2014 Week 10 11/12
2011 Week 16 1/1
2010 Week 5 10/17
Blue Adams
2003 No SB/1 after week 5, .225 BS (off TB PS)
Eric Alexander
2010 No SB/2 after week 3, .63/.64 BS
2010 CUT Post week 8 (.037059 termination pay)
Gerald Alexander
2009 Acquired from DET (for Dennis Northcutt)
2009 .46/.55 BS
2010 CUT Post
2010 No SB/1 after week 3, .545 BS
Russell Allen
2009 3/1.2 TRV, .31/.395/.48 BS
2009 .015 SB/3
2011 CBA increase BS to .525
2012 3/6 TRV, 1.325/1.375/1.975 BS
2012 1.25 SB/3
2012 1 NLTBE
2012-2014 .025 WO
2013 1 LTBE
2013 IR after week 15 (concussion)
2014 CUT Pre, retired
2014 1 NLTBE
Tania Ganguli, Florida Times-Union: The Jaguars also re-signed backup linebacker Russell Allen to a three-year deal worth $6 million with $2.6 million in guarantees. Allen’s deal maxes out at $9 million.
Brian McIntyre, Yahoo SPorts: Allen lived up to the three-year, $7 million extension as the former undrafted free agent from San Diego State moved from core special teams player to starting outside linebacker.
Tyson Alualu
2010 5/21.26 TRV, 27.899 TRMV, .32/.8025/1.2125/1.6225/2.0325/2.4425 BS
2010 1.77 SB/6
2010 1.32 RB
2010 .1 NLTBE (RotY)
2010-2012 BS guaranteed
2010-2014 .1 NLTBE (Pro Bowl)
2011 6.2375 OB/5
2011-2014 .15 WO (incentivized, rolls over, not earned in 2011)
2013 .505 BS guaranteed
2013 BS escalated to 1.9225 (addl 1.7 esc possible)
2014 BS escalated to 2.5715 (addl 3.5 esc possible)
2015 VOID
5.3425 PTI (earned in 2011?)
2015 2/6 TRV, 1.75/1.75 BS
2015 BS guaranteed
2015-2016 1.25 RB guaranteed (skill/injury)
J.I. Halsell, FO: 5/21.4, 80.9% in first 3, 3.4 in 1, 6.2 second-year bonus, 14.1 GAS, 17.5 POG, 5.3 G1TB (100% lump), 17.5 P1TG
Brian McIntyre, MacsFootballBlog.com: 5-years, $21.3M/$27.8M; $17.5M guaranteed
Brian McIntyre, MacsFootballBlog.com: Alualu signed a five-year, $21.399 million contract that included $15.495 million in guarantees. Alualu took home over $3.4 million in total compensation last season, including a $1.77 million signing bonus and $1.32 million roster bonus during training camp.
Mike DiRocco, ESPN: He signed a two-year deal worth $6 million ($4.25 million guaranteed) with no signing bonus. However, he will receive roster bonuses of $1.25 million on March 15 and the fifth day of the league year in 2016, that latter of which is fully guaranteed. He has base salaries of $1.75 million in each season and his base salary in 2015 is fully guaranteed.
Bryan Anger
2012 4/ 2.877166 TRV, .39/.509913/.584898/.689855 BS
2012 .6625 SB/4
2014-2015 .02 WO
Aaron Wilson, Scout.com: Anger's $2.877 million four-year deal includes a $662,500 signing bonus…
Richard Angulo
2007 1/.435 TRV, .435 BS
2007 CUT Pre week 1 (paid thru week 1)
2007 No SB/1 after week 12, .435 BS (off CLE PS)
2008 3/2.15 TRV, 3.1 TRMV, .52/.65/.8 BS
2008 .18 RB
2008 .3 NLTBE
2009 CUT Post
2009 .35 NLTBE
2010 .3 NLTBE
JoJuan Armour
1999 Acquired from OAK (waivers)
1999 .175/.25/.325/.35/.375 BS
1999 CUT Post week 2 (claimed by CIN)
Anthony Armstrong
2012 Acquired from MIA after week 8 (waivers)
2012 .45/.54 BS
2012 CUT Post week 10
Mark Asper
2012 Acquired from MIN after week 16 (waivers)
2012 .39/.48/.57/.66 BS
2013 CUT Post
Akin Ayodele
2002 3/1.333 TRV, .225/.3/.38 BS
2002 .428 SB/3
2005 .656 RFA tender
Vito Stellino, Florida Times-Union: The Jaguars signed their third-round draft choice, linebacker Akin Ayodele, to a three-year deal yesterday with a $ 428,000 signing bonus and the minimum salaries of $ 225,000, $ 300,000 and $ 380,000.
