University of Central Florida
College of Education
School of Teaching, Learning, and Leadership
Program: Elementary Education
Course Title: Practicum for Assessment and Instruction of Reading (PAIR)
Course Number: RED 4942
Course Credit: 3 hours
Semester: Fall 2010
Instructor: Dr. Karri Williams
Email Address:
Phone Number: 321.433.7922
Office: Cocoa Campus 357
Office Hours: M: 12:00-12:30, 3:15-4:15; T: 12:30-1:30, 4:15-4:45;
Th: 12:00-12:30, 3:15-4:45; and by appointment.
Elementary Program Goal Statement: The Elementary Education Program addresses the following major themes: assessment; differentiation of instruction; integration of art, music, and movement; and, classroom management. In addition, the Elementary Education Program continues to emphasize knowledge of subject matter, research-based “best” practices for all learners, and reflective practice.
Course Description: PR: RED 4519. Corequisite: Internship I. Supervised practicum that provides opportunity to apply knowledge of reading assessment and instruction in order to increase reading proficiency of struggling readers. Concurrent school experience required. Course meets Florida Reading Endorsement Competency 5 and 6. Florida ESOL Performance Standards have been infused within the objectives for this course. Course objectives and assignments are designed to prepare students for the Florida ESOL Endorsement.
Course Goals: The UCF student will further develop and apply knowledge gained in RED 3012 and RED 4519. Students will work with one to three K-12 students in a supervised setting in order to develop greater expertise in working with struggling readers. The course is part of a series of courses that meet Florida Reading Endorsement Competencies. This course especially addresses Competency 5 (Application of Differentiated Instruction) and Competency 6 (Demonstration of Accomplishment).
Course Objectives:
ESOL- English to Speakers of Other Languages
FEAP- Florida Education Accomplished Practices
PEC – Professional Educator Competencies
FSAC- Florida Subject Area Competencies: EE=Elementary K-6; R=Reading K-12
IRA - International Reading Association Standards for Reading Professionals
ACEI - Association for Childhood Education International
REC - Reading Endorsement Competencies
The following objectives are statements of behavior expected of the student at the end of the course.
1. Apply knowledge of language and literacy development in order to create a language-
rich and print-rich environment. (FEAP/PEC 8, 9; FSAC-EE 2; FSAC-R 11; IRA 4.2, 4.3, 4.4;
ESOL 6, 9.;ACEI 2.1; REC 5.2,6.1, 6.12) Case Study, Course Reflections
2. Identify and apply reliable and valid assessment procedures to plan and validate
instruction and monitor progress. (FEAP/PEC: 1, 10; FSAC-EE 6; FSAC-R 9; IRA 3.1, 3.2,
3.3, 4.1; ESOL 21; ACEI 4; REC 5.12, 6.10) Case Study, Course Reflections
3. Identify, set, and monitor long- and short-term standards-based goals for differentiated
instruction especially for struggling readers to address strengths/needs in phonemic
awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, metacognition, and attitude.
(FEAP/PEC 1, 10; FSAC-EE 2, 6; FSAC-R 3, 4, 5, 9; IRA 4.1; ACEI 2.1; REC 5.13, 6.9)
Case Study, Course Reflections
4. Apply knowledge of scientifically-based research in phonics, phonemic awareness,
fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and, metacognition.
(FEAP/PEC 8; FSAC-R 3, 4, 5; FSAC-EE 2; IRA 1.4; REC 5.1, 5.11, 6.2-8)
Case Study, Course Reflections
5. Apply research-based practices and materials for promoting language and literacy
development, including phonics, phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary,
comprehension, metacognition, critical thinking, and content reading.
(FEAP/PEC 4, 8; FSAC-EE 2; FSAC-R 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10; IRA 2.2, 4.2; ESOL 5, 9, 12; ACEI 2.1;
REC 5.1-2, 5.4-9, 5.11; 6.1-8.) Case Study, Course Reflctions
6. Identify and apply techniques for scaffolding instruction (teacher demonstration,
guided practice, independent practice) for children having difficulty in phonemic
awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, metacognition, critical
thinking, and content reading. (FEAP/PEC 7, 9; FSAC-R 11; IRA 2.2, 4.3; ESOL 5, 6, 13;
REC 5.1-9, 5.11; 6.2-8, 6.10) Case Study, Course Reflections
7. Demonstrate instructional techniques, including those that integrate arts/movement,
for working with students with disabilities and LEP students with varying levels of
oral proficiency. (FEAP/PEC 5, 7; PEC 14; FSAC-R 8; IRA 2.2, 2.3; ESOL 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 17;
ACEI 3.2; REC 5.2, 10; 6.1, 10, 11). Case Study, Course Reflections
8. Communicate results of assessment and instruction to specific individuals (child,
parent, teacher, etc.). (FEAP/PEC 2, 11, IRA 3.4, 5.3)
9. Develop plan for classroom management to organize and monitor instructional
contexts for larger groups of students while implementing differentiated instruction
with small groups and individuals. (REC 6.10) Case Study
Course Textbooks:
Leslie & Caldwell. Qualitative Reading Inventory-IV. (used in RED 4519)
Devries. Literacy Assessment and Instruction. (used in RED 4519)
Bear, D.R., Invernizzi, M., Templeton, S.R., & Johnston, F. (2008). Words Their Way: Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling Instruction. 4th ed. ISBN: 978-0-13-223968-4 or 0-13-223968-X.
