
KPTC – AGM Meeting 213July20165

The meeting opened at 7:3545 pm


Present –There were 18 attendees (D Simpson, G Powell, J Byrne, L Sargent, P Budd, R Daggers, V Daggers, L Sorani, B Chaudy, R Hocking, W Booth, E Kiefer, D Fairy, X Liu, N Eaton, R Greening, W Eaton, D Edgley)Don Simpson, Val Daggers, Roy Hocking, Peter Budd, Debra Fairy, Ern Kiefer, Nicole Eaton, Ray Greening, Lou Sorani, Ben Liu, Michele Gaca (currently a friends of KPTC member), Steve Close, Warren Booth, Wayne Eaton, Robert Newnham, Dylan Edgley, Chris Hall

Apologies – There were 4 6 apologies: (Gayle Powell, Jeff Byrne, Elizabeth Byrne, Brad Tuckerman, Robin Lawrie, Ray DaggersJ Oliver, G Newnham, S Close, J Kronk)


Minutes of the 20154 AGM meeting-(July) were distributed at the meeting:

Acceptance of the minutes:

Moved: Ern Kiefer Roy Hocking Seconded Ern Kiefer Motion carriedNicole Eaton


The V President read thetabled a report on behalf of the President and spoke to the meeting in regard to its highlights.

Motion: That the Presidents’ Report be accepted.

Moved: Roy HockingDon Simpson Seconded NicoleGayle PowelEatonl. Motion carried

The decision made during the year to grant Life Membership to Margaret Austin was endorsed.


The audited Treasurer’s report was tabled at the meeting by the PresidentTreasurer.

P Budd commented on the higher cost of water and the committee is still investigating this.(the Treasurer an apology).

Motion: Thatr the Treasurer’s Report be accepted.

Moved: StevePeter BuddClose Seconded WayneNicole Eaton.Eaton Motion carried

Mid-week Ladies audited financial report was also tabled by Loma Sargent..


Don Simpson expressed concern about the cost of the family membership. Ern Kiefer put the view that the fees in his view should have remained the sameThe committee recommended that the subscriptions be left at the same value of the 2015/16 subscriptions..

Motion: That all fees be left at last year rates.

Moved: Ern Kiefer Seconded: Val daggers. Motion defeated (3 FOR 13 AGAINST)

Motion: That the fees recommended for 2015/16 by the Committee (listed below) be approved.

Moved: Val Daggers Jeff Byrne Seconded: WayneEaton Peter Budd

Motion carried

The following membership fees will apply for 2015/16:

Full Adult:______$170




Friends of KPTC:______$20


A mid-week ladies report was given by Gayle PowellVal Daggers.

Motion: That therMid-week ladies Report be accepted.

Moved: PeterBuddVal Daggers Seconded RoyHocking Gayle Powell

Motion carried


A Coach report was given by Dylan Edgley.

Motion: Thatthe Coach Report be accepted.

Moved: Don Simpson Roy Hockey Seconded Don S BenLiu

Motion carried


A Junior’s report was given by Debra Fairy.

A Senior’s report was given by Don Simpson

Motion: Thatthe Junior and Senior Reports be accepted.

Moved:Dylan Edgley Jeff Byrne Seconded Roy Hocking Don Simpson

Motion carried


A Senior’s report was given by Don Simpson

A Night tennis and Metro Masters report was given by Don Simpson.

Motion: That the Night tennis, Seniors and Metro Masters Reports be accepted.

Moved: Ben Liu Roy Hocking Seconded:ValDaggers Debra Powell

Motion carried

Val Daggers commented that the Social Players on Tuesday afternoon interfere with the ladies competition and suggested that they commence play a little later. Don agreed to ask the players to show more consideration while the competition is still being completed.


A membership report was given by Nicole Eaton.

As at end of June: 204 members, 100 full, 31 junior, 1 pennant, 4 friends, 7 life, 25adults part of family, 36 junior as part of family. (15 family groups).

It would appear that some pennant players are currently playing without paying the pennant fee. Committee to follow up.

Motion: That the Membership Report be accepted.

Moved: Nicole Eaton Seconded: Don Simpson

Motion carried Currently we have 244 members which is a healthy increase from this time last year of 204 members.


Motion: That the Honorariums remain the same as last year - $100 each to Treasurer, Secretary and Junior Convenor.

Moved: Ben Liu Gayle Powell Seconded:Ray Greening Ray Greening

Motion carried


A proposed new constitution which complies with State Government “Model Rules’ has been developed by the Committee. It has been on the notice board since June 20 allowing for members to review. It was noted that amendment to the Constitution requires 75% support at a General Meeting of the Club.

Val expressed concerns about proxy voting although it was noted that this is already provided for in the current constitution.

Ern K queried: Page 7, Item 14.4 (3) c referred to rule 30(4) (b) (ii).

Motion: That the proposed new Constitution be accepted with the following modifications:

14.4.3 (c) amended to “ the financial statements be submitted to the AGM as required by the model rule”.

14.6.4 be added as “The Secretary shall publish a list of all nominations on the notice board 7 days prior to the meeting”.

The list of nominated committee members be posted by the secretary 7 days prior to the AGM.

Moved: Jeff Byrne Seconded: Wayne Eaton

Motion carried unanimously


2016/175/16 Committee office bearers and members were elected without requiring a formal vote.

President:Jeff Byrne

Vice President:Debra Fairy

Treasurer:Steve Close

Secretary:Peter Budd

Committee members:

Brad Tuckerman

Dylan Edgley

Gary Newnham

Warren Booth

Don Simpson

Jan ChristieNicole Eaton

Ben Liu

Elizabeth Byrne

Gayle Powell (Mid week Ladies rep)

It was requested that the Secretary add the nominators and seconders to the notice board.

Motion: That the committee members and office bearers as listed above be agreed to.

Moved: Lou Sorani Seconded: Warren Booth Motion carried

Junior Convenor:Debra Fairy


The selection committee elected was:

Ben Liu &Don Simpson for ERT Sat afternoon, night tennis, masters

Debra Fairy and Dylan Edgley for Junior

Dylan Edgley and Justin Stute for Pennant.

Moved: Peter Budd Seconded: Warren Booth Motion carried David Jones, Nicole Eaton (admin). The committee is still seeking another selection committee member.


Motion: That the current auditor be retained(Geoff Boult). Current auditing was conducted by Adam Nassios due to Geoff Boult illness.

Moved: Don Simpson Jeff Byrne Seconded: ErnKiefer Peter Budd

Motion carried


A report was presented by Don Simpson.


Ern asked for committee meeting minutes to be added to website and hard copy to the notice board.

Gayle pointed out that a few life members were not on the membership list and therefore did not receive notification of the AGM. This has now been rectified.

The committee decided that the club would be enhanced if we had a liaison co-ordinator to link junior with senior competitions to enable easier transition from junior comp into senior/pennant comp. The committee will be pursuing this role as a matter of urgency.

Ern asked the committee to let the church know that a car belonging to one of our members was damaged by church goers.

Val thanked Ray Greening, Ray Daggers and Ern Kiefer for their hard work done around the club

Peter commented on a meeting that he and Debra Fairy attended at WHC and the lack of funds expected for clubs from Council. Discussion took place around future options.

Ern indicted that the roof of back shed is damaged. Don reported that strategies were in progress.

Meeting ended at 8:409:45pm

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