Unit 2 Study Guide
CRIJ 103 – Introduction to Law and Justice
Chapters 5 thru 8

1. Substantive law is

2. Offenses defined as crimes by all societies are referred to as

3. Legal limitations on the criminal law include all of the following except

4. A bill of attainder

5. The right of privacy

6. The elements of criminal liability include

7. The three forms of the actus reus include

8. According to the Model Penal Code, there are four levels of mens rea. These are

9. The “but for" cause is also referred to as

10. Liability without fault is also referred to as

11. An example of a justification defense is

12. All of the following were elements of larceny under the common law except

13. Generally, actus reus can be fulfilled by

14. ________ addresses the blameworthiness of the suspect, whereas ________ addresses the the suspect’s legal responsibility for his/her actions.

15. To satisfy the requirements of self-defense, the actor must have

16. Criminal procedure law sets forth the

17. The due process model is primarily concerned with

18. The primary source of criminal procedure law is the

19. The court with the final word on the constitutionality of state action is the

20. The two portions of the Fourth Amendment are the

21. One requirement for the issuance of a valid warrant is

22. A critical, urgent situation that may justify ignoring the warrant requirement is sometimes referred to as

23. The standard for when a seizure has occurred is based on the perception of

24. Brief, limited seizures to investigate crime, endorsed by the Supreme Court in 1968, are sometimes referred to as all of the following except

25. A stop and frisk must be based on what level of suspicion?

26. The plain view doctrine allows officers to seize evidence they see so long as the officers

27. Open fields are best defined as

28. The Miranda warning must be given when there is

29. The exclusionary rule is

30. Under the Sixth Amendment, appointed counsel is required only at

31. The burden of proof necessary to meet in a civil trial is

32. Which of the following categories of civil law deals with ownership and possession of real property?

33. In civil law, cases involving personal injury are called

34. The standard of proof in civil cases in which punitive damages are sought is

35. Elements of a two-party contract include

36. For negligence to exist, the plaintiff must prove that

37. If a court finds that Jon’s injury at the negligence of Pete is partly his own fault (30 percent responsible), and he can therefore recover only 70 percent from Pete, this is called

38. General requirements for a valid marriage in a majority of states include all but which of the following?

39. The two categories of grounds for divorce are

40. Child support is based on

41. Using one’s property in such a way that it has an unreasonably adverse effect on other property owners is called

42. The term ordinary care refers specifically to the degree of care expected

43. Contributory negligence is a defense to civil liability that states that

44. Which of the following amendment rights do defendants enjoy in civil cases?

45. Civil law protection against double jeopardy is known as

46. The burden of proof traditionally used in juvenile court has been

47. The first juvenile court was established in 1899 in

48. The term parens patriae refers to the concept of

49. Offenses that are specific to juveniles are called

50. Juvenile law has traditionally fallen under the umbrella of ____ law.

51. The legal term used to describe the level at which a person is legally responsible for his or her actions is

52. Juveniles commit about ___ times more property offenses than we might expect from their proportion in the population.

53. The legal term ex parte refers to a

54. The juvenile court equivalent of an adult criminal trial is

55. Which U.S. Supreme Court case ruled that if a possibility of confinement in a secure facility exists, the “beyond a reasonable doubt” standard of proof applies to juvenile hearings?

56. Which U. S. Supreme Court case(s) abolished the juvenile death penalty?

57. Early places of detention for juveniles in England were known as

58. The Ex Parte Crouse case was about

59. A direct file juvenile waiver is one in which

60. Studies of juvenile waivers have shown that

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