VFC Compliance Site Visit Reviewers - REQUIRED Training
CompletedP date & Supvr initials / Training or Material Title / Description / Frequency / Delivery Method and Type of Material(s) / Position & Title Conducting Training /
Required For ALL Persons Conducting VFC Compliance Site Visits (SV)
Annual Training required for VFC Compliance SV Reviewers #1 / Part 1: Web-based ‘live’ training covers first part of VFC compliance SV requirements for coming/existing year / Annual attendance required / PowerPoint presentation, slides with notes; post-test may be required / VFC Quality Assurance (QA) Coordinator or designee
Annual Training required for VFC compliance SV Reviewers #2 / Part 2: Web-based ‘live’ training covers second part of VFC compliance SV requirements for coming/existing year / Annual attendance required / PowerPoint presentation, slides with notes; post-test may be required / VFC QA Coord or designee, using CDC’s VFC Operations Guide
Annual Training required for VFC compliance SV Reviewers #3 / Part 3: Self-study in current version of PEAR: 1)Use on-line PEAR Training Site to conduct at least one practice SV; 2) Review documents in VFC-PEAR on Help page: PEAR User Manual, Reviewer Guide Companion Document, PEAR Step-by-Step Site Visit / Annual ‘attendance’* required
*Attendance is reviewer’s self-study of items listed in previous column / Self-study in PEAR Training Site & VFC-PEAR Site; verification of SV completed in PEAR Training Site; additional verification may be required / Reviewer Self-study on CDC’s PEAR site
Annual Training required for VFC compliance SV Reviewers #4 / Online self-study: two CDC VFC “You Call the Shots” (YCTS) training modules, provide basic concepts of VFC requirements & proper vaccine storage & handling; YCTS website / Required to take annually for each calendar year
(expected to be available early in January of coming or current year) / Online YCTS Training Modules #10 & #16; both courses have tests & completion certificates;
Send / On-Line Trainings (CDC YCTS trainings)
VFC Compliance SV Reviewer - Observation Visit (OV) / In-person, one-on-one where VFC QA Coord (or DOH designee) observes reviewer conducting SV on own; evaluation & feedback provided / Every reviewer receives at least one OV every other year; new reviewers receive 1st OV within 6 months from when do SVs on own / In-person, one-on-one visit; using modified CDC Observa-tion Visit Tool / State VFC QA Coordinator (or DOH designee)
Additional Training Required for NEW Reviewers PRIOR to Conducting VFC Compliance Site Visits on Own
VFC Compliance SV: Reviewer-in-Training, Part A / Part A: in-person, one-on-one visit; Reviewer-in-Training (or other staff) shadows experienced VFC SV reviewer to watch how a provider VFC SV is conducted. / Required for all new reviewers. (New non-reviewer staff may also wish to shadow a VFC SV.) / Part A: In-person, one-on-one VFC SV, using CDC VFC Re-viewer Guide plus appropriate forms, tools & resources / Experienced VFC Compliance SV reviewer (State or LHJ)
VFC Compliance SV: Reviewer-in-Training, Part B / Part B: in-person, one-on-one visit; Experienced VFC Compliance SV reviewer shadows Reviewer-in-Training conducting a VFC SV. (Reviewer-in-Training sets up visit & assures provider completes all corrective actions & documents all. / Required for all new VFC Compliance SV Reviewers before conducting a VFC Compliance SV on their own. Completion of Part A is pre-requisite for Part B. / Part B: Same as Part A above plus tracking & documentation of all corrective actions & follow-up). / Experienced VFC Compliance SV reviewer (State or LHJ)
VFC Compliance SV Reviewers - Recommended Training
CompletedP date & Supvr initials / Training or Material Title / Description / Frequency / Delivery Method and Type of Material(s) / Position Title Conducting Training /
Recommended For All Persons Conducting VFC Compliance SVs
WA State Vaccine Program webpages; include protocols, storage/handling forms; other resources / Guidance and supporting documents covering VFC Compliance SVs, VFC requirements (including: protocols, VFC eligibility status screening & documentation, practice profiles, storage and handling forms, and other resources are provided, including contact information for technical assistance / Staff can also go through these materials whenever needed / Web-based tools (including written protocols, forms, and other resources) / Technical assistance (TA) provided by DOH VFC QA Coord, staff from Vaccine Management Unit & other state staff
CDC VFC Operations Guide for current calendar year / Although highlights are shared during the required Annual Training (page 1 of chart), it is recommended that reviewers also do a thorough self-study of the entire Guide covering supporting documents and all aspects of VFC, including requirements & policies VFC eligibility status screening & documentation, practice profiles, storage and handling, and other resources not covered during the required Annual Training / Staff can go through these materials whenever needed / Full CDC document sent as an attachment linked to a GoToTraining Annual Training session / TA provided by DOH VFC QA Coord, staff from Vaccine Manage-ment Unit & other state staff
CDC VFC webpages / Guidance and supporting documents covering everything VFC / Staff can go through these materials whenever needed; encourage exploring other VFC-related links on CDC website / Web-based narrative & links to other VFC documents & resources - https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/programs/vfc/index.html / TA provided by DOH VFC QA Coord, staff from Vaccine Manage-ment Unit & other state staff
Training Reqs Table - All VFC SV Rvsd 2-27-17 If you have a disability and need this document in another format, please call 1-800-525-0127 (TDD/TTY 1-800-833-6388). DOH 348-608 Page 2 of 2