Voices of Generosity Testimonials
This is hands down the most loving and welcoming church I have ever been to (and I’ve been to a lot)! - Anonymous
The works that I do are liken to an apple seed. Once planted, only God knows that fruit it will bear. – Ron Thrun
Becoming aware of what MCC has accomplished in the past, how can I not believe that MCC is the place that will continue to see to assist the ‘poor in spirit’? My gifts are always put to good and faithful use. – Sandy Gaudur
I love my church because I feel loved and accepted here. – Sherrie Kolb
Generosity provides a home for our church family. It also provides a Pastor and Staff for continuing our ministries. That’s why I give. – Al Smithson
By supporting our MCC ministries I become a partner with God in the harvest. I love that! - Connie Burnside
I love MCC because I am loved and welcomed and valued for who and what I am. – Gabriel Mason
I give to show my appreciation to a church that, from the first visit to present, has always made me feel welcome and worthy of the love of God. My spirituality has blossomed fro the love of the MCC community. I give to ‘give back’ because I have been given so much from this place of worship. – Jodi L. Paris
Aside from the outreach MCC does in the community, I feel more positive and am able to better share God’s love with those around me. – Mark Sanbower
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church in your estate planning?
Sign up with your bank’s automatic bill pay
program for your contributions, and you get
to place one of those nifty blue cards in the
offering basket that say I’m “Doing My Part.”
The church is now set up to accept vehicles
as donations. Please call 619-521-2222 x11.