2010 Conference Registration Form

TOFINO, Vancouver Island, BC

May 14-17 with post-site visits May 18-23

Register on-line at www.internationalfunders.org (coming soon!)

or email this form to

Our preference is to receive payment by check, to save the high cost of processing credit cards.

Please mail your check to:

IFIP Conference Registration

PO Box 1040

Akwesasne, NY 13655

1) Select how you wish to register:

Single Conference Registrant, lodging at the Tin-Wis Resort

Single Conference Registrant, lodging off-site

Group of Conference Registrants, lodging at the Tin-Wis Resort

Group of Conference Registrants, lodging off-site

Please note: If you use Group Registration option, all fees will be placed on the first registrant’s record.

Check here if you will share your Tin-Wis room with family/guest who is not attending the conference.

2) Select all that apply:

Donor (Individual or Organization)

Indigenous (Individual or Organization)



3) Contact Information









Street Address



Zip/Postal Code


Do you need an English/Spanish translator?

4) Conference Registration & Membership Fees

For Grantmakers: Would you like to become a new IFIP member?

Applications are available at www.internationalfunders.org and are subject to approval by IFIP’s Board. Conference attendees who apply to become new members by May 31, 2010 will receive a $50 credit toward their first year dues, thereby offsetting the Standard conference registration fee that is required today.

If you are not already an IFIP member, please select Standard registration.

Standard Conference Registration $575

IFIP Member Conference Registration $525

Early-Bird Discount (register by March 15th) less $50

Special Registration (requires code) enter code:

Enter your 2010 IFIP Conference Registration Fee = $

IFIP Members who are up for renewal, please select one:

I have enclosed/will send my IFIP member renewal fee

Please send me a reminder/invoice for my renewal fee

5) Meals

If you lodge at the Tin Wis Resort:

Conference Registrants who lodge at the Tin-Wis Resort enroll in the ALL-INCLUSIVE PACKAGE.

The package includes 4-nights of lodging, all the meals and gratuities noted below, plus hotel taxes.

There are no discounts for partial stays.

If you lodge OFF-SITE

There are other lodging options within easy walking distance of the Tin-Wis Resort. For details, refer to the Travel and Lodging Resource Guide. Conference attendees who lodge off-site pay a $295 Commuter Fee to cover all the meals noted below. Single meal tickets are not an option for conference attendees, however, family or guests who are not attending the conference may purchase single meal tickets.

Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
May 14, Friday / X
May 15, Saturday / X / X / X
May 16, Sunday / X / X / X
May 17, Monday / X / X

Conference attendees who have special dietary needs, please describe here:

5) Lodging & Meal Packages MAY 14, 15, 16, 17

SHARED ROOM PACKAGE at the Tin-Wis (includes all meals for two)

Rates listed are per-person, in a shared room with one other conference attendee.

If you are traveling alone and register for a shared QQ room, we will assign you a roommate of the same gender. If you snore, please consider booking a single room. We cannot offer re-assignments or refunds.

ROOM CODE / Per night / Total
2 Queen Beds / QQ / 170 / 680
1 King+ double sofabed / KD / 180 / 720
1 King +double sofabed + kitchenette / KK / 190 / 760

SINGLE PACKAGE at the Tin-WIs (includes all meals for one)

ROOM CODE / Per night / Total
2 Queen Beds / QQ / 250 / 1000
1 King+ double sofabed / KD / 270 / 1080
1 King +double sofabed + kitchenette / KK / 280 / 1120


If non-attending family members or guests will be joining you at the Tin-Wis Resort, IFIP offers a shared room rate that does not include meal packages for your guests. The maximum is 4 guests per room (2 guests/bed). Non-attendees wishing to join in some meals may purchase single meal tickets on-site.

Please Choose:

I wish to lodge at the Tin-Wis Resort, based on availability, ROOM CODE (QQ/KD/KK) =

Shared Room Package (per person)—Enter in green box below: $680/or $720/or $760

Single Package—Enter in green box below: $1000/ or $1080/or $1120

I will lodge off-site—Enter in green box below, the Commuter Fee of $295.

I have a special lodging arrangement with IFIP (requires code) enter code:

Enter your Total 4-day Lodging and Meals (or Commuter Fee) = $

Roommate Info:

I will be sharing my room at the Tin-Wis with another attendee, named:

Please assign me a roommate (QQ only)

I will share my Tin-Wis room with my family/guests who are not attending the conference and I will contact IFIP for their lodging rates.

6) POST-SITE Lodging at the Tin-Wis Resort MAY 18

A limited number of rooms are available for May 18th for people staying on for post-site visits.

These rates are for lodging only. Meals are not included. IFIP will not arrange roommates.

