Annual Report - 2014/2015

JICA Ex participants’ Association on

Solid Waste Management

Annual Report - 2014/2015

JICA Ex participants’ Association on Solid Waste Management (SWM)

JICA Ex participants’ Association on Solid Waste Management (SWM) was established on March 2008 to encourage the mutual cooperation among the JICA trainees on SWM in Sri Lanka. During last five years association managed to succeed satisfactory results to remain a sustainable SWM for a comfortable living condition and better environmental health.

In year 2014/2015 the Ex participants’ Association has been completed following activitiessponsored by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

·  Seminar with the Annual General Meeting

·  SWM Workshop

1.  Seminar with the Annual General Meeting

The Seminar on Solid Waste Management and 6th Annual General Meeting for 2014/2015 was held on13thMarch 2015 at the Institute of Sri Lanka Foundation The objective of the seminar was to refresh and update the knowledge of the ex-participants’ and make awareness on the present trends on SWM and encourage he membership to come up with their own programmes within the organizations. There are about fifty members of the Association participated for the programme.

Seminar was conducted as two sessions and followed by the annual General Meeting.

Inauguration session

It was headed by Representative Mr.Yusuke Shinozaki of JICA.The welcome speech was delivered by Mrs. L. Mangalika,Addl. Secretary for the Ministry of Water Supply & Drainage.

Technical session

Technical session comprised“How does the private sector manageHospital Waste Treatment Method by Private Sector” By Mr. YasanthaGunarathne, General Manger for the SisiliHanaroEncare Pvt. Ltd.,

JOCV attached to Kandy MC Mr. Kita ToshihiroKuliyapitiyaUC Miss. Shimizu Kanakopresented their experience on solid waste management with relevant to their local authorities. Miss.AshokaWijegunawardane-Development Assistant & Miss. DarshikaMadurapperuma-Development Assistant of the NSWMSC made presentation on the experiences gained during their training programmes in Japan and also how it could be applicable to the Sri Lankan context.

Explain the way of they are going to implement the action plans in Sri Lanka

The agenda of the seminar was attached as Annex1.

JOCV presenting theirs experiences at Local Authority level

Ex- participant presenting their Japan experiences

2.  AwarnessProgrammeon SWM

This Programme was held on 27thNovember 2014 at the Institute of Development Administration. 146 participants were participated.

The objective of this programme is to aware on Solid Waste Management and to share the knowledge on present waste management practices among the participants 3 presentation were presented. And also aware the following subjects relevant SWM. by the Expert in Sri Lanka.

·  Rules & Regulations on SWM –Mr. D.P. Hettiarchchi, Former Addl. Secretary, Ministry of Local Government & Provincial Councils

·  Community Participation & their responsibility-Mr. Sunil Fernando, Former Advisor for the

Ministry of Local Government & Provincial Councils

·  Compsting& Bio Gass –Prof. Ajith de Alwis, University of Moratuwa University

JICA Ex participants’ Association on Solid Waste Management (SWM)

One Day Programme on Solid Waste Management

JICA Ex-Participant’s Assosiation on Solid Waste Management

December 2014


.8.30 a.m. -9.00a.m Registration and Refreshment

9.05a.m Lighting of Oil Lamp

9.10a.m National Anthem

9.10a.m -9.20a.m Welcome Address and Opening Remarks

Mrs. L. Mangalika, Addl. Secretary, Ministry of Water Supply &

Drainage Board

President - JICA Ex-Participants’ Association on SWM

9.20a.m -9.40a.m Role of The NSWMSC

Mr. D.P. Indaka, Assit. Director-(Planning), NSWMSc

9.40a.m–10.15 a.m Role of the Centrla Environment Authority &PrsentConditon of Pilisaru Project.

Mr. R. Walpola, (Project Director- Pilisaru

10.15a.m -10.30a.m Tea Break

10.30a.m -11.30a.m Rules & Regulations on SWM responsibility by the LAS Mr. D.P. Hettiarachcchi, Former Addl. Secretary for the Ministry of Local Government &Probvincial Councils

11.30a.m -12.30 Introduction “Takakura Compost Metod”

Mr. Inno Rio, JICA Volunteer, Dehiwala M. Laveenia Municipal Council

12.30 -1.30p.m Lunch Break

1.30-2.00 p.m. Role of the Waste Management Authority

Mr. Nimal De Silva, Deputy Director-WMA

2.00p.m -3.00 p.m. Community Participation and their Responsibility

Mr. Sunil Fernando, Former Advisor, Ministry of Local

Government & provincial Councils

3.00-4.00p.m. Composting & Bio Gas

Prof. Ajith de Alwis, University of Moratuwa

4.00 p.m. Termination