Newmarket Joggers AGM

Thursday 20th October 2011

New Astley Club 7 30pm

Present: Greg Davis (GD); Brian Munns (BM); Mike Sales (MS); Debbie Read (DR), Ursula White (UW); Sue Stoten (SS); Carolynn Anderson (CA); Clive Purbroock (CP); Jim Whithers (JW); Lisa Redman (LR); Neil Williamson (NW); Jennie Grimwood (JG); Alan Goodenough (AG)

Apologies : Cathryn Starling, Martin Gear, Paul Holley, Dave Price, Ben Blowes, Stuart Janes

  1. Opening Remarks – CA welcomed everyone to the meeting and encouraged to participate, voice opinions, suggestions, and criticisms etc. but in order that all feel that they can contribute she asked that respect is shown to one another.
  2. Apologies - acknowledged and noted as above
  3. Matters arising from previous AGM/Committee Meetings – we did not have any specific tasks arising from last year’s AGM but the committee did set themselves the task of increasing membership and increasing participation in our two main races, the 10k and the Heath Race. All of this was easily achieved; membership is now over 100 which means we have achieved small club category within UKA, we also had 181 entrants for the 10k and 179 participating in the Heath Race.
  4. Presentation of Annual Report – see attached
  5. Presentation of Annual Accounts – see attached for summary of accounts for 2011.The account currently has £2677.00 but JG reported that £902.00 has to be deducted for the juniors fundraising for the long jump pit after the accounts are audited. Therefore the balance for the seniors is £1775.00. This year funds were spent on equipment for the 10k and stop watches and the cost of participation in the Round Norfolk Relay was in the region of £1000.00. JG reported that she will provide copies of the audited accounts for inclusion in the AGM Minutes.
  6. Presentation of the Captains report – presented by JW. This year the med men participated in the Suffolk XC League, the men’s team had a poor turn out for some of the races but the combined Newmarket Joggers/Sudbury team finished 7th out of 14 teams which was commendable. At the Suffolk CountyChamps, Paul Holley was 2nd overall and won his age category. Several of the men ran marathons this year, Greg Davis ran in the Rutland Marathon and ran a good time of 3hrs 12 his best recent time. In the London Marathon Mathew Harvey recorded a PB, 2:36:12, Robin Clifford also recorded a PB of 2:43 and Paul Holley completed the course in 2:53. Paul Holley came back into form later in the year to run the Loch Ness Marathon, he came 9th overall in a time of 2:47:41 In the Soham Half Marathon Robin Clifford had a PB and won the event in a time of 1:16. In another endurance race Alan Shand completed the 50 mile ‘Caomrades Race’ in South Africa, which he described as an experience of a life time. The men’s team competed and came 3rd overall in the Kevin Henry 5K League over the summer, with outstanding performances from Mathew Harvey who won the individual trophy and Vince Coogan the most improved runner for the club. In another 5katRed Lodge Martin Gear ran a PB and won in 17:41. The men’s team competed in the Ekiden Relay with a team of 6, all over 45 so came 7th in the Vets category and finished 22nd overall out of 101 teams. In the Friday 5 Series, Jim Whithers, Brian Munns and Vince Coogan completed all the races and Vince came 3rd overall in the series.. The men’s report would not be complete without mentioning the fantastic team performance in the Round Norfolk Relay from both the men and women!
  7. Juniors Report –The junior section has grown steadily over the year with a recent influx of new members. The ‘senior’ juniors are doing very well and we have 3 athletes ranked in the top 10 in the UK, as well as some young budding stars. The juniors have particularly enjoyed the sessions when the senior joggers have joined them for training. It’s been great fun watching them trying their skills and drills!The junior joggers will have a few more members competing in the XC events this year and some have already competed in the Kevin Henry 5K League as well as other local races. Luke and Josh successfully completed their Young Leaders course which they both found very helpful. The youngsters from Joggers and the Newmarket Rugby club are planning to have a training session together soon to promote relationships between the two clubs who train on the same field. Through GCAN we have been lucky enough to have a guest coach coming in for three sessions, one has already been held and the junior members really enjoyed it. The coaches too learnt some new techniques for using the equipment in the 365 Kit Bag also provided by GCAN. The juniors thanked Carolynn for arranging this. Jennie also mentioned a big thank you to GD for collecting bags of cans to crush; this recycling helps to raise funds for the long jump pit.
  8. Election of 2011/2012 Committee –
  9. Chairperson – CA happy to stand again this was proposed by GD and seconded JG
  10. Secretary – SS was proposed by DR and seconded by CA. SS accepted the position
  11. Treasurer - JG happy to continue in this role. Proposed by DR and seconded by MS
  12. MembershipSecretary – DR
  13. TeamCaptain – BM
  14. Vice-Captain – JW
  15. Committee – MS; GD; CP; LR; AC
  16. Memberships 2012 – CA proposed that the membership fee was increased to £25.00; this was on the basis of £5 being sent to UKA. There were no objections to this proposal and therefore fee increase to £25 was carried. The Junior membership fees will be £10 for under 11yrs; and £15 for those 11yrs and over because £5 is required for their UKA membership. The membership forms have been amended, the adult form now requires either a box to be ticked to indicated good health and fitness or details to be completed in the space provided, the juniors form broadly follows the UKA format.
  17. London Marathon Draw – BM and NW were eligible in the first draw for those who have competed in the marathon before and BM won the place. InN the second draw for those who have not competed before there was only one person eligible, Susannah Rush, she therefore wins the place. NW will be the reserve if either SR or BM cannot run for any reason but it is noted that there is a cut-off date for changing the entrant name.
  18. AOB
  19. Neals Coaches has been provisionally booked for the Marathon. It is a 49 seater coach with a toilet; agreed for JG to pay the deposit.
  20. New Club Constitution – ratification of this was raised by MS; CA suggested that because we didn’t have enough copies for everyone at the meeting to read the constitution it will be emailed out in draft form and voted on at the next committee meeting.
  21. Sponsorship for the Heath Run and 10k – GD and AC agreed to approach some local businesses to see whether additional sponsorship can be raised. CA said that this need to be completed in the next few weeks because application entry forms were planned to be finalised and details of the races put on various websites for on line application

Meeting was closed at 8.20pm