Classroom Expectations
Topic: Speaking and Listening / 3rd Grade TeamElmore, Jones, Simmons, White
Focus Standards:
SL.3.1b Follow agreed upon rules for discussions
SL.3.1c Ask questions to check understanding of information presented, stay on topic, and link their comments to the remarks of others.
SL.3.6 Speak in complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation in order to provide detail or clarification. / Universal Student Practices
-Demonstrate independence
-Build strong content knowledge
-Respond to varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline
-Comprehend as well as critique
-Value Evidence
-Use technology and digital media strategically and capably
-Come to understand other perspectives and cultures / Math
-Make sense of problems and preserve in solving them
-Reason abstractly and quantitatively
-Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning with others
-Model with mathematics
-Use appropriate tools strategically
-Attend to precision
-Look for and make use of structure
-Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
Supporting Standards
R.CCR.7 Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse media and formats, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words.
W.3.1b Provide reasons that support the opinion.
Given a scenario, students will create a visual representation of a specified classroom expectation. / Topic Essential Question (s):
How can expectations change with my environment?
Kagan Strategies:
Round Robin
Formative/Summative Assessment
Pre-assessment aligned with learning targets / Running Record
Anecdotal Records / x / Data from class discussion
Students monitor progress to reach target or set goals / Selected and/or Constructed responses
Journals/Learning Log / Conferences/Interviews
Portfolio / x / Rubrics and/or scoring guides
Project / Essay
x / Performance task/event / Multiple Choice
Learning Targets:
Know Classroom Procedure Expectations
Understand Classroom expectations and consequences
Do work with a partner to portray a particular expectation
I can demonstrate an understanding of classroom expectations.
I can work with others.
I can ask questions for clarification.
Day 1 of a 5 day lesson.
Assessment/Assessment Task:
Writing Prompt:
Why is it important to “Be the best You?” / Activating prior knowledge/connections to previous instruction:
-Jot Thoughts: What do you think of when you hear the word “Expectations”?
Resources and Technolgy:
-Blast Expectations -My Mouth is a Volcano!
-PowerPoint -Index cards
-blank face -crayons
Instructional Delivery
Activity / Description of Activities and Setting
I. Focus and Review (Prior Knowledge) / Present Focus Question
Jot Thoughts (First introduction to procedure
II. Statements / Share “I Can” Statements
III. Teacher Input / Remind students of Blast Expectations with PowerPoint
Expectation Focus: Be the Best You
“My Mouth is a Volcano!”
IV. Guided Practice / Working with a partner and given a blank face, students will write ways in which they can “Be the best You.” Teacher circulates room to probe and support the process. Students will share their share their responses with the class to make a big “Be the best You” Poster.
V. Independent Practice / Writing Prompt: Why is it important to “Be the best You?”
Wrap Up/Student Reflection
Review I Can Statements and Jot Thoughts Procedure
Students will synthesize and adjust previous responses to “Expectations” / Reflection:
Day 2 of a 5 day lesson.
Assessment/Assessment Task:
Writing Prompt: Why is it important to listen with understanding? / Activating prior knowledge/connections to previous instruction:
-Jot Thoughts: What do you think of when you hear the word “Expectations”?
-Blast Expectations -My Mouth is a Volcano!
-PowerPoint -Index cards
-top hat organizer
Instructional Delivery
Activity / Description of Activities and Setting
I. Focus and Review (Prior Knowledge) / Present Focus Question
Jot Thoughts (First introduction to procedure)
II. Statements / Share “I Can” Statements
III. Teacher Input / Remind students of Blast Expectations with PowerPoint
Expectation Focus: Listening with Understanding
“My Mouth is a Volcano!”
IV. Guided Practice / Students work in groups to complete group lists of times when you should Listen with Understanding. Teacher circulates to probe and support the process. Students will sort responses into at home, at school, and both.
V. Independent Practice / Writing Prompt: Why is it important to listen with understanding?
Wrap Up/Student Reflection
Review I Can Statements and Jot Thoughts Procedure
Students will synthesize and adjust previous responses to “Expectations” / Reflection:
Day 3 of a 5 day lesson.
Assessment/Assessment Task:
Writing Prompt: Why is it important to accept differences? / Activating prior knowledge/connections to previous instruction:
-Jot Thoughts: What do you think of when you hear the word “Expectations”?
-Blast Expectations -The Skin I’m In
-PowerPoint -Index cards
-The Ugly Duckling -Answer Cards
Instructional Delivery
Activity / Description of Activities and Setting
I. Focus and Review (Prior Knowledge) / Present Focus Question
Jot Thoughts (First introduction to procedure)
II. Statements / Share “I Can” Statements
III. Teacher Input / Remind students of Blast Expectations with PowerPoint
Expectation Focus: Accept Differences
The Skin I’m In and The Ugly Duckling
IV. Guided Practice / Using a PPT, teacher displays various scenarios. Students have to decide whether or not, the accepting difference is depicted. Students will respond using yes/no answer cards. Teacher and students will discuss responses.
V. Independent Practice / Writing Prompt: Why is it important to accept differences?
Wrap Up/Student Reflection
Review I Can Statements and Jot Thoughts Procedure
Students will synthesize and adjust previous responses to “Expectations” / Reflection:
Day 4 of a 5 day lesson.
Assessment/Assessment Task:
Students complete Striving for Accuracy Word Splash Activity / Activating prior knowledge/connections to previous instruction:
-Jot Thoughts: Brainstorm a list of all the successful people you know or have heard about. Write their names. (Developing HOM pg. 75)
-Blast Expectations -Word Splash Worksheet
-PowerPoint -Index cards
-Chart Paper -I’m Successful When
Instructional Delivery
Activity / Description of Activities and Setting
I. Focus and Review (Prior Knowledge) / Present Focus Question
Jot Thoughts (First introduction to procedure)
II. Statements / Share “I Can” Statements
III. Teacher Input / Teacher and students complete #s 1-5 an “I’m Successful When…” Chart together as a class.
Q: “What does it mean to do your best or give it your all? How do you know when you have done your best? How does Striving for Accuracy relate to success?
Help students define Striving for Accuracy.
IV. Guided Practice / Students complete #6-10 with their face partner.
V. Independent Practice / Students complete Striving for Accuracy Word Splash Activity
Wrap Up/Student Reflection
Review I Can Statements and Jot Thoughts Procedure
Students will synthesize and adjust previous responses to “Expectations” / Reflection:
Day 5 of a 5 day lesson.
Assessment/Assessment Task:
Given a scenario, students will create a visual representation of a specified classroom expectation. / Activating prior knowledge/connections to previous instruction:
-Jot Thoughts: What does the word responsibility mean?
-Blast Expectations -crayons -top hot organizer
-PowerPoint -Index cards
-scenarios -blank paper
Instructional Delivery
Activity / Description of Activities and Setting
I. Focus and Review (Prior Knowledge) / Share focus question.
Jot Thoughts: What does the word responsibility mean?
II. Statements / Share “I Can” Statements
III. Teacher Input / Remind students of Blast Expectations with PowerPoint
Expectation Focus: Taking Responsibility
IV. Guided Practice / Students work in groups to complete group lists of times when you should Take Responsibility. Teacher circulates to probe and support the process. Students will sort responses into at home, at school, and both.
V. Independent Practice / Given a scenario, students will create a visual representation of a specified classroom expectation.
Wrap Up/Student Reflection
Review I Can Statements and Jot Thoughts Procedure
Students will synthesize and adjust previous responses to “Expectations” / Reflection:
Formatted by: Shatia Simmons