March , 2008


Address 1

Address 2

Address Line 3

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Name2:

Greetings from Mount Mercy! No matter what the landscape looks like, we know the approach of spring is inevitable, and with that we look forward, with excitement and pride, to the festivities surrounding graduation and commencement!

Please accept my personal congratulations to you as parents, on Name3’s upcoming graduation. Our students often share with us that without the support and encouragement of their families, they couldn’t make it through some of the struggles they face while striving toward the challenging goal of graduation. We believe Mount Mercy has a particularly hard-working student body! Many of our students carry a full load academically, work two or three jobs, participate in a club or campus organization, volunteer for service missions – they deserve our congratulations and special recognition as they reach this milestone!

We’d like to invite you to participate in two special recognition programs that have become enduring traditions at Mount Mercy by which you may honor Name3’s accomplishments.

Mount Mercy’s Named Scholarship program is a wonderful way to give back to the Mount Mercy community, add value to Name3’s diploma, and honor his/her success. A gift of $500 or more will provide scholarship funding in Name3’s name for a Mount Mercy student in the coming academic year. You may want to designate the scholarship in Name3’s name to a student in his/her major field of study, or simply leave it unrestricted, allowing Mount Mercy to select a deserving recipient.

Our Library Bookplate program is also a great way to give a lasting gift in Name3’s name. Your gift of $50 or more will honor your child’s name and graduation year on a bookplate in a new book for the Busse Library collection. The bookplate will read:

This book was given in honor of the 2008 Commencement of

Name3’s last name

The bookplate displays an artist’s rendering of the Busse Library Center and will be a lasting commemoration of Name3’s graduation as well as a benefit to future generations of students.

Please consider one of these unique gifts to recognize Name3’s accomplishments at Mount Mercy. Once again, congratulations. Enjoy this very special time.

Sincere blessings,

Debra K. Gardner

Assistant Director of Development for Annual Support