETT, Vol. 4, Iss-6, June 2013.

[8] Praveenkumar S Havalagi, Shruthi Urf Nivedita, “The amazing digital gloves that give voice to the voiceless”, IJAET, Vol. 6, Iss. 1, pp. 471-480, March 2013. [9]Tongrod,N.,Lokavee,S.,Kerdcharoen,T.,Watthanawisuth, N.,Tuantranont, A.,“ Gestural system based on mutlti-functional sensors and zigbee networks for Squad Communication”, IEEE conference onDefense Science Research Conference and Expo (DSR), pp- 1-4, August 2011.

Gunjeet Kaur is pursuing M.E. Fellowship in Electronics and Communication (2011-2014) from Chitkara University, Rajpura. She has passed B.Tech in Electronics and Communication from Punjabi University, Patiala and has been teaching in Chitkara University since 2011. Her field of interest is Digital Electronics, Digital Image Processing, Embedded System and LabVIEW programming.

Rashpinder Kaur is working as an assistant professor in Chitkara University, Rajpura since 2008. She graduated and post graduated from Punjab technical university, Jalandhar. Her field of interest is wireless communication, digital communication and LabVIEW programming. She has published 9 papers in reputed journal and IEEE conference.
