
1046 Beach Blvd.

Biloxi, MS. 39530

November 28, 2017

Dear Parents and Guardians,

You know it’s a busy few days when you get an “end of the month newsletter” from me! A few things…

TODAY-#I GIVE CATHOLIC campaign runs today through 11:59 tonight. We will use our proceeds to purchase items for our library collection. For more information, please visit our website.

WEDNESDAY-There will be a basketball information meeting at 5:30 p.m, as well as a short practice, for any students in grades 3-6 who are interested. Information sheets and sign up forms went out prior to Thanksgiving, however this meeting is for anyone who is interested.

FRIDAY – Biloxi Children’s Walking parade will take place at 6:00 p.m. Our Boy Scouts are going to be participating but it is open to any children who register.

Registration forms were sent out prior to Thanksgiving.


*Breakfast with Santa – Half Shell Oyster House/Biloxi - 8:00-10:00

Workers are needed; please visit our website and/or come and enjoy breakfast with family and friends.

*Robotics Tournament – Nineteen of our students will be participating at this tournament which will be held at St. Patrick’s from 8:00-5:00.

*Choir – Our choir will be singing at Christmas in the City at 10:00 a.m.

Information notes/emails went home prior to Thanksgiving.

*Cheer Squad – Our cheer squad will be performing at Christmas in the City at 10:30. Information was distributed/emailed.

*Ordination – Two men will be ordained deacons for our Diocese at

10:00 at Nativity Cathedral. Please hold them in prayer.

SUNDAY (12/3)

The Elks Lodge in Biloxi (near the BiloxiCemetery on the Beach) will be hosting a BINGO to benefit our school from 2:00 to 4:00. CHILDREN as well as adults are welcome! Tickets are $25.00 per person and take care of the cost of all games. These tickets are onsale in the office. You are invited to send in door prizes and/or baked goodies to sell.

THURSDAY (12/7) – Our Nativity Parish will host a press conference of our current and former Bishops on December 7th as a way to begin our parish celebration of 175 years. Our Nativity School Choir has been invited to sing prior to this event. The choir members will perform at 11:45 on the steps of the Cathedral. We are honored to be invited to do this!

FRIDAY (12/8) – Our celebrant for our 9:00 holy day Mass at school will be

BISHOP LOUIS KIHNEMAN. Please consider joining us for prayer and celebration.




Christmas ornaments – Last year, the Nativity Men’s Club sold cross-shaped Christmas ornaments for $20.00 There are a limited number of these pottery crosses remaining. We will be selling them at school for $10.00. All proceeds will benefit our school.

May God bless us as we continue to work together! You are in my prayers each day!