Water Environment Federation
Board of Trustees Meeting
December 5-6, 2003
Alexandria, Virginia
1. Call to Order
President Larry Jaworski called the Board of Trustees (BOT) to order at 1:00 p.m. on Friday December 5, 2003.
2. Approval of Agenda
It was moved, seconded and voted that the agenda be approved as amended to include a House of Delegates Update and Recognition for Tracy Meehan.
3. Consent Agenda
It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the consent agenda as presented.
4. Review/Discussion of Thrust Areas
- Governance
In discussion, the question was raised as to whether a Board of Trustee member, who was also an MA representative to the House of Delegates, would represent their specific Member Association (MA) or WEF during a HOD meeting. The conclusion was that a Trustee member of the HOD can speak on behalf of their MA; however they would be required to vote in the best interest of WEF.
It was agreed that issuesbroughtissues brought before the Board of Trustees must include a statement of financial impact either outlining that impact or specifically noting that no resources are required for its implementation. Staff was instructed to develop such a policy for Board consideration. - Assistance to Member Associations
Results of a recent survey sent to MAs was reviewed. The results indicated that the MAs were satisfied with theirwith their conferences, training, publications, policy and procedures, scholarship and young professional involvement, and that areas for additional development focused on finances, membership retention and their ability to take full advantage of WEF services. - International Relations
This item was deferred until Saturday, December 6, 2003.
d. Committee Organization
Lynn Orphan presented a report on the status of the Committee Leadership Council. The committee had their first meeting during WEFTEC.03 with nearly all committee chairs and vice chairs present. Orphan reviewed reported that the following work groups that were formed during the meeting.
A. Committee and Governance Link
B. Committee Streamlining and Communications
C. Excellence, Market Demands and Partnerships
D. WEF and MA Committee Mutual Success
Lynn to forward more text via e-mail
- Ongoing Initiatives
The following initiatives were carried over from previous years: 1) uUtilities, 2) Academics, and 3) Infrastructure Funding.
5. Treasurer’s Report
Mike Godfrey reported that a positive bottom line of approximately $272,000 is projected for 2003. This amount is derived with a break even from operations and a net expense recovery from grants of $274,000. It is projected that WEF will meet its goal of transferring 1% of budgeted income to net assets.
- WEF Fiscal Year Change
It was moved, seconded and voted to change WEF’s fiscal year, beginning in September 2005, to a September-August timeframe.
In discussion it was agreed that the change would accomplish two major objectives in the financial management of the Federation. 1) WEFTEC would occur in the first quarter of the year, and 2) the time between creation of the budget and implementation of the budget would be reduced.
- Financial Controls
The Board of Trustees requested that a financial tracking system be put in place by their next Meeting in April 2004. - Pension Plan Update
A review of several annuity vendors took place over the past few months. It was reported that BGC Terminal Funding has been selected to consult WEF in choosing a firm to manage the pension options for employees, and that an RFP will be submitted in approximately one month.
6. HOD Update
A House of Delegates Update publication has been developed to provide up-to-date information to House members. Responsibility for providing the information for the update would lie with members of the Board of Trustees on a rotating schedule. The schedule for the first quarter was set as follows: December – Adam Zabinski/Rebecca West, January – Paul Freedman/Marie Meunier; February – Julian Sandino/Chuck Weir; and March – Orisson Serrano-Valentine/Robert McMillon.
It was noted that the Update is a good medium for directing House members to the House of Delegates website at www.wefnet.org. The Board of Trustees and staff were asked for feedback on ways to keep the website engaging, using the Update as a vehicle to drive members to the site.
The Board of Directors Trustees instructed staff to include HOD Update on the agenda for future BOT meetings and BOT conference calls to determine “hot issues” that will be posted to the HOD website.
7. Executive Session
The Board of Trustees wentTrustees went into executive session with the Executive Director.
8. Recognition forRecognition for Tracy Mehan
, It was agreed that WEF send a letter to Mr. Meehan acknowledging and noting his public service... Larry Jaworski and Tim Williams were charged with developing the letter.
Final WEFTEC Update
- Final WEFTEC Update
Tim Ricker presented a final report on WEFTEC registration and exhibition income. Registration for WEFTEC.03 declined $757,000 below budgeted projections, which was primarily due to a decline in the Full Week Registration category. WEFTEC.03 marked the second largest exhibition in our history with 801 companies exhibiting. While we had more companies, they utilized less exhibit space. This resulted in a shortfall of $129,000 below budget. Two hundred and eighteen new companies exhibited at WEFTEC.03
Both registration and exhibition sales are tracked closely from week to week. As a result the shortfall was projected early in the Summer and expense adjustments were made to mitigate the impact of the projected losses.
The economy; the travel ban in California and other states/municipalities; the fact that four related organizations held their conferences in the same region in a four month timeframe, were all contributing factors. Ricker noted that given the economy and other related factors, WEFTEC.03 was an outstanding success. - WEFTEC Rotation
Staff has been directed to reaffirm assumptions and data used to approve the concept of a two cities rotation for WEFTEC. A complete report will be presented to the Board of Trustees at their April meeting.
11. Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) Update
The LRPC has determined that four work groups would be formed to develop issues statements and proposals. The four groups included: 1) Communications; 2) Selection of Trustees; 3) HOD Organization and Meetings; and 4) Organization of the Strategic Planning Process. It was noted that these groups have started their charge and will have a report completed in time to present to the Exchange Meetings in 2004.
