This is the seventh year Maritime Conference negotiated a video licensing agreement with Criterion Pictures and Audio Ciné Films Inc. We are able to offer a similar opportunity this year and the cost remains the same as last year. Because the Conference does the paperwork for both companies it is a better rate than an individual congregation could negotiate. You may want to visit their respective websites and check that out for your context. http://www.criterionpic.com/ and http://www.acf-film.com/splash_en.php

The combined cost for both companies to cover congregations in Maritime Conference will be $1.20 per person based on average Sunday attendance as reported in the Year Book. The license will be in effect from April 1, 2013 through March 31, 2014. Maritime Conference will do all the administration and this helps to keep the costs low.

If you reported an average of 20 people attending worship then the cost to you will be $24.00 + HST (calculated at the NB rate) per year and you will be licensed to rent any movie and show it legally without breaking copyright law. Criterion Pictures and Audio Ciné Films Inc. hold the licensing agreements for most movies that you have access to in video stores – Miramax, Disney, Sony, Alliance Atlantis, etc.

Please note that you do not need this license to view DVD’s borrowed from AVEL. AVEL resources are purchased with public performance rights.

Just think of the ways you can use movies in your congregations…. movie clips in worship…summer movie nights outside … movie nights for the community … Sunday School…. Youth Ministry.

If you are interested in registering your congregation for the license, then please complete the form. Upon receipt of your completed application form and cheque payable to Maritime Conference for the licensing fee, you will be enrolled in the program. All applications are to be returned to the Conference office no later than Friday, March 15th, 2013. This is the only opportunity to enroll for this year.

It is our hope that the availability of this licensing arrangement will be one more tool to support your ministry in creative and just ways. If you have any questions about this program, please contact Janice MacLean at or telephone 506 536 1334 x4.

Janice MacLean

Conference Minister for Christian Nurture & Enrichment

Maritime Conference Office

DVD Licensing Application



april 1, 2013 – March 31, 2014

Please Print Clearly

Congregation/Pastoral Charge ________________________________________

Address ___________________________________________________________


Phone ________________________________

Fax ________________________________

Email ________________________________

Contact Name _________________________________________________________

Contact Email __________________________

Average Sunday Attendance ___________________ x $1.20 = _______________

*plus HST 13%* = __________________

TOTAL _______________

(Cheque enclosed payable to Maritime Conference Fund)

(*Please note that because the Conference Office is in N.B. all licenses are calculated at 13%)



Please make your cheque payable to Maritime Conference Fund

and return with this form by March 16, 2013 to:

Maritime Conference Office

21 Wright St

Sackville, N.B. E4L 4P8