Up on the Downs (KS1 & 2)
In this talk children are taught how the downland landscape around the farm came to look the way it did, through both natural and manmade processes. Children are shown how to identify natural features in the landscape, and then place them on a map. They find out about the different types of land on the farm, how they are used, and how things are changing.
This talk supports the following curriculum learning outcomes:
Geography KS1
Knowledge, skills and understanding
Geographical enquiry and skills
1b) Pupils should be taught to observe and record
2a) Pupils should be taught to use geographical vocabulary (for example, hill, river, motorway, near, far, north, south)
2b) Pupils should be taught to make maps and plans
Knowledge and understanding of places
3a) Pupils should be taught to identify and describe what places are like [for example, in terms of landscape, jobs, weather]
3b) Pupils should be taught to identify and describe where places are [for example, position on a map, whether they are on a river]
3c) Pupils should be taught to recognize how places have become the way they are and how they are changing
Geography KS2
Knowledge, skills and understanding
Knowledge and understanding of places
3a) Pupils should be taught to identify and describe what places are like [for example, in terms of weather, jobs]
3c) Pupils should be taught to describe where places are [for example, in which region/country the places are, whether they are near rivers or hills, what the nearest towns or cities are]
3d) Pupils should be taught to explain why places are like they are [for example in terms of weather conditions, local resources, historical development]
3e) Pupils should be taught to identify how and why places change [for example, through conservation projects] and how they may change in the future [for example, through an increase in traffic or an influx of tourists]