ChiMat Knowledge Update
14 December 2012 /
Welcome to the ChiMat Knowledge Update highlighting the latest news, events, reports, research and other resources relating to children, young people's and maternal health. All these resources and more are available on the Child and Maternal Health Observatory website
This email includes a summary and link to each resource below.
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In the news
ChiMat does not accept responsibility for the availability, reliability or content of these news items and does not necessarily endorse the views expressed within them.
Howard League: Police arrest a child every two and a half minutes
New research from the Howard League shows police made more than 209,000 arrests of boys and girls aged 17 and under during 2011. This number includes 2,117 arrests of children who were aged 10 or 11, meaning that on average six primary school children were arrested every day.
NCB: New resources for young people living with HIV
To mark World AIDS Day on 1 December, the Children and Young People HIV Network based at the National Children's Bureau is sending a message of support to young people with HIV by launching a range of materials to support them in managing life with the condition.
BBC: Severe morning sickness can be 'traumatic'
The Duchess of Cambridge is being treated in hospital for hyperemesis gravidarum, which is like an extreme form of morning sickness. This article explains about the condition that affects about one in every 200 pregnancies and results in severe nausea and vomiting.
The Telegraph: Couple sue for IVF in landmark 'age discrimination' case
A childless couple who have been refused NHS fertility treatment are suing Jeremy Hunt, the Health Secretary, for age discrimination in a landmark legal case.
EHI: E-portal for youth mental health
A new e-portal to improve skills and attitudes towards young people’s mental health is being funded by the Department of Health. The £2.2m e-portal project, which is due to go live in spring 2014, aims to support professionals in improving mental health outcomes for children.
Drinkaware: Drinkaware reveals link between parents’ drinking and their kids’ relationship with alcohol
Children of ABC1 parents who drink above the Government’s unit guidelines are more likely than children of parents who are low risk drinkers to have ever been drunk (19% vs 11%) and to drink at least monthly 21% vs 12%), reveals new research from Drinkaware.
BBC: Royal pregnancy: 'I was sick like pregnant Kate'
A mother who suffered sickness in pregnancy says it must be "extremely hard" for the Duchess of Cambridge to go through such a condition in the public eye.
AHA: Social media may help fight childhood obesity
Social media may be an effective tool to help children overcome obesity, according to a new American Heart Association scientific statement.
RCN: Schoolchildren with health needs ‘at risk’
The Royal College of Nursing and Unison are calling for urgent action to protect children and young people with health needs in schools.
Community Care: Getting it right for young people with an acquired brain injury
According to this article, at least one in 30 school age children in the UK is living with the effects of an acquired brain injury (ABI). The effects of an ABI will affect the child’s ability to function within an educational setting to some degree. This article describes the problems the child may encounter and the UK’s first specialist school for children with an acquired brain injury.
DH: Top nurses announce new strategy to build culture of compassionate care across the NHS
A new three year vision and strategy, aimed at building a culture of compassionate care for nursing, midwifery and care staff, has been launched at the Chief Nursing Officer’s conference in Manchester.
Community Care: Councils criticise second set of 'misleading' adoption scorecards
Some councils have criticised the Government's second set of adoption scorecards, arguing they are 'misleading', add another layer of bureaucracy and give no sound basis for comparison.
BBC: Is Olympics behind expected baby boom?
There are predictions that 2013 could deliver the UK its biggest baby boom in 40 years. Experts say a spring surge in the birth rate could be due to an incredible summer of sport.
NHS Choices: Childless couples who wanted kids 'die younger'
Childlessness “may increase likelihood of early death” BBC News has reported. This 'Behind the headlines' article examines the evidence behind the report.
BBC: Fertility treatment 'asthma link'
Children born after fertility treatments, such as IVF, may have a slightly higher chance of developing asthma, research suggests.
Friends and Family Test: Mandate update
The Friends and Family Test has been included in the Government’s mandate to the NHS Commissioning Board. Making sure that people have a positive experience of care is a key requirement in the Mandate, published on 13 November 2012.
NHS Choices: Premature birth survival rates on the rise
"Premature babies study shows survival rates on rise" is the headline in The Guardian, which is one of many sources reporting the news that survival rates for babies born between 22 and 25 weeks have risen overall since 1995. This ‘Behind the headlines’ article examines the evidence behind the reports.
