USA Defense & Foreign Policymaking Web Quest

Directions: Answer the following questions by using the hyperlinks provided. You are welcome to use other resources to answer these questions.

1. In his farewell message, describe President George Washington’s warning regarding foreign policymaking.

2. Identify foreign/defense policy goals that most presidential administrations tend to promote since WWII.

3. List the formal foreign/defense policy constitutional powers of the president.

4. According to the US Constitution, what role does Congress have in foreign policymaking?

5. How do executive agreements differ from treaties?

6. Explain the role of the State Department when it comes to foreign policymaking.

7. Identify how each of the following organizations/groups help the USA make foreign/defense policy:
A. US Ambassadors:
B. The National Security Council:
C. The Central Intelligence Agency:
D. Joint Chiefs of Staff: