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There are several excellent books about Ancient Greece and Rome. A few of the books are listed below. To locate more books, use the suggested keywords and phrases to search the online library catalog.A book cart with resources on mythology is located in the front of the library. The library also delivers bookcarts to teacher classrooms on request.
The Web sites listed on this page have been previewed and selected for this topic. If additional information is needed, use thesuggested keywords and phrases to search the Internet. Summaries from ODP, IPL2 and BOTW
GOTO: LOOK on the RIGHT TOOLBAR for your special custom search engine called Ancient Greece and Rome.
  1. Ancient Greek Mythology - Covers the Olympian gods and goddesses, heroes and major mythological stories.
  2. Apollonius Rhodius' Argonautica Online on Windsor Castle - The travels of Jason and the argonauts and other stories, adapted from R. C. Seaton's translation.
  3. Classical Myth: The Ancient Sources - Drawing together ancient texts and images concerning the major figures of Greek and Roman mythology, by Laurel Bowman, University of Victoria.
  4. Classical Mythology Directory - Syllabus for a course in classical mythology, from Robin Mitchell-Boyas, Temple University.
  5. Classical Myths and Legends - Summary of major classical myths and legends, with extensive name index.
  6. Dick Caldwell's Greek Myths - An exploration of Greek Myths categorized by city.
  7. Empire Arts Resource - The Greek mythology poetry of Michael J. Farrand.
  8. Encyclopedia Mythica[ Teens/Mature Teens ] - On-line encyclopedia on mythology, folklore, and legend.
  9. Eoster - Mysteries of the Resurrected Child - Discussing myths and symbols of Greek spring and vegetation deities.
  10. Family Tree of Greek Gods and Goddesses - A visual genealogy list of the Greek gods and goddesses.
  11. Forged By Lightning: The Gods - Extensive information on the Greek, Roman and Carthaginian Gods and Goddesses mentioned in Forged By Lightning: A Novel of Hannibal and Scipio.
  12. From Myth To Eternity - Excerpts from a CD Rom presenting Greek mythology in stories and images with historical background.
  13. Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Greece - Greek gods, goddesses and heroes of ancient Greece. Myths of Greek gods, picture galleries and mythology quizzes.
  14. Gods Metaphysics and Philosophy in modern History - How Greek Myths are becoming today's reality.
  15. Greek & Roman Mythology - Helen Roberts chronicles the classical myths of Greece and Rome. Also includes an illustrated encyclopedia.
  16. Greek and Roman Mythology - List of names from Greek and Roman mythology, from Infoplease.com.
  17. Greek Deities - Basic information on several Greek deities, with links.
  18. Greek Gods - Table of the gods and goddesses, some with descriptions.
  19. Greek Gods and Goddesses - Learn everything about Greek Gods and Goddesses.
  20. Greek Lovers and Legends - Brought to you by the Mythography site in encyclopedic form.
  21. Greek Mythology - A reference of Greek gods, goddesses, Titans, heros and monsters.
  22. Greek Mythology - Devoted to the early Greek mythology from the Iliad to the fall of the last tyrant.
  23. Greek Mythology - Introduction to ancient Greek mythology combining information from a number of sources.
  24. Greek Mythology[ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] - Simple introduction to the gods, heros, creatures, and stories of the Greek world.
  25. Greek Mythology: Chapters in Pre-History - A new look at the myths of the Greek seen as portions of a much older, lost historical tradition. A detailed on-line book by William Harris, Professor Emeritus, Middlebury College.
  26. Greek Myths - A retelling of selected Greek Myths. Particularly useful for children who are being introduced to Greek Mythology for the first time.
  27. GreekMythology.com - Greek Mythology - Greek mythology offers extensive information and pictures on the gods, goddess and myths of ancient Greece.
  28. Hellenism: Mythology - Covering creation myths, heroic legends, and Homer's Odyssey and Iliad.
  29. Hesiod, the Homeric Hymns and Homerica - Part of the Online Medieval and Classical Library.
  30. Medea's Lair - A collection of mythology stories from ancient Greece, with paintings to compliment the pages.
  31. Mythman Greek Mythology[ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] - Modern-style retelling of the Greek Myths. A new one each month. Illustrated and in a fun style. Also includes a homework help section.
  32. MythNET - A source of information about Greek and Roman Mythology. Learn about the Gods, Mythical Creatures and Monsters, the Heroes and their stories and genealogy.
  33. Mythography[ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] - Explore Greek mythology through the eye of the artist. Features sections on gods and goddesses, heroes and heroines, lovers and legends, and creatures and chimerae.
  34. Mythweb[ Kids/Teens ] - Shares many of the stories from ancient Greek mythology - heroes, gods and monsters. Cartoon illustrations.
  35. Name and Fame: Greek and Roman - List of names of famous and not-so-famous characters from Greek and Roman mythology.
  36. Old Greek Stories on Windsor Castle - Old Greek Stories Retold.
  37. Oxford Classical Mythology Online! - Retells the myths and legends of Greece and Rome enabling students to explore and appreciate the most significant ancient sources of classical legends and myths.
  38. Perseus Project - Summary of Apollodorus's Library - Frazer's summary of Apollodorus' handbook of Greek mythology all aspects of ancient texts, and including a superb image library.
  39. Principal Gods Family Tree - From Edith Hamiltion's Mythology, with clickable links to each god and goddess.
  40. SoYouWanna Learn the Basics of Greek Mythology?[ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] - Walks readers through the fundamentals of Greek mythology, including gods, heroes, and remnants of mythology in modern life.
  41. The Greek Heroes - Tales of Perseus, the Argonauts, and Theseus, by Charles Kingsley.
  42. The Heroes, or Greek Fairy Tales for My Children - Tales of Perseus, the Argonauts, and Theseus, by Charles Kingsley; e-text at the Project Gutenberg.
  43. The Immortals - List of gods, goddesses, and other creatures of Greek mythology. - Information on the Olympians, Chthonians, Titans, and free spirits.
  44. The Parthenon[ Kids/Teens/Mature Teens ] - Richly-illustrated site examines the form and function, statutes, columns, and carvings in this ancient Greek temple.
  45. The River Styx - The Myths of Hades - Myths of the underworld, its king and inhabitants.
  46. TheLostInfo.com - Greek Mythology - The Lost Info offers information and pictures about the gods, Titans, heroes and monsters from Greek Mythology.
  47. Theoi Project Guide to Greek Mythology - Encyclopedia of Greek gods, spirits and monsters with detailed individual biographies. Quotes from classical literature, gallery of Greek and Roman art and e-texts classics library.
  48. Thinkquest: Greek Mythology: Gods, Goddesses, Titans and More[ Kids ] - Explains main figures in many Greek myths.
  49. Women in Greek Myths - A who's-who on all females in Greek mythology, with a section on Greek Men, and collection of myths.

E-BOOKS (from ABC-CLIO E-Reference collection)
Encyclopedia of Greco-Roman Mythology
Encyclopedia of Women in the Ancient World
Encyclopedia of World Sport: From Ancient Times to the Present
Nectar and Ambrosia: An Encyclopedia of Food in World Mythology
Science in the Ancient World: An Encyclopedia
The Ancient Greeks: New Perspectives
Voyages in Classical Mythology
Women and War: A Historical Encyclopedia from Antiquity to the Present
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If you want to browse the shelves in the library to locate information about Classical Mythology look for these numbers: 398.2, 882, 883 & 292.