BBC: Self-harm calls to ChildLine show biggest increase
Self-harming has become the fastest rising cause of calls for help to the ChildLine advice line.
THE: Student suicides rise along with debt burdens
A freedom of information request has found that between 2007 and 2011 the number of suicides by male students in full-time higher education rose by 36 per cent, from 57 to 78. The number of female student suicides per year almost doubled over that time period, from 18 to 34.
HSCIC: NHS maternity: hospital deliveries to teen mums fall by a fifth in five years
NHS hospital deliveries to mothers aged 13 to 19 have fallen by just over a fifth in five years, new figures show.
BBC: Pioneering surgery repairs girl's spine with leg bone
A five-year old girl has had pioneering surgery to repair a large gap in her spine using bone taken from her legs.
BBC: Court delays tumour boy hearing
A judge has postponed a decision on whether a mother should be allowed to prevent her son from receiving radiotherapy for brain cancer.
HSCIC: Self harm: hospital admission rate per 100,000 population in North East almost triple the rate in London
The North-East has almost triple the rate of self harm hospital admissions compared to London, figures show. The largest percentage of admissions by age were for patients aged 15 to 19 – at 14.2 per cent (15,680). However, this age group also saw the largest decrease compared to the previous 12 month period at 6.7 per cent (1,130).
Guides and Practice
NHS FASP: Updated decision planning tool
A new updated version of the decision planning tool created to help trusts, commissioners and health professionals plan, improve and monitor Down's syndrome screening practices is now available to download.
NHS FASP: Care pathways for congenital diaphragmatic hernia and cleft lip
Care pathways have now been completed illustrating the referral paths for congenital diaphragmatic hernia and cleft lip, and are available to view and download.
Leadership through partnership – school meals
This film features a practical example of a partnership between public health and local government that has worked well to improve health, along with some top tips for effective partnership working. There is a film fact sheet and a case study to download.
Maternal emotional wellbeing and infant development: a good practice guide for midwives
This guide provides midwives with recent evidence about the impact of the mother’s emotional wellbeing during pregnancy and the transition to parenthood, and suggests the best ways to support healthy parent-infant relationships. Each section provides an overview of recent theory and research, and is followed by practical suggestions about how women might be supported. A summary of the key messages is provided at the end of each section.
Institute of Health Visiting (iHV)
The aim of the iHV is to raise standards in health visiting practice, so improving public health outcomes for all children, families and communities.
Fact sheet: Understanding neonatal non invasive ventilation
Many of the babies admitted to the neonatal unit require some degree of respiratory support at varying levels for a given time period as dictated by individualised assessment of their overall condition. This fact sheet, following on from Oxygen therapy by Fallon (2012), offers an overview of current non-invasive ventilation practice in neonatal care focusing on the terms and modes used.
Guide to the Baby Friendly Initiative standards
The new UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative standards for maternity, neonatal, health visiting (or specialist public health nursing) and children’s centre (or equivalent early years’ community settings) services have now been published. These standards are the result of a large consultation involving clinicians, academics, policy makers and mothers. These new standards incorporate the previous standards as specified in the Ten steps to successful breastfeeding and Seven point plan for sustaining breastfeeding in the community but update and expand them to fully reflect the evidence base on delivering the best outcomes for mother and babies in the UK. This guide to the new standards is available to download from the UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative website.
Evidence matters in family justice
This resource pack is the result of several years of collaborative work by research in practice and their partner agencies. The pack contains:
a context handbook that covers the evolving policy landscape and the parameters of social work expertise;
a ‘dos and don’ts’ pull-out on how to use research in court effectively;
four practice briefings to help frontline social workers, their managers and agencies develop and consolidate their practice in the use of research evidence in the family court.
Policy and Government Reports
The common-sense approach to moving and handling of disabled children and young people
This guide offers a common-sense practical approach to the assessment of risk in relation to the moving and handling of disabled children and young people. It is intended to help make sure that the experiences of disabled children and young people are not limited by misinterpretation or misunderstanding of legislation and regulation.
