Djerriwarrh Community & Education Services Form

TOID 3771 FO 204

Assessment Task 3 – Third party report

Student name
Qualification / CHC30213 Certificate III in Education Support
Unit(s) of competency: / CHCEDS007 Work Effectively with students and colleagues
CHCDIV001 Work with Diverse People
CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Cultural Safety
Assessor name
Student declaration / I declare that all materials that I am submitting for assessment are my own, original work. No assistance has been accepted from sources other than the prescribed textbook, training notes, handouts, policies and procedures manuals. I understand that I may appeal the assessment decision.
Student’s signature: / Date:
Assessor use only /
Submission requirements / Submitted (Y/N) /
Third party report checklist
Assessment task results: / q Satisfactory / q Not satisfactory / q Further evidence required
Assessor comments/feedback
Is resubmission or further evidence required? Yes q No q
If yes, what is required?
Due date for resubmission:
Assessor’s name
Assessor’s signature / Date:

Authorised by: Training Committee Current Issue: 21 December 2013

Document Owner: Training & Compliance Manager Review Date: 20 December 2015

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CHC30213 Certificate III in Education Support

CHCEDS007 Work Effectively with Students and Colleagues

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to effectively communicate with students and colleagues.

This unit applies to education support work in a variety of contexts and the work is to be undertaken with appropriate guidance, support and supervision by a nominated teacher or other education professional.

No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication.

CHCDIV001 Work with Diverse People

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to work respectfully with people from diverse social and cultural groups and situations, including Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.

This unit applies to all workers.

The skills in this unit must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation, Australian/New Zealand standards and industry codes of practice.

CHCDIV002- Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Cultural Safety

The unit describes the skills and knowledge required to identify Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety issues in the workplace, model cultural safety in own work practice, and develop strategies to enhance cultural safety.

This unit applies to people working in a broad range of roles including those involved in direct client service, program planning, development and evaluation contexts.

The skills in this unit must be applied in accordance with Commonwealth and State/Territory legislation, Australian/New Zealand standards and industry codes of practice.

Instructions for students

Read the Observation Checklist Assessment to gain an understanding of what you and your supervisor need to do to complete the unit.

Complete all activities in this Assessment. This assessment will be undertaken during the Practical Placement under Teacher’s supervision.

Submit the completed Third Party/Supervisor Report Assessment to the Trainer/Assessor for assessment accompanied by a Student Declaration affirming own/original work and Supervisor Declaration

All questions MUST be answered correctly.

Third Party/Supervisor Report Assessment is used together with the Assessment Task One and Assessment Task Two to determine competency in this unit.

Please note:

Do not copy another student’s work. Students must submit their own work. If you copy another student’s work you will be marked Not Yet Competent and have to resubmit the assessment.

Please see the Student Handbook for information on Plagiarism.

Assessment outcomes

The outcomes for all assessment tasks are Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory. If a task outcome is Not Satisfactory, re-assessment may be negotiated with the Trainer/Assessor. Students may be re-assessed on two occasions for each assessment task.

When all assessment tasks for a unit of competence have a Satisfactory outcome, competence in the unit may be recorded.


If you are unhappy with an assessment outcome you may appeal the assessment decision. Refer to Djerriwarrh’s Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure.

Instructions for Practical Placement Supervisor

For this task Work placement Supervisor is required to:

·  Observe student during the placement while completing tasks in this assessment

·  Initial each observed task

·  Complete Third Party report

·  Provide general comment on student’s skills and knowledge on Supporting students behaviour

·  Sign and Date Supervisor Declaration

Assessment Task 3 – Third party report

CHCEDS007 Work Effectively with students and colleagues
CHCDIV001 Work with Diverse People
CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Cultural Safety /
During the work placement: / Yes / No /
1.  / Student is consistently professional, friendly and courteous demonstrating culturally appropriate work practices
Satisfactory should be provided to this statement if you have observed most of the following:
The student is:
·  respectful
·  cooperative
·  pleasant
·  treated others with dignity
·  displayed open and warm body language
·  used culturally appropriate language and gestures, e.g. respected others space, greeted others with an awareness of their customs and preferences
·  worked inclusively with others, e.g. treated others as individuals, acknowledged and valued individual differences and uniqueness
2.  / Student has adhered to all relevant School policy, procedure and legislation set in place, to ensure equity for all pupils and protect from bias and discrimination and promote cultural Safety:
Satisfactory should be provided to this statement if you have observed the following:
The student has adhered to:
·  Anti-discrimination Legislation, School policy and procedure
·  School inclusion support policies
·  Information privacy policies and legislation
·  Equal opportunity policies and legislation
·  Universal Declaration of Human Rights
·  Principles and Practices to enhance sustainability
3.  / The student has demonstrated the ability to make pupils individual needs the focus of learning, ensuring safe and secure spaces both physically and psychologically whilst adhering to OH&S policy and procedure, including using appropriate strategies and resources where communication difficulties or language barrier exists.
Satisfactory should be provided to this statement if you have observed most of the following:
The student:
·  responded with patience
·  used basic language/words
·  listened carefully, with patience
·  repeated words and phrases, allowing time for pupil to practice
·  repeated instructions
·  modelled correct sentence structure
·  observed speech pathologist
·  assisted in small group English language classes
·  encouraged pupils from differing backgrounds, with various skills and abilities to work together in groups or pairs to share skills and knowledge
·  encouraged students from similar linguistic or cultural backgrounds to work together
·  under the direction of the teacher/supervisor, used learning resources to improve communication such as, introducing visual images, diagrams, props, simplified text etc.
·  under the direction of the teacher/supervisor engaged pupils in activities that reflect their cultural heritage e.g. listening to traditional music and practicing traditional dance, celebrating Chinese new year by dressing in costume, “show and tell” objects that are personal to their life, heritage or culture
MUST include:
·  monitored and reported to the teacher/supervisor any concerns about a pupil’s social, emotional or physical well being and/or any potentially harmful incidents e.g. bullying/ negative behaviour or discrimination in accordance with school policy and procedure
·  adhered to WHS Legislation, school policy and procedure, ensuring work/play spaces are clear of any potential hazards, such as spillages, leads across walk- ways, harmful substances, broken chairs, damaged flooring etc.,
4.  / The student clearly states and maintains expectations, has clearly identified ways in which to resolve communication difficulties or misunderstandings, including seeking assistance and advice from the Teacher/ Supervisor and appropriate others giving feedback and acted on feedback to inform and improve work practices
Satisfactory should be provided to this statement if you have observed most of the following:
·  actively sought assistance from the teacher/supervisor and/or other support staff when helping with the communication needs of individual pupils e.g. discussed communication strategies with specialists such as speech pathologist, interpreter, school counsellor
·  demonstrated sensitivity and empathy toward pupils with a disability and/or whose first language is not English
·  asked pupils appropriate questions to assist with understanding their needs
·  worked effectively in collaboration with others to make learning resources and activities better accessed and understood using translations, visual prompts, images, pictures, diagrams, maps, technology to illustrate message eg., incorporating words with symbols that are used world-wide.
·  aware that interpreters can be accessed according to student needs
Overall comments
Supervisor name: / Supervisor declaration:
The above represents my personal observations of the placement student and/or comments provided to me by staff who have observed the student within a classroom setting.
Supervisor position:
Supervisor signature:

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