Jason Babin
2012 Acquired from PHI after week 12 (waivers)
2012 5.575/4.225/6/6 BS
2013 .1 WO
2013-2015 .675 esc possible
2014 VOID 2014-2015
2014 .175 WO (not paid)
2015 .15 WO (not paid)
2014 3/7.275 TRV, 9.6 TRMV, 1/1.5/1.5 BS
2014 .5 RB
2014 .075 WO
2014 CUT Post
2014-2016 .5 RB (53-man week 1, not paid)
2014-2016 .021875 RB/game active (equiv .35)
2014-2016 .675 LTBE (PT)
2014-2016 .1 NLTBE (Pro Bowl)
2015-2016 .075 WO
Michael DiRocco, ESPN: He was scheduled to make $6 million in 2014 and 2015 but voided the final two years of his contract because of a rule in the new collective bargaining agreement that allows a vested veteran claimed after the trading deadline -- which the Jaguars did in 2012 -- to declare themselves a free agent after the season following the season in which he was claimed. Two days after he voided his deal, Babin signed a three-year contract worth $7.275 million that included a $500,000 signing bonus. Babin also received a $75,000 workout bonus but was also scheduled to earn a $500,000 roster bonus if he made the 53-man roster for the season opener.
Travarous Bain
2008 PS after week 13, .0884 BS
2008 CUT Post week 16
Daniel Baldridge
2010 3/1.23 TRV, .32/.405/.49 BS
2010 .015 SB/3
2010 CUT Post
2010 PS, .0884 BS
2010 Activated after week 13, .32/.405/.49 BS
2011 CBA increase BS to .45
2011-2012 .01 WO
2011 CUT Post
2011 PS, .0969 BS
Alan Ball
2013 2/1.67 TRV, 2.07 TRMV, .715/.855 BS
2013 .1 SB/2
2014 BS escalated to 1.255
2014 IR after week 8
Brandon Barden
2013 PS after week 11, .102 BS
2014 .495/.585 BS
2014 IR, .318 BS?
2014 CUT Post (paid thru week 1, injury settlement?)
Reggie Barlow
1996 3/.707 TRV, .131/.164/.196 BS
1996 .216 SB/4
1998 CBA increase BS to .216
1999 3/4 TRV, .35/.9/1.25 BS
1999 1.25 SB/3
2000 .5 SB/2 CONV
2000 CBA increase BS to .413
2000 .075 LTBE
2001 CUT Pre
2001 .25 RB (not paid)
Khalif Barnes
2005 4/2.82 TRV, .23/.31/.385/.46/.545 BS
2005 1.435 SB/5
2006 CBA increase BS to .35/.435/.52/.62
2008 VOID 2009 (.019428 into 2008, .267572 into 2009)
Lionel Barnes
2003 1/.454 TRV, .45 BS
2003 .004 SB/1
2003 2/1.425 TRV ext, 1.675 TRMV, .555/.63 BS
2003 .2 SB/3
2004-2005 .02 WO
2004-2005 .125 NLTBE
2004 IR after week 5
2005 CUT Pre
Richard Bartel
2009 PS, .17 BS
2009 Signed by WAS after week 11
Zane Beadles
2014 5/30 TRV, 2.975/2.975/4.975/5.475/5.475 BS
2014 4.5 RB
2014 BS guaranteed
2014-2018 .025 WO
2015 2 RB guaranteed (skill/injury only)
2015 BS guaranteed (injury only, vests to full)
2016-2018 .5 RB
Michael DiRocco, ESPN: He signed a five-year deal worth $30 million ($12.45 million guaranteed). He received a $4.5 million roster bonus and his $2.975 million base salary is guaranteed this season. In 2015 he will receive a $2.5 million roster bonus and his base salary of $21.975 million is guaranteed. In 2016-18 he is scheduled to receive a base salary of $5.475 million and a roster bonus of $500,000.
