Using Your Visual voice COLLAGE LESSON PLAN
Patricia Ritter –
Grade: can be adapted to all grade levels and for all abilities.
Subject Area: Visual Arts
Lesson Objective:
Students learn to visually represent and express their thoughts and ideas using collage techniques.
Very successful for those students who do not feel comfortable with drawing or painting. To have students use the principles of design to artfully arrange pictures and words into a cohesive work and communicates to others their ideas.
Standard 1.0 Media, Techniques, and Processes
Students will understand and apply media, techniques, and processes.
Grade Level Expectations (GLEs)
The student will
1.1 Manipulate a variety of tools and media in a safe and responsible manner.
1.2 Apply a variety of media.
1.3 Analyze and demonstrate a variety of techniques.
1.4 Analyze and apply a variety of processes.
1.5 Recognize, demonstrate and evaluate levels of craftsmanship
Standard 2.0 Structures and Functions
Students will use knowledge of structures and functions.
Grade Level Expectations (GLEs)
The student will
2.1 Analyze and apply the elements of art.
2.2 Apply the elements of art.
2.3 Analyze and apply principles of design.
2.4 Apply principles of design.
2.5 Evaluate purpose in art.
2.6 Apply purpose in art.
2.7 Evaluate context in art.
2.8 Apply context in art.
Additional Subject Areas:
Historical and cultural aspects by studying the life and times of Romare Bearden (African American history, jazz, civil rights), Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse and modern artists who use collage as a medium.
Math: Student uses ruler to divide paper into sections – sections can be assigned different subject matter for collage designs.
Magazines, calendars, greeting cards, anything the students wish to bring from home to include in their collages; rulers, scissors, glue sticks, substrate such as foam core board, railroad board, poster board or even old books, photo albums, etc. to glue collage onto.
Activity Instructions:
Students are introduced several collage artists and shown examples of their work…including Romare Bearden, Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse and several modern collage artists through a PowerPoint presentation. I point out how each artist uses collage elements and materials differently to express their themes, ideas and opinions.
Any subject can be explored by asking students to create a collage representing whatever they are studying in the classroom – including history, time periods, cultures, favorite artists, etc.
Students can be asked to write about themselves – they must write at least three sentences. They can make lists of things that define themselves, poems or write stories about themselves and their families, their wishes, dreams.
Expanded project...
Have students read or write poetry and visually express their feelings via collage or assign students a time period and have them create group mixed media pieces to include dress; arts; industry; famous people of the time.
Students look thru provided materials (magazines, etc.) and rip out pages which contain pictures, words, colors and elements they want to use. Students cut or tear out their chosen elements and carefully arrange them – using overlapping BEFORE they glue down anything. Once they arrive at the design and arrangement they like, they must deconstruct their piece in order to glue down their elements woring from background to foreground. I check work BEFORE handing out glue sticks to those students who are ready for this step.
Students are asked to come to the front of the class and show their collage. By looking at their work other students explain what the student is expressing – then they read what they wrote to the class to see if they achieved their goal.
Vocabulary: collage, cutting, arranging, overlapping, media, texture, color, form, color schemes, organization of visual compositions, emphasis, pattern, balance, contrast.
Formative: Conduct Q & A with entire class mid-way through project - ask everyone to assess their project, i.e. are they following directions; are they participating and understanding the process; are they using their creativity; are they showing their best effort. Provide/review needed information/instruction after reviewing progress of work.
Summative: On-demand writing in journal. Open Response: compare books from different cultures and time periods. Ask students to write a brief statement on how they used the elements of art and principles of design in their project. Can do full class critique of work....have student use appropriate vocabulary.
Grading student work on - completion of project; understanding of processes; followed instructions yet showed creativity and originality; finished on time; participation; did they include and use assigned elements of art and principles of design; did they offer best effort to project.