(used in RED 4519)
Harvey, S. & Goudvis, A. Strategies that Work, 2nd ed. Heinemann. (1st ed available from Dr. W.)
Fountas & Pinnell. Guiding Readers and Writers. (used in RED 3012/4519)
Reutzel & Cooter. Essentials for Teaching Children to Read (used in RED 3012/4519)
Miller, D. Reading with Meaning; Miller, D. Teaching with Intention;
Johnson & Keier, Catching Readers Before They Fall.
Fry et al. The Reading Teacher’s Book of Lists
You will also be required to provide a Strategic Reading Log for your case study child. I will provide materials, and you may purchase from me, or you may provide your own -but you must follow my instructions for the SRL (log).
You may also need materials such as construction paper, sentence strips, index cards, etc. You may need access to a tape recorder and cassette tapes. I have a number of small white boards you may check out throughout the semester.
Course Topics:
Literacy Environment
Assessment Methods: Informal (ex: informal reading inventory, running records, anecdotal records, interests inventory, attitude survey) and Formal (ex: Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test)
Setting reading goals; Monitoring Progress
Instructional Strategies: Matching to assessment needs, strategies in each of the following areas: comprehension, critical thinking, vocabulary, fluency, decoding/phonics, phonemic awareness, metacognition, content area reading.
Scaffolding Instruction; Special needs and LEP students;
Differentiating Instruction and Classroom Management
Communication with school personnel and parents.
Course Evaluation
Class attendance (includes small group conferences) 50 points (4 pts per class meeting)
Reading Professional Notebook 25 points
Teacher Interview /Reflection 25 points
Learning Environment Observation/Reflection 50 points LIVETEXT
Case Study (CS) 200 points
Practicum Checklist, Weekly Reports, Log Sheet (CS child) 50 points
2 Reflective Summaries (midpoint/final) 50 points
Quiz 50 points
TOTAL 500points
Bonus for Catching Readers Before They Fall (Johnson & Keier) ( 25 points
Show tracks of thinking using one of strategies in Strategies that Work.
Share information in class as related to course topics.
Grading Scale: Apply following percentages to total points. A (Excellent)=91100%;
B (Good)=8190%; C (Average)=7180%; D (Passing)=6170%; F (Failure)=60% and below.
See note about “z” grade on final page of syllabus.
Elementary Education majors must upload the Learning Environment Observation/Reflection assignment to LiveText and have it evaluated by Dr. Williams before being allowed to take the final exam.
You must plan to work with you Case Study child a total of 15 hours. That means some time outside of internship. I am planning class meetings to provide you with release time that can help you to meet with your child. (15 hrs: 4 hrs assessment, 10 hrs instruction/intervention, 1 hr post assessment (estimates). 10 hrs of instruction – no more than 2 hrs in a setting, spread over at least 3 weeks – preferably more) You may work with a child longer than 1 hour per day; however, you must carefully monitor attention span. You may go back to first placement to work with the child after you begin 2nd placement. You must work out that plan with the supervising teacher and other intern placed in that classroom.
Calendar Overview:
Note: An additional professional development option for Sept 13th list is to go to your internship placement (with teacher approval) September 8, 10, 15, or 17. You must have a note signed by teacher indicating that you attended for at least half day. You must include reflection of your experiences for that day.
August 26, September 2, September 9, September 16, September 23 – Class Meetings
Sept 30 – meet in small groups with Dr. W.
October 7 – Full Day in School – no class meeting (check in through email)
October 14, 21 – Class meetings
October 28 – meet in small groups with Dr. W.
November 4, November 18– Class meetings
December 2 – Full Day in School
December 9 – Final meeting and quiz
Tentative Calendar – “Work with child” hours are recommended. You must have a total of 15 before turning in Case Study. (see previous page)
Reading Assignments: Identify the focus topic of the week. Think about what you already know, identify your questions/gaps in knowledge, identify sections/chapters from 2 different text to read to increase your knowledge.
Show tracks of your thinking, TOT, (DE journal, graphic organizers, text connections, thinkmarks, STW strategies). I recommend that you identify RECs/ESOL as you track your thinking. This will help with midpoint and final summaries. REC’s identified later in syllabus. TOT due each class meeting.