Robert Bean
2002 Acquired from CIN (waivers)
2002 .375 BS
2002 IR after week 12
Aaron Beasley
1996 3/1.01625 TRV, .175/.2/.2375 BS
1996 .36 SB/3
1997 .01 RB
1997 .00875 WO
1998 .015 RB
1998 .01 WO
1999 1/.439 TRV, .404 BS
1999 .025 SB/1
1999 .01 RepB
2000 4/15.2 TRV, .5/2.4/3.375/3.675 BS
2000 3 SB/4
2001 1.9 SB/4 CONV (5.7525 voidable 2004 BS added)
2001 .75 RB CONV/4
2002 CUT Pre
2002-2003 .75 RB (not paid)
2002 .5 BS guaranteed
2003 .75 BS guaranteed (.677462 PV hit in 2002)
Deion Belue
2014 .42/.51/.6 BS
2014 IR, .303 BS
2014 CUT Post week 4
Tyler Beiler
2011 PS, .0969 BS
2011 CUT Post week 4 (paid thru week 5?)
Kevin Bentley
2011 No SB after week 11, .81 BS (.525 MSB?)
2011 CUT Post week 12 (paid thru week 13, claimed by IND)
Steve Beuerlein
1993 3/7.475 TRV, 2.225/2/1.75 BS
1993 1 SB/3
1993 .5 RepB
1995 acquired from ARI via expansion draft
1995 1.75 BS
Armon Binns
2011 3/1.405 TRV, .375/.465/.555 BS
2011 .01 SB/3
2011 CUT Post
Adam Bishop
2008 3/1.16 TRV, .295/.385/.475 BS
2008 .005 SB/3
2008 CUT Post
Jordan Black
2008 No SB/2 after week 16, .605/.62 BS
2009 .05 RB (53-man week 1)
2009 .175 NLTBE (PT)
2009 2/2.95 TRV ext, 4.55 TRMV, 1.1/1.1 BS
2009 .55 RB
2010-2011 .1 WO
2010 .4 earned LTBE (PT)
2010 .4 unearned LTBE (PT)
2010 CUT Post week 21 (2/7/2011)
2011 .8 NLTBE (PT)
John Clayton, ESPN: Black will make $3.65 million over the next three seasons and has a chance to make another $1.8 million in incentives, the source said.
Justin Blackmon
2012 4/18.512002 TRV, .39/1.231455/2.07291/2.914365
2012 7.11 SB/4
2012-2015 BS guaranteed
2013-2014 1.7 RB guaranteed (OATSB 2012-2015)
2013 suspended 4 games (weeks 1-4, SAP)
2013 suspended indefinitely (weeks 9-17, SAP)
2014 suspended (SAP)
2015 1.393272 RB guaranteed (OATSB 2012-2015)
Vito Stellino, Florida Times-Union: the Jaguars agreed to give him a fully guaranteed four-year $18.5 deal that will pay him almost half the contract — about $9.2 million — by the start of training camp next year. Blackmon, the team’s first-round draft pick, will get $7.1 million when he signs, plus a $390,000 base salary this year and roster bonuses of $700,000 next March and $1 million next July, according to a source familiar with the deal. His base salaries the next three years are $1.2 million, $2 million and $2.9 million. The protection the Jaguars got was the standard contract language that his guarantees are voided if he is suspended for an off-the-field incident. Also, about $4.8 million of what would have been a signing bonus of $11.9 million was turned into roster bonuses the next three years of $1.7 million in 2013, $1.7 million in 2013 and $1.3 million in 2014. The contract also includes no offset clause so if the Jaguars cut him at some point without him being suspended, he walks away with $18.5 million and can double dip by signing with another team.
Brian McIntyre, Yahoo Sports: The four-game suspension will cost Blackmon $289,754 (4/17ths of his $1,231,455 base salary) and might void the guarantee language on the $10,722,248 in base salaries and annual roster bonuses that remain on his four-year, $18.512 million rookie contract. The Jaguars could also seek to recoup the prorated portion of his $7.11 million signing bonus for the weeks that he is suspended, which amounts to $418,235.
Joel Corry, NFP: Blackmon's suspension should also void $10,772,248 of guarantees in his '13-'15 contract years… [including roster bonuses of] $1.7M in '13 & '14. $1,393,372 in '15… Blackmon's cap # becomes $8,927,454 [if he’s cut without the guarantees voided.]
Will Blackmon
2013 1/.715 TRV, .715 BS (.555 MSB)
2014 2/1.875 TRV, 2.375 TRMV, .855/.87 BS
2014 .05 SB/2
2014-2015 .05 WO
2014 IR after week 9
2014 .25 LTBE (PT)
2015 CUT Pre
2015 .25 NLTBE (PT)
Hays Carlyon, Florida Times-Union: Blackmon agreed with the Jaguars on Tuesday to a two-year deal worth $1.875 million ($500,000 guaranteed), the first day he could despite playing for the team last season.
