Winter 2009
CWU Dining Services requires that all staff wear the appropriate uniform while working with food or service for any dining unit on campus. The appropriate uniform for is:
Production Staff:
1. Cook’s apron: Black
2. Black pants. Pants may be 100% polyester, a poly/cotton blend slack; or 100% cotton twill.
Jeans are only allowed on “Jean Day”.
3. White Chef Coat with embroidered CWU Dining Services logo
Note: White turtlenecks or plain T-shirts (without logos) worn under the chef coat are acceptable.
4. Cloth hats will be provided for special dinners. Disposable hats will be available for production staff use at each dining unit.
5. White or black leather work shoes (sport shoes okay) or safety shoes with non-skid soles and closed toed shoe.
Effective August, 2002: Work shoes will be included in the Uniform Budget with the following conditions:
a. CWU Dining Services will reimburse half of the cost of the work shoes up to a maximum of $50. For example, work shoes which cost $80 will be reimbursed $40.00. Work shoes which cost $150 will be reimbursed $50.00.
b. The employee may purchase work shoes from the vendor of choice, following the specifications listed above.
c. The employee will have the shoes reviewed by supervisor prior to wearing them. The receipt needs to be signed by the supervisor before submitting to the Leave Record Keeper for reimbursement.
CWU Dining Services Production Team may use his/her uniform allotment to purchase pants and work shoes. Chef Coats will be provided and remain the property of CWU Dining Services. These will be laundered on campus.
1) All civil service production staff may purchase up to six items, to include shoes, for each twelve month period.* Total dollar value of the six items is not to exceed $150 (tax, shipping and handling fees to be paid by Dining Services). Purchase totals over $150 will be the responsibility of the employee.
2) Uniforms musts be purchased through an approved vendor.**
*Definition of 12 month period is January through December each year.
**Currently purchase orders have been set up at the Fred Meyer in Ellensburg and Chef Ware.
3) There are currently three methods to purchase uniforms:
1). Staff members must request the purchase of their uniforms on the appropriate Uniform Purchase Request form. This form is to be turned in to the Office Supervisor (Marilyn) for processing and then sent on to Cheryl Coles (Warehouse) for purchase. When orders arrive, they will be picked up and distributed to the staff member.
2). Staff members who have difficulty finding appropriate uniforms through the
approved purchasing sources, may petition for an exception to purchase
elsewhere. Please write a letter to the Director and include the following
1. Reason asking for exception, including explanation of why product chosen is not available through current approved purchasing sources.
2. Name and location of alternative purchasing source.
3. Detailed information on uniform products the staff member wants to purchase.
If an exception is approved, arrangements will be made to purchase the items.
4). Production staff aprons will be provided at each dining facility. They will be laundered on campus.
Probationary Employees
Probationary employees will be provided with 3 items during the probationary time frame, not to exceed $100. Once the probation time has past, the employee is eligible for the remaining items (4 items, which may include shoes) for the calendar year.
On-Call Staff
On-Call staff are eligible for uniform privileges when they satisfactorily complete a two week training program and work a minimum of 40 hours. At this time, on-call staff is eligible for 2 pair of pants (dollar value not to exceed $70 plus tax and shipping). Shoes are not included in the On-Call staff uniform allowance. CWU Dining Services will provide chef coats and aprons.
Warehouse Staff
The uniform consist of 100% polyester, a poly/cotton blend slack or 100% cotton twill pants, (jean or denim fabric are authorized) and a CWU Dining Services embroidered knit shirt and/or polar fleece vest.
1. Dining Services embroidered knit shirts – Dining Services will provide 4 of these shirts; other shirts/vests will need to be purchased as needed.
Supervisory Staff
The uniform consist of 100% polyester, a poly/cotton blend slack or 100% cotton twill pants (jean or denim fabric are not authorized) and a CWU Dining Services embroidered twill shirt and/or polar fleece vest.
1. All civil service Supervisory staff may purchase up to six items, to include shoes, for each twelve month period. Total dollar value of the six items is not to exceed $200 (tax, shipping and handling fees to be paid by Dining Services). Purchase totals over $200 will be the responsibility of the employee. NO FREE SHIRTS.
All Dining Services staff members are responsible for maintaining the professional appearance of their uniforms and aprons. Uniforms and aprons purchased by Dining Services are to be worn only when working for Dining Services.
All clothing purchased under the uniform policy remain property of the University and must be returned to the University as it wears out or if the employee leaves Dining Services. Yearly uniform allotment balances do not carry over from year to year.
CWU Dining Services Office Personnel:
As representatives of Central Washington University, and more importantly, Dining Services, our appearance makes a difference in the perception for CWU in the eyes of our customers. Therefore, we should dress in a professional manner and in accordance with safety concerns. Please dress neatly and follow the guidelines described below. If you have a concern whether or not a piece of clothing is appropriate, perhaps it should not be worn.
· Clean clothing, free of holes, rips and tears.
· Skirts must be two inches above the knee or longer.
· Pants must be mid-calf length or longer.
· Shoes that completely cover the foot.
· Shorts, t-shirts, sweatpants or sweatshirts, jeans (of any color), spandex tights or gym clothes are not allowed.
· Denim dresses, skirts or blouses are approved.
· Sleeveless shirts are not allowed.
· Obscene or offensive clothing is not allowed.
During Winter/Christmas and Spring Break only, jeans and sweatshirts will be allowed as long as you do not come in contact with any customers. If you have knowledge that a customer will be present in the office or you will be representing the department at a business meeting or University function, you must conform to the policy outlined above.
Dining Services embroidered knit shirts will be provided to the following staff positions to wear when representing Dining Services during normal work times and at Special Events.
1) Supervisors
2) Managers
3) Office Staff/Cashiers
Note on Pants: jeans or denim fabric is not authorized.
Adjustments to the value amount is because Dining Services provides white Chef coats for production staff.
Special Dress Days will be designated throughout the school year to acknowledge Special Dining Events. Guidelines will be posted one (1) week in advance.
CWU Dining Services Management Team will comply with the Office Personnel Dress Code Policy.
Uniform Policy Updated: January 28, 2009
G:\Apollo\Dining\Policy\Uniform Policy.doc
September 7, 2011