Hours listed below are cumulative
8/26 / PAIR Overview
9/2 / Assessment for Case Study
Strategic Reading Logs / 2 selected texts:
Assessment / Give all Internship I forms to teacher.
9/9 / Assessment for Case Study
Decoding, Comprehension, Fluency, Attitude, Interests, Perceptions / QRI and 1 selected text:
Assessment / Identify CS child.
Begin assessment.
Begin SRL
Begin intervention. / 1 hour by 9/10
9/16 / Intervention Plan
Comprehension Strategies
Word Work / 2 selected texts:
Monitoring / Continue assessment/ progress monitoring; set goals.
Begin/continue intervention.
Case Study Part I due as soon as pre-assessment complete. / 3hours by
9/23 / Intervention Strategies
Vocabulary, Morphemes,
Phonics / 2 selected texts:
Phonics / Continue progress monitoring and intervention. / 5 hours by 9/25
9/30 / Small group conferences
(Bring CS data, SRL, Reading Professional Notebook, TOT) / 2 selected texts:
Vocabulary / Continue progress monitoring and intervention. / 8 hours by 9/30
10/7 / Full Day in Schools
(Email Dr. W) / Continue progress monitoring and intervention. / 12 hours by 10/8
10/14 / Writing the Case Study
(includes parent letter) / 2 selected texts:
Fluency / Internship I Peformance Profile, Observations, Checklist Due / 14 hours by 10/15
10/21 / Print rich environment
Oral language development / 2 selected texts:
Oral language / Reflective Summary 1 due / (Continue weekly until you have at least 15 total hours with CS child)
10/28 / Small group conferences / Case Study Presentations – Group 1
Mock Parent /Teacher Conferences
Learning Environment Observation/ Reflection Due*
11/4 / Instructional Contexts
Differentiating Instruction / 2 selected texts:
Differentiation / Case Study Presentations – Group 2
Mock Parent /Teacher Conferences
CS Group 1 final CS due
Teacher Interview/Reflection Due*
11/11 / Holiday
11/18 / Response to Intervention / RtI
(look beyond course texts) / Case Study Presentations – Group 3
CS Group 2 final CS due
Reflective Summary 2 due
11/25 / Holiday
12/2 / Full Day in Schools / CS Group 3 final CS due by 12/3
12/9 / Final quiz / Reading Professional Notebook
Internship paperwork due
Case Study Presentations will be made in small groups on 3 separate dates. Group 1 represents those who are ready to present case study results on 10/28 in mock parent/teacher conferences and will then turn in final Case Study on 11/4. Group 2 presents in parent/teacher conferences on 11/4 and turns in final CS on 11/18. Group 3 presents on 11/18 and turns in by 12/3.
Course Assignments:
Class Attendance: Each class meeting or small group conference meeting is worth 4 points. To earn the full points, you must have materials, show “tracks of thinking” from reading texts, be on time, and stay for entire class. Arriving late and leaving early will result in subtraction of one point each. Leaving during class an excessive number of times will result in deletion of points unless there is a documented emergency. Behaviors that distract others from paying attention will also result in deletion of points; examples include use of cell phones, texting, use of computer for other than taking notes, separate private conversations during class discussions/lecture, reading non-class related books, etc. Must have TOT (tracks of thinking) for 2 texts at each meeting.
Reading Professional Notebook. Include syllabi from all 3 reading courses (RED 3012, 4519, 4942); Reading Endorsement Competencies; Elementary Ed K-6 Skills and Competencies (all disciplines); Sunshine State Standards Language Arts (select one grade level); Common Core State Standards (same level as SSS; reading areas); sections from previous courses (ex: SRL); TOT (tracks of thinking); Practicum Checklists/Weekly Reports/Log; course assignments; course handouts. Bring notebook to our small group conferences.
Teacher Interview / Reflection.
Directions: Interview your supervising classroom teacher using the questions below. The questions and responses to these questions must be typed (in a Question/Response format). Identify the grade level taught by the teacher and any relevant school-related information. Include a reflection on the experience. The bulk of the assessment is based on the reflection. DO NOT REPEAT TEACHERS’ ANSWERS IN REFLECTION. INCLUDE YOUR THOUGHTS. Were you surprised by any responses? Be sure to address your beliefs about teaching and learning as it pertains to the questions asked. Relate responses to what you have learned about teaching reading and assessment to date. Include relevant Reading Endorsement Competencies (See rubric on next page). The rubric must be attached to the interview.
Identify teacher, school, grade level.
1. What are the required reading assessments for your classroom?
2. Do you use an Informal Reading Inventory? If so, what is it? (You may want to mention that you are learning how to administer one for this course.)
3. Do you use any additional types of assessment? If so, what?
4. How much time is spent each day on reading instruction?