Compassion in practice: nursing, midwifery and care staff - our vision and strategy
This three-year vision and strategy for nursing, midwifery and care staff that aims to build the culture of compassionate care in all areas of practice.
Health visitors leading the way in transforming services for children and families
These case studies highlight innovations developed as part of the health visiting programme. These 20 case studies have been developed by organisations delivering services for children and families. The focus is on improvements in service quality and innovation, specifically along the strands of the health visiting service vision and family offer.
Taking a longer view of contact: the perspectives of young adults who experienced parental separation in their youth
This study looks at the views of young adults who experienced parental separation in their youth.
Assessment of young people’s exposure to alcohol marketing in audiovisual and online media
The overall aim of the work presented in this report was to use novel approaches to measure alcohol advertisement exposure among young people in Europe through audiovisual and online media.
An overview of the market for alcoholic beverages of potentially particular appeal to minors
This report provides a European Union-wide overview of the market and regulation regarding types of alcoholic beverages with potentially particular appeal to minors. Over the period 1995–2007, drinking prevalence in young people had remained stable: but drinking patterns had become more risky. Alcohol-related advertising, in general, was targeted at minors, in particular via 'social media'.
Children and young people’s emotional health and wellbeing needs assessment, Merseyside: full report
This needs assessment was produced by Liverpool Public Health Observatory (LPHO) and commissioned by the Merseyside PCTs. The factors that contribute to positive and negative emotional health amongst children and young people are explored under six priority area headings, developed by the Children’s Society. These include having 'the conditions to learn and develop’ and ‘a safe and suitable home environment’. The needs assessment seeks to paint a picture of need across Merseyside. A summary of the report is also available.
CancerStats key facts: childhood cancer
Cancer Research UK’s CancerStats – key facts series provides accessible, top line statistics and facts on cancer. This factsheet focuses on childhood cancer, affecting those children aged 0 to 14, inclusively. Childhood cancers are generally very different to those seen in adults.
No child with cancer left out
No child with cancer left out - looks at the impact of cancer on children of primary school age.
Children’s views on restraint: reported by the Children’s Rights Director for England
Ofsted last published a report on children’s views about physical restraint in 2004. Since then, children have raised concerns about restraint in consultations on other subjects. This report is the result of a follow-up consultation to find out what children now think about restraint.
Seven day consultant present care
The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges has developed three patient-centred standards to deliver consistent inpatient care irrespective of the day of the week. These standards reflect the importance of daily consultant review, and the consequent actions, to ensure progression of the patient’s care pathway.
Evaluation of the All children being safe Tamworth pilot
The All children being safe (ACBS) programme is an early primary school programme designed to increase students’ awareness and skills about personal safety. A pilot of the programme was conducted in schools between July 2011 and June 2012 in the Tamworth NSW region of Australia. A total of 1,950 children from 15 public primary schools participated in the pilot. The aims of the programme were to:
promote personal safety and resilience in children, young people, and adults, using empowerment strategies, clear communication, and awareness of ‘safe’ behaviours
reduce violence in the community and prevent child abuse
promote life-enriching rather than life-depleting experiences
encourage people to assert their right to feel safe, listen to what their body tells them, follow up by taking action to either solve problems on their own or to seek assistance from other people.
Seeking asylum in Australia: mental health and human rights of children and families
This is a report of a lecture by Professor Louise Newman at a seminar organised by the Australian Institute of Family Affairs in March 2012. The lecture explored the effects of detention on asylum seekers, particularly children and families and examined factors that promote the health and wellbeing of young asylum seekers and families and key barriers to protecting these vulnerable groups.
Children and young people in custody 2011–12: an analysis of the experiences of 15–18-year-olds in prison
This report sets out how young people aged 15 to 18 describe their own experience of imprisonment in 2011-12. Between 2010-11 and 2011-12, the number of young people in custody, held in young offender institutions, fell by 14 per cent and now stands at 1,543. As a result, in 2011-12 there was a further decommissioning of 231 places across the secure estate to reflect the decreasing size of the population. Surveys demonstrate wide variations in young people’s perceptions in different establishments that reflect, in part, differences in their size and functions.
Tools and Data
Chimat Knowledge Update on Children's, Young People's and Maternal Health