Rates for May 18 lodging, includes taxes / ROOM CODE / Single (or Double)
2 Queen Beds / QQ / 180 (90 per person)
1 King+ double sofabed / KD / 190 (95 per person)
1 King +double sofabed + kitchenette / KK / 210 (105 per person)

May 18 Lodging-Only:

I wish to lodge at the Tin-Wis on May 18th ROOM CODE (QQ/KD/KK) =

If Double Occupancy, you must indicate roommate’s name: ______

and each roommate must include their portion of the lodging fee with their registration:

Enter the full (or half-portion) Lodging Fee for May 18 = $

7) Transportation from Vancouver to Tofino

Please refer to transportation options in the Travel and Lodging Resource Guide.

We strongly advise that you make arrangements for travel from Vancouver to Tofino in advance of your arrival. Ground and ferry transport takes the better part of a day, and must be scheduled around the ferry.

IFIP will offer a charter bus/ferry service for $75 each way, based upon advance reservations (see below.)

Air travel is available from Vancouver to Tofino, via Orca Air www.flyorcaair.com with one scheduled flight daily. If there is sufficient interest from IFIP conference attendees to have a flight at a different time, IFIP will charter a flight. Either way, the cost will be about $200 per person, each way.

Check here to RESERVE IFIP’s CHARTER bus/ferry service

$75 fee per person, each way ($150 round trip) includes: Transport from Vancouver (downtown or airport) to Tofino; ferry fee; and tour-guide/cultural interpreter. Return trip will not include the tour-guide.

May 14 Vancouver to Tofino (departs downtown hotels around 12 noon; departs airport by 1:30 pm)

May 18 Tofino to Vancouver (morning departure from Tofino to arrive at Vancouver airport by 4pm)

Total Charter Shuttle Fees = $

SURVEY for interest in charter air transport:

I am interested in a charter air flight from Vancouver to Tofino on date at around (time)

If the charter flight is not possible, I will take the charter bus/ferry shuttle, indicated above.

I am interested in a charter air flight from Tofino to Vancouver on date at around (time)

If the charter flight is not possible, I will take the charter bus/ferry shuttle, indicated above.

8) Optional Post-Site Visits

May 18 morning: Special half-day event, hosted by Confluence Philanthropy: $40.

Leveraging Your Assets to Protect and Support Indigenous Communities:

Join NativeLeaders and Resource Experts in mission related investing to learn how to unleash the power of your assets throughshareowner advocacy and direct program related and mission related investing.

May 18 afternoon: Post-Site visits to local area Indigenous communities $TBD.

Post-site visits are still being arranged. Please indicate your interest in participating

May 19 to 23. 5-day trip to Alberta’s Tar Sands $TBD.

Total Post-Site Fees = $

9) Calculate Total Fees

Please calculate your total payment:

Conference Registration (section 4):

Enter your 2010 IFIP Conference Registration Fee = $

Membership Renewal (contact IFIP for more info): = $

May 14, 15, 16, 17 Lodging and/or Meals in Tofino (section 5):

Enter your Total 4-day Lodging and Meals (or Commuter Fee) = $

May 18 Lodging only (section 6):

Enter the full (or half-portion) Lodging Fee for May 18 = $

May 14 and May 18 Charter Bus/Ferry Shuttle Service (section 7):

Enter your total Charter Bus/Ferry Shuttle Fees = $

Optional Post-Site Visits (section 8):

Enter your total Optional Post-Site Visit Fees = $

Sponsorship / Donation:

Registration fees do not cover the full cost of presenting this conference. Thank you for considering adding a donation to help IFIP continue our important work. We will recognize your gift at the conference, on our website, and in our publications. You may designate your gift of $1000 or more as a 2010 Conference Sponsor; or you may designate any amount to our Indigenous Guests Fund, to help bring Indigenous peoples from around the world to this conference. Thank you!

Enter your Donation and select designation below = $

2010 Conference Sponsor Indigenous Guests Fund


10) Payment Information

Payment is required to hold reservations.

All fees are listed in US dollars and are to be paid to IFIP in US dollars.

If paying by wire transfer, there will be a $15 processing fee.

Our preference is to receive payment by check, to save the high cost of processing credit cards.

Please mail your check to: IFIP Conference Registration, PO Box 1040, Akwesasne, NY 13655

You can also register on-line at www.internationalfunders.org

or email this form to

Select Payment Method:

Check (payable to International Funders for Indigenous Peoples)

Wire Transfer

If paying by credit card

Secure online registration and credit card processing will be available soon.



American Express

Name on Card

Card #

Expiration Date



Cancellation Policy

Cancellations must be made in writing to

If made 60 DAYS PRIOR (by March 14, 2010)

Registration refund will be 100%. Tin-Wis lodging cancellations will be subject to $25/per room/per night.

If made 30 DAYS PRIOR (by April 13, 2010)

Registration refund will be 75%. Tin-Wis lodging cancellations will be subject to $25/per room/per night.

Cancellations made BETWEEN April 14 and April 30, 2010

Registration refund will be 50%. Tin-Wis lodging cancellations are non-refundable.

Cancellations made AFTER May 1, 2010

Registration is non-refundable. Tin-Wis lodging cancellations are non-refundable.

Thank you for your registration.

We will send you a confirmation,

along with a survey to enhance your experience of the conference.

We look forward to seeing you in Tofino!