Antwon Blake
2012 .39/.48/.57 BS
2012 .0075 SB/3
2013 CUT Post (claimed by PIT)
Juran Bolden
2004 5/12.885 TRV, 13.385 TRMV, .535/1.5/.67/2.33/3 BS
2004 .6 SB/5
2004 .046875 RB/game active (equiv .75, earned .609375)
2004-2008 .1 NLTBE (Pro Bowl)
2005 CUT Pre
2005 .5 RB (not paid)
2006 3 OB/3
2006 .9 dummy LTBE (for 30% Rule)
Vito Stellino, Florida Times-Union: cornerback Juran Bolden [got] $600,000 [to sign.]
Brock Bolen
2009 PS, .0884 BS
2009 Activated after week 14, .31/.395/.48 BS
2011 CBA increase BS to .525
Cody Booth
2014 PS, .1071 BS
2014 CUT Post week 1
2014 PS after week 2, .1071 BS
Blake Bortles
2014 4/20.654802 TRV, .42/1.358855/2.29771/3.236565 BS
2014 13.341672
2014-2017 BS guaranteed
Ryan O'Halloran, Florida Times-Union: Bortles’ four-year contract is worth $20,654,796, including a $13,341,672 signing bonus. His salary cap number of $3,755,418 this year ranks 14th on the Jaguars… Bortles’ contract is fully guaranteed and doesn’t include an offset clause that allows teams to recapture guaranteed money if the player is released and signs with another team.
Tony Boselli
1995 .898/1.1175/1.342/1.5665/1.791/2.0155/2.24 BS
1995 6 SB/7
1999 4/26 TRV ext (starting 2001), 4/4.5/4.5/5 BS
1999 4 SB/6
2001 3 SB/4 CONV
2002 Taken by HOU in expansion draft
2002-2003 2 RB
Gary Myers, NY Daily News: The Jags signed OT Tony Boselli, the second overall pick in the draft, to a seven-year, $17 million contract. Boselli's $6 million signing bonus is the largest ever for a rookie and is being paid in three $2 million installments: $2 now, $2 million in March of '96 and $2 million in March of '97.
Pete Prisco, Times-Union: Boselli signed a seven-year, $17-million deal after being the team's first draft pick ever - and second overall -in the 1995 draft. He is scheduled to be paid a base salary of $1.566 million this season. That number is $1.791 million in 1999, $2.015 million in 2000 and $2.240 million in 2001. Boselli has four years remaining on his original deal, a deal that averages $2.496 million
Kyle Bosworth
2010 3/1.2275 TRV, .32/.405/.49 BS
2010 .0125 SB/3
2010 IR, .225 BS
2011 BS reduced to .33/.415
2011 CBA increase BS to .375/.465
2011 IR after week 10, .258 BS
Todd Bouman
2007 No SB/1 after week 7, .82 BS (.435 MSB)
2007 CUT Post week 11
2008 1/.84 TRV, .83 BS (.445 MSB)
2008 .01 SB/1
2008 CUT Post
2009 1/.85 TRV, .845 BS (.46 MSB)
2009 .005 SB/1
2009 CUT Post
2010 No SB/1 after week 2, .855 BS
2010 CUT Post week 4
2010 No SB/1 after week 6, .855 BS
2010 CUT Post week 9
2010 No SB/1 after week 14, .855 BS
2011 1/.96 TRV, .91 BS (.525 MSB)
2011 .05 SB/1
2011 CUT Post
Luke Bowanko
2014 4/2.314052 TRV, .42/.51/.6/.69 BS
2014 .094052 SB/4
Hayes Carlyon, Florida Times-Union: The deal is for four years at $2.3 million with a $94,052 signing bonus.
Alvin Bowen
2010 PS, .0884 BS
2010 Activated after week 1, .395 BS
2010 CUT Post week 3
2010 PS, .0884 BS
2010 BS raised to .1105 after week 4
James Boyd
2001 3/1.28 TRV, .209/.298/.389 BS
2001 .384 SB/3
2002 CBA increase BS to .3
2003 CUT Post
Bart Hubbuch, Florida Times-Union: Boyd, taken 21 spots after Westmoreland, signed a three-year, $1.28 million contract two weeks ago that includes a $384,000 signing bonus.
Brant Boyer
1995 No SB/2 after week 15, .149/.178 BS
1996 CUT Post