12. WERF Update
Lynn Orphan presented an update of WERF activities and current long-range research plans areas. These areas include: Stormwater; Urban Management Practices; Collection Systems; Treatment Processes; Protecting Human Health; Surface Water Quality; Ecosystem Health; Biosolids & Residuals; Water for Reuse; and Communication & Public Partnering. She reported that WERF’s next Board meeting will be held December 11, 2003 and that she, Larry Jaworski, and Michael Read will attend.
13. Minutes and Meetings
Bill Bertera presented, and the Board approved, a draft administrative policy for Board Meeting and Minutes (attached).
14. International Policy
Larry Jaworski facilitated a discussion on international policy and how WEF can better serve our international members. It was noted that WEF committees need to be aligned with WEF’s strategic goals and mission. Julian Sandino and Jack Benson were charged with recapping the ideas brought forth, discussing the issues with the Membership Committee, and bringing report back to the BOT to be used for discussion at future meetings.
15. Canadian Affairs Council (CAC))
Marie Meunier presented a resolution requesting.
It was moved, seconded and voted to approve a resolution presented by Marie Meunier (attached) that WEF enter into a partnership with the Canadian Water and Wastewater Association (CWWA) to provide support to the CWWA for the purpose of rendering public education services (attached). The resolution includes an allocation of $15,000 per year for three years, beginning in 2005 and includingand including the following friendly amendments:.
- delete the third “Whereas” and incorporate the remainder of the sentence with the second “Whereas” sentence;
- modify the third bullet in the document to read: That the term of the initial relationship between the CWWA, the five Canadian WEF Member Associations, and WEF be for a three year period to commence in WEF’s fiscal year 2005 continuing in WEF’s financial year of 2006 and 2007; and
- Correct the percentage rate of 0.3% to 3.0% in the second paragraph of the supporting document.
16. Water for People
Larry Jaworski presented a request from Joe Stowe on behalf of Water for People asking for support of multiple items as listed on the attached e-mail.
It was moved, seconded and voted thatvoted that the WEF President relay to Joe Stowe that 1) the Board of Trustees accepts the requests in principal 2)authorizes) authorizes the WEF Executive Director to meet with the Water for People Executive Director to work out specific details for implementation of such requests, that 3) the Executive Director report back to the BOT with the agreed upon recommendations and that 4) a donation of $5,000 be made out of the 2003 budget.
17. Senior WEF Staff Position
Bill Bertera notified the BOT that an offer has been made and accepted for the position of Managing Director for Public Education and Communications. The new hire will begin on February 2, 2004.
18. Schedule of Agendas for 2004
The Board of Trustees developed a list of topics that will be used as a centerpiece for discussions at future BOT meetings. It was decided that the three main topics to be discussed will be 1) membership vs. customers; 2) Strategic Planning; and 3) metrics for measuring success.
19. WEF/MA Exchange Meetings
Michael Read reviewed the agenda for the upcoming WEF/MA Exchange Meetings and asked that BOT members attend one meeting in 2004 and to plan on bringing one student or young professional with them. He informed the BOT that the exchange meetings have a new brand, WEFMAX.
20. Upcoming Board of Trustees Meeting.
Larry Jaworski reviewed the logistics of the April Board of Trustees meeting in St. Michael’s, Maryland.
21. Other Business
- AWWA Partnership Agreement
In mid 2003 a letter was sent to all partnering organizations suggesting that discussions be held based upon a set of partnering criteria developed by WEF. AWWA responded with changes. The WEF Officers will discuss with AWWA at their January meeting and report back to the Board of Trustees during their March conference call. - Conference Sponsorships
Bill Bertera is to prepare a written policy for conference sponsorships and forward to the BOT for discussion at their April meeting. - AAEE
The American Academy of Environmental Engineers has recently made changes in their professional staff and volunteer leadership and has requested assistance from WEF to help them with future planning. These requests include:
A. Booth space in the Exhibit Hall at WEFTEC 2004 – this was approved by the BOT
B. Room arrangement for AAEE/ABET accreditation training session at WEFTEC – this was approved by BOT
C. Advertising of the Environmental Engineering Excellence Award in WEF publications – this was approved by the BOT based on available space
D. Use of WEF Board room for the AAEE Board of Trustees Meeting on April 22 and 23, 2004. – this was approved by the BOT
E. Consideration of allowing the recognition of DEE notation with names of Academy Diplomates authoring chapters in WEF MOP’s – this was declined by the BOT
F. Consideration of working with the Academy to create a brief history video and presentation at the WEFTEC 2005 opening general session – this was declined by the BOT
G. Attendance by Larry Jaworski at the AAEE/WEF Breakfast at 7:30 a.m. on Monday, October 4, 2004 – this was approved by the BOT.
H. Request temporary office space for the AAEE Executive Director when he is in the area – this was approved
22. Committee Liaison Reports
It wasagreedwas agreed that Committee Chair reports sent to WEF be forwarded to the appropriate BOT Committee Liaison.
Staff was instructed to investigate ways to give proceedings to students attending WEFTEC.
It was moved, seconded and voted to adjourn the Board of